Task 8: Controlling question navigation (1)


Find the Hot Potatoes source folder, and copy the jquiz6.ht_ file into your custom source folder.


Open the file in your text editor, and search for the XHTML code for the Show All Questions button. It's inside a <p> tag, and it looks like this:

<p style="text-align: right;">
<button id="ShowMethodButton"
onclick="ShowHideQuestions(); return false;">[strShowAllQuestionsCaption]</button>


Comment out the whole button, adding your handle and comment at the same time, like this:

<!-- MDH_Custom: This button is commented out to hide it. -->
<!-- <p style="text-align: right;">
<button id="ShowMethodButton"
onclick="ShowHideQuestions(); return false;">[strShowAllQuestionsCaption]</button>
</p> -->
<!-- MDH_Custom: End of section commented out. -->


Save the file, then create an exercise in JQuiz and view it in your browser to check that the button has disappeared. If everything works OK, then move on to the second part of the task on the next page.