Task 3: Horizontal multiple-choice answers


In the hp6.cs_ file, search for this text:

ol.MCAnswers li{

This is the beginning of the code which handles list items in the ordered list of multiple-choice answers in JQuiz.


Add your handle and explanation, inside a comment:

/* MDH_Custom: Next two lines make m/c answers list horizontally. */


Add the following line to the code:

display: inline;


Now, because the answers will be next to each other, we need to create some space after each answer to separate them. Add the following line to the code:

margin-right: 4.0em;


This is what you should see:

ol.MCAnswers li{
/* MDH_Custom: Next two lines make m/c answers list horizontally. */
  display: inline;
  margin-right: 4.0em;
  margin-bottom: 1em;


Save the file, then create an exercise in JQuiz and view it in your browser. Here's an example.