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I received my BA in Linguistics from the University of British Columbia, and then completed my MA and PhD at the University of Arizona. I started off my graduate studies as a formal phonologist, but then became interested in evaluating formal theories experimentally, and started doing research in the area of phonetics. Since then, I have settled on the phonetics-phonology interface as my main area of interest. I wrote my dissertation on the phonetics and phonology of intervocalic consonants in the Lheidli dialect of Dakelh (Carrier), an Athapaskan language spoken in British Columbia. After finishing my PhD, I returned to UBC as a post-doc to study the phonetic properties of glottalised resonants in St’át’imcets (Lillooet), an Interior Salish language also spoken in British Columbia. Currently, my research focuses on phonetic variability, and the extent to which it is linguistically meaningful. Here at the University of Victoria, I am the Director of the Linguistics Speech Research Lab and am continuing my work on glottalised resonants in St’át’imcets, investigating which factors affect their phonetic realisation (syllable position, stress, dialect, individual speaker, etc.). My hope is to contribute to the growing body of work on phonetic variability and its implications for models of phonetics and phonology.

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