36.16: Crossword


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
1    2       3          4     
6        7       8        9   
  10             11       
   12            13       
  15   16                 
         17          18   
         20       21      
 23             24        


1. I restore, revive, refresh, cheer
3. to occur, happen, become, be made
6. I care for, attend to, heal, cure, take care
7. perhaps
10. I please, amuse, delight, pass time pleasantly
11. I drive out, force out, exact, drive through, complete, perfect
12. I seek, ask for, miss, need, require
13. I harmed, injured (+ dat)
14. I compel, force, drive/force together
15. I came to, approached
17. I decided, settled, decreed
19. I scorn, despise
20. chains, bonds, fetters
23. I scorned, despised
24. I come to, approach
25. I beat, crushed, bruised, destroyed
26. of desire, of passion
27. I harvested, plucked, seized


2. I harvest, pluck, seize
3. I become, am made
4. I drove/forced out, perfected, exacted, completed
5. I decide, settle, decree
6. daily
7. I (masc.) was made, became (hint: write as one word)
8. I make clear, brighten, cheer up, soothe
9. I beg, beseech, speak, plead, entreat
14. I compelled, forced, drove/forced together
16. I crush, bruise, destroy, beat
18. of the breast, heart
21. reader (f.)
22. reader (m.)
24. keen, eager, severe woman (adj.)