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Phonetics Data

The articulatory research conducted in our lab provides a unified account of sounds produced in the larynx and pharynx, highlighting the role of the aryepiglottic laryngeal constrictor mechanism. Based on our observations, we have developed a comprehensive theory of states of the glottis and a new model of the vocal tract divided into oral and laryngeal articulators.

We have extended our laryngoscopic observations to a wide range of languages that employ laryngeal sounds. Also, with the knowledge gained through direct observation of the pharyngeal and laryngeal articulators, we have studied the production of laryngeal sounds in the first year of life, highlighting the importance of these sounds in phonetic development.

The publications below provide a snapshot of our work:

Dr. John Esling

"Language and Speech" 42 (1999); Raised and Lowered Larynx - Multimedia support data

Paper presented at the LSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, January 2002 - PDF document

Paper presented to SSILA, San Francisco, January 2002 - PDF document

"Festschrift for Jens-Peter Köster" (2002); Yi and Bai - Multimedia support data

SOG papers presented at ICVPB, Denver, (2002) & ICPS, Barcelona, (2003) - Multimedia Presentation

ICSLP (2002), Denver - Tibetan chanting - Multimedia support data

ICPhS (1999), Glottal and Epiglottal Stop in Wakashan, Salish, and Semitic - Multimedia Presentation


Esling, J. H. (1998). Laryngoscopic analysis of pharyngeal articulations and larynx-height voice quality settings. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, vol. 2 (pp. 543-546). Sydney: ASSTA.

Esling, J. H. (1999). Voice quality settings of the pharynx. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, vol. 3 (pp. 2449-2452). Berkeley: University of California.

Edmondson, J. A., Esling. J. H., Li Shaoni, Harris, J. G. & Lama Ziwo. (2000). The aryepiglottic folds and voice quality in Yi and Bai languages: Laryngoscopic case studies. Minzu Yuwen, 2000(6), 47-53 (in Chinese).

Multimedia support data

Infant Speech Paper presented at JEP (2004), Fes, Morocco - PDF document; Multimedia Presentation

JIPA (1996), Laryngoscopic images of the pharynx and larynx - Multimedia support data


Dr. Barry Carlson

"Journal of the IPA" 30 (2000) - Spokane audio support data (Carlson & Esling)