10 useful verbs

In this chapter we will focus on action and activities, which means verbs and accompanying vocabulary. All but the verb tener are AR verbs. Click on the hypertext link to hear the verb and its conjugations pronounced.


tener (yo tengo, el/ella tiene)

to have (I have, he/she has)


desear (yo deseo, el/ella desea)

to desire, want (I desire, he/she desires)


cenar (yo ceno, el/ella cena)

to dine (I dine, he/she dines)


estar en casa (yo estoy, el/ella está)

to be at home (I am , he/she is)

necesitar (yo necesito, el/ella necesita)

to need (I need, he/she needs)


estudiar (yo estudio, el/ella estudia)

to study (I study, he/she studies


hablar (yo hablo, el/ella habla)

to talk or speak (I speak, he/she speaks)


llamar (yo llamo, el/ella llama)

to call, to shout (I call, he/she calls)


regresar (yo regreso, el/ella regresa)

to return (I return, he/she returns)


trabajar (yo trabajo, el/ella trabaja)

to work (I work, he/she works)


tomar (yo tomo, el/ella toma)

to take or drink (I take, he/she takes)