8.3: Grammar - Predicate Adjectives

A sentence can be divided into the subject and the predicate. The subject of a sentence is the person, thing, place, or idea which the sentence is about. The predicate is the part of the sentence which gives information about the subject.

Adjectives are used for description. Adjectives can be used as predicates. In Hul'q'umi'num', you do not need to use a verb like English is or are to connect the predicate to the subject. Simply place the adjective at the beginning of the sentence and then follow it with a noun phrase for the thing or person described.

fat-vb (1K)
Thi tthunu mun'u.
adjective person described
Thi tthunu mun'u.
My son is big.
house-vb (2K)
Tsakw kwthun' lelum'.
adjective thing described
Tsakw kwthun' lelum'.
Your house is far away.
talk2-vb (1K)
Sthuthi' tthun' sqwal.
adjective thing described
Sthuthi' tthun' sqwal.
Your words are correct.