6.1: Grammar - Articles

book-wb (3K)
man-vb (1K)
woman-vb (1K)
baby-vb (5K)
  • A- Ni' 'untsu kwthunu poukw?
Where is my book?
  • B- 'E'ut 'i 'u tu'i.
Here it is.
  • A- Ni' 'untsu kwthu swuy'qe'?
Where is the man?
  • B- Na'ut tthu swuy'qe'.
There is the man.
  • A- Ni' 'untsu lhu slheni'?
Where is the woman?
  • B- Na'uth thu slheni'.
There is the woman.
  • A- Ni' 'untsu lhu qeq?
Where is the baby (girl)?
  • B- 'E'uth thu qeq.
Here is the baby (girl).

In the last lesson, we saw that the articles tthu and kwthu could be used in referring to things. These articles are also used when referring to male persons.

sit-down-vb (2K) Ni' hwts’e'nutsum tthu swuy'qe'. The man (visible) sat down. standup-v (2K) Ni' lhxilush tthu swiw'lus. The boy (visible) stood up.
sing-vb (2K) Ni' t'ilum kwthu swuy'qe'. The man (out of sight) sang. cryingbaby2 (5K) Ni' xeem kwthu qeq. The baby boy (out of sight) cried.

Different articles are used to refer to female persons.

sing2-vb (2K) Ni' t'ilum thu slheni'. The woman (visible) sang. cryingbaby (5K) Ni' xeem thu qeq. The baby girl (visible) cried.
talk2-vb (1K) Ni' qwal lhu slheni'. The woman (out of sight) spoke. sit-down2-vb (2K) Ni' hwts'e'nutsum lhu s'eluhw*. The elder woman (out of sight) sat down.

*Note:   The Cowichan Tribes write s-eluhw. However, we spell this word s'eluhw throughout these lessons.