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John H. Esling is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the University of Victoria, former Secretary of the International Phonetic Association (1995-2003), member of the IPA Council and of the Permanent Council for the Organization of International Congresses of Phonetic Science, former Editor of the Journal of the International Phonetic Association (2003-2011), and current President of the International Phonetic Association. He has an MA in Linguistics from the University of Michigan (1972), where he studied with Ian Catford and Kenneth Pike, and a PhD in Phonetics from the University of Edinburgh, where he worked with David Abercrombie, John Laver, and James (Tony) Anthony, and taught at the University of Leeds before moving to the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada, in 1981. He is Director of the Phonetics Laboratory in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Victoria and Chair of the Department. His research is in auditory and articulatory phonetics, particularly the categorization of voice quality, of vocal register, and of the phonetic production and modelling of laryngeal and pharyngeal sounds. He is the Principal Investigator on two research projects funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada: the Laryngoscopic Phonetic Research Project, to investigate speech articulation in the throat, and the Infant Speech Acquisition (InSpA) Project, an international collaboration based in Victoria with research teams in Canada, France, Morocco and China, to establish how infants first acquire the modality of phonetic speech-sound production. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, he is the author of over 100 scholarly articles and chapters and of numerous conference presentations, compiler of the University of Victoria Phonetic Database, section editor for Phonetics of the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2006), an editor of the Handbook of the IPA (CUP 1999), and an editor of the Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (CUP, 2011). He has collaborated with Prof. Jerry Edmondson and Dr. Michael Ross MD (and with the late Jimmy G. Harris) in taking endoscopic videos to catalogue speech production in the larynx among the languages of the world. He trains the students in the BSc in Linguistics program in speech physiology, articulatory production, and auditory phonetic listening (most of whom continue to pursue Speech Pathology, Audiology or Speech Technology), and he supervises MA and PhD students in Phonetics.


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