These are a few of my favourite images and texts and some notes on why I like each one. Mostly, it's because something struck me as funny.
This passage is a local story about Athene's real father. I just found it interesting and amusing. Herodotus: Histories 4.180.4
The sheer audacity of Theseus and Pirathous is unbelievable. Apollodorus e.1.23
The Rape of Persephone isn't something I'd normally call "amusing", but this wall painting is very charming. Image, Kerch, wall painting, 1st century AD, MM
I guess when you're ruler of all the gods, it doesn't matter if you're smooth with the ladies or not. Homer: Iliad 14.315
This statue of Silenus with the Infant Dionysus I find very beautiful. Image,
Roman copy after a statue attributed to Lysippos, original ca 310-300 BC, AS
But this vase painting of the birth of Dionysos is just funny. Image,
Alkimachos Painter, ca 460 BC, MM
This fawn is sticklike, yet very graceful. Image, on Perseus.
There is something rather...salacious about this account of Iphimedia and her passion for Poseidon. Apollodorus 1.7.5
I really like the style of the figures in this Return of Hephaistos to Olympos. Image,
Corinthian Amphoriskos, early 6th century BC, MM
Again, it was the style of the figures that l liked here in this depiction of Artemis as Potnia Theron (Mistress of Animals) Image, Boeotian vase, ca 680 BC, MM
Eros has the greatest smirky look on his face in this statue of Aphrodite, Eros, and Pan Image, Delos, ca 100 BC, AS
The almost cartoony quality of these figures is something I really enjoy: Apollo and Python on omphalos Image,
Attic lekythos, ca 470 BC, MM
Mercury and Argos aren't that funny, but Io looking out of the door in the cow is really hysterical. Image,
French miniature, 15th century, MM
This story of Hephaistos and Athene makes me giggle every time. Apollodorus 3.14.7
I love the way Heracles is straining to hold up the sky and Athene is effortless lifting it with one hand. Image,
Olympia, temple of Zeus, ca 470-456 BC, MM
The look on Zeus' face says it all. Image,
Painter C, ca 570 BC, MM
Zeus and Hermes: are those beards or do their chins really stick out that far? Image,
Chimaera Painter, ca 530-520 BC, MM
And my favourite:
Poseidon, the Earth Shaker, gone fishing: Image
Oltos, ca 520 BC, MM