25.11: Crossword


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
 1    2        3     4    5   
6          7         
   8    9            
 10          11      12    
   13    14    15          
         17     18     
  21    22         23     24   
25          26         


2. I have come
6. here (adv.)
7. to not know, be ignorant (inf)
8. I think; reckon, judge
10. farthest (m.s..nom.)
11. I announce, report
13. faithful, loyal
18. he/she says ('defective' verb)
19. from the wise men (dat. pl.)
22. then (adv)
23. I deny, I say that...not
25. I lie (prostrate, dead)
26. I hope, hope for


1. languages
3. twin (m.s. nom.)
4. they say ('defective' verb)
5. I distinguish, discern, perceive
8. I have disclosed, revealed, laid bare
9. then (adv.)
12. I lay (prostrate, dead) - perfect.
14. thereupon, then, next
15. games
16. I undertake
17. I have undertaken
20. fierce, savage
21. I murder, kill
24. I hate