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The Linguistics Department at the University of Victoria is lively, collegial, and growing !

• We have a strong commitment to and a tradition of bringing together the descriptive, theoretical, and practical sides of linguistics in our research and programs.

• We have a long-standing research focus on languages of the Pacific Rim.

• We are committed to the study of indigenous languages, language retention, revitalization, and preservation, and to community-based research.

• We join with the Faculty of Education in hosting Dr. Lorna Williams as the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Knowledge and Learning.

• We are known for providing excellent and supportive training at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

• We have Linguistics and Applied Linguistics undergraduate/graduate programs, enabling students and faculty to ground their work in both theoretical and applied language research.

• We offer a comprehensive set of courses in Acoustic, Articulatory, Auditory and Experimental Phonetics as well as a unique B.Sc. in Linguistics that prepares students for work in speech sciences and technology.