37.16: Crossword


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
 1       2        3   4      5     
     8    9          10       
       12     13     14         
       16        17   18        
        20          21      
22       23                24   
  25               26       
    28            29    30      
     32           33        


3. doors
6. unmoved, unchanged, unrelenting
7. to go
8. out of doors, outside
10. at home
11. I go
12. I return, go back
14. ground, earth, soil
15. I rested
16. I am accustomed
17. homes, houses
22. I went
23. I kill, murder
26. I pass away, am destroyed, perish
27. Syracuse
28. I killed, murdered
29. it was permitted, allowed
31. the country, countryside
32. of the journey, road, route
33. absent, away
34. I (fem.) travelled abroad, wandered


1. Athens
2. from home
4. I go away, depart
5. We drove, led, did, acted
6. suitable, fit, appropriate
7. I go in, enter
9. of the country, countryside
10. to(wards) home
13. I go out, leave, exit
15. I rest
18. I go up against, meet, die
19. it is permitted, one may
20. I travel abroad, wander
21. I approach, go to
24. I (fem.) was accustomed, used to
25. pleasing, agreeable, grateful
30. chaste, pure, sacred things (adj.)