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The department offers two 15-unit programs, one with thesis and the other without, leading to the MA in Applied Linguistics degree. The programs are designed to provide advanced graduate training in theories and research in the areas of second language acquisition (SLA) and the practice of second language teaching methodology. Students will pursue their research goals through course work and either a thesis or a major research paper. Our department offers excellent opportunities for completing a graduate degree in a distinguished academic program at a dynamic university.

Course Requirements

Course Requirements in both the thesis and the project-based option include the following:

Two core courses in applied linguistics:

  • LING 574 and LING 575                               3.0

Two core courses in linguistics:

  • Syntax (LING 503 or LING 508)                  1.5
  • Phonology (LING 505 or LING 510)           1.5

Three units of electives in the thesis option and six in the project-based option, drawn from the following courses:

  • LING 500, 504, 509, 531, 570, 572, 573, 576, 577, 586, 592, 595, 596

Project-based MA students may include 1.5 units from relevant courses in other departments determined in consultation with the student's supervisor.

Project-based MA students complete LING 598 (3.0 units) Major Research Paper and thesis students complete LING 599 (6.0 units) MA Thesis.

Language Requirement
MA in Applied Linguistics students must satisfy the language requirement for PhD students (described below) for one language. For master's in applied linguistics students going on to the PhD at the University of Victoria, the master's requirement will satisfy one language for the PhD requirement.

Program Length
Students are expected to complete a project-based MA in Applied Linguistics in one to two years. Students in the thesis program are expected to complete it in two years.

For more information about the program please click here to view our Graduate brochure.




