Possessive adjectives
Spanish possessive adjectives--unlike their English counterparts--have both singular and plural forms. Like other Spanish adjectives, they must agree in gender and number with the thing possessed, not with the possessor.
Singular Plural English
mi mis my
tu tus your
su sus your (form.), his, her, its
nuestro(as) nuestros(as) our
vuestro(as) vuestros(as) your (pl., inf.)
su sus your (form.), their
EXAMPLES: Yo tengo tus libros hoy.
Ella necesita mi pluma.
Possessive adjectives always come before the nouns their modify. This is true regardless of gender and number of the noun.
  • Mi amigo se llama Gerardo.
       My friend is named Gerardo.
  • Nuestros perros son grandes.
       Our dogs are large.
  • Attention:
    Nuestro and vuestro are the only possessive adjectives that change with the gender of the noun. The others take the same endings for both genders.
  • Nuestra casa es bonita.
       Our house is beautiful.
  • Vuestros perros son grandes.
       Your dogs are huge.
  • Attention:
    Su and sus have several possible meanings. Therefore, the form de él (or de ella, de ellos, etc.) are often substituted to avoid confusion.
  • Sus libros
       Los libros de ella.
  • Su casa
       La casa de ellos.