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The video clips on this page accompany the article on pharyngeal phonetics by John H. Esling. (1999). The IPA categories "pharyngeal" and "epiglottal": Laryngoscopic observations of pharyngeal articulations and larynx height. Language & Speech, 42(4), 349-372.

The illustrations, as described in the article, show the intervocalic production of seven glottal and pharyngeal consonants - ihi, iʔi, iʡi, iʕi, iħi, iʜi and iʢi- in three larynx-height conditions (raised larynx voice, modal voice, lowered larynx voice). Because larynx height is a controlled parameter in this presentation, ʜ and ʢ are produced consistently with trilling (of the aryepiglottic folds against the epiglottal surface).

There are characters on this page which require the ability to view the phonetic subrange (unicode).

To view the QuickTime videos, choose the appropriate glottal or pharyngeal consonant from the menus below.

QuickTime videos will load here.


