3.8: Grammar - "What do you call ...?"

watch-vb (2K)
light-vb (2K)
  • A- Stem 'a'lu kw'un's hun'ut tthey'?
What is that called?
  • B- Wech (kw'un's hun'ut tu'i).
It is a watch. / This is called a watch.
  • A- Stem 'a'lu kw'un's hun'ut tthey'?
What is that called?
  • B- Huy'qwoon' (kw'un's hun'ut tthey').
It is a light. / That is called a light.

Another way of asking stem questions is to say, literally, "What do you call...?" Kw'un's hun'ut means "you call it" or "you name it".

Stem kw'un's hun'ut?"What is it called?"
Stem kw'un's hun'ut tthey'?"What is that called?"
Stem 'a'lu kw'un's hun'ut tthey'?"What is that called?" (speaker wonders)