5.11: Grammar - Locations

pencil-vb (1K)
key4 (4K)
wallet (2K)
  • A- Ni' 'untsu kwthunu xul'tun?
Where is my pencil?
  • B- Sun'iw' 'u tthu xthum (tthu xul'tun).
It/the pencil is in the box.
  • A- Tth'ihwum ch 'i' 'amust thu Lisa.
Please give it to Lisa.
  • A- Ni' 'untsu kwthu lukli?
Where is the key?
  • B- Sts'uts'e' 'u tthu lutem (tthu lukli).
It/the key is on the table.
  • A- Tth'ihwum ch 'i' 'amust tthu Fred.
Please give it to Fred.
  • A- Ni' 'untsu kwthunu shtulelu?
Where is my wallet?
  • B- Si'q 'u tthu shts'e'nutstun (tthun' shtulelu).
It/your wallet is under the chair.
  • C- Tth'ihwum ch 'i' 'amustham'sh.
Please give it to me.

The location word (such as sun'iw' "in") can be followed by the place and then the noun phrase being talked about. The place is preceded by the preposition 'u.

Sun'iw' 'u tthu xthum tthu xul'tun. "The pencil is inside the box."
location word place talked about
Sts'uts'e' 'u tthu lutem tthu lukli. "The key is on the table."
location word place talked about

The opposite order is also possible: The noun phrase being talked about follows the verb of location, and is followed by the place. Again, the place is preceded by the preposition 'u.

Sun'iw' tthu xul'tun 'u tthu xthum. "The pencil is inside the box."
location word talked about place
Sts'uts'e' tthu lukli 'u tthu lutem. "The key is on the table."
location word talked about place