* Site main navigation bar.
* Generate the top menu code, generate the "breadcrumb" trail.
* The menu is generated as a list from the $toc array.
* The breadcrumb trail is generated from an array passed to
* us by our caller. This code is used by all other pages in
* the site.
* @package Misc
// Globals:
// $trail - array of URLs and related text for breadcrumb trail
// $active_tab - active tab name
// first declaration sets home page to index of newspaper site
// second declaration sets home page to index of vicivic site
$toc = array(
'home' => "index.php'>Home",
'search' => "search.php'>Search",
'about' => "about.php'>About",
'help' => "help.php'>Help",
'VIHistory' => "http://vihistory.uvic.ca/'>VIHistory"
$toc = array(
'home' => "../index.html'>Home",
'search' => "search.php'>Search",
'about' => "about.php'>About",
'help' => "help.php'>Help",
'VIHistory' => "http://vihistory.uvic.ca/'>VIHistory"
//if (is_logged_in())
// $toc['admin'] = "$doc_root/admin/index.php' class='error-msg'>Administrator";