2.13: Grammar - 'Un'so'
Link the given words together using 'un'so'. If a pronoun (ch, tseep) is included, remember to put it in the correct position. Type your answer in the text box and click on "Check."
'umut (get out of bed), m'i 'ewu (come here)
lumhwshenum (stamp your feet), tseep (you (pl.)), lhuqw'tssum (clap your hands)
'unuhw (stop), ch (you), xlhas (eat)
tseep (you (pl.)), hwts'e'nutsum (sit down), hwyunumus (smile)
lhxilush (stand up), xwchenum (run)
qw'uyulush (dance), t'ilum (sing), ch (you)