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Hossein Nassaji is Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC and currently the Department Chair. His teaching and research interests include second language acquisition, corrective feedback, form-focused instruction, task-based teaching, classroom discourse, and the application of sociocultural theories to second language research and pedagogy. He also maintains active research interests in L2 reading processes, lexical inferencing, and the acquisition of L2 vocabulary. His current research focuses on the role of interactional feedback and focus on form in classroom and laboratory settings, involving both experimental/quantitative and descriptive/qualitative research.

His research has been published in numerous leading journals, including Applied Linguistics, Applied Psycholinguistics, Language Learning, Modern Language Journal, TESOL Quarterly, Reading Research Quarterly, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, Canadian Modern Language Review, Language Awareness, Language Teaching Research, and Foreign Language Annals. His recent books are Teaching Grammar in Second Language Classrooms: Integrating Form-Focused Instruction in Communicative Context, 2010, Routledge (with Sandra Fotos) and Form-Focused Instruction and Teacher Education: Studies in Honour of Rod Ellis, 2007, Oxford University Press (with Sandra Fotos). He is also the co-editor (with Daphnée Simard) of the 2010 Canadian Modern Language Review Special Issue on Current Developments in Form-focused Interaction and Second Language Development.

In 2001, he was awarded the twenty-first annual Kenneth W. Mildenberger Prize of Modern Language Association of America for the article he co-authored with Gordon Wells of the University of California, Santa Cruz, What's the Use of Triadic Dialogue?: An Investigation of Teacher-Student Interaction.


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