The Daily British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle
Thursday Morning, April 23, 1868
The Lamentable Occurrence at Cadboro Bay--The inquest on the body of the young woman found at the secluded spot on Tuesday was held at the Police Court yesterday, Mr O A Bayley acting as Foreman of the jury. The first witness examined was William Booth. He resided on the Esquimalt road; had seen the body of the deceased; knew it to be that of Martha Ann Booth, his daughter; saw her last on Sunday, between 7 an 8 o'clock in the morning;appeared then quite contented and comfortable in mind; afterwards went to Saanish; no person was at home at the time deceased left nut her mother and a little girl; must have left between 10 and 11o'clock; could assign no reason for such an act; had no suspicion of foul treatment; had observed a strange need of ...(text unclear)..deceased read a great many novels, and when alone he often found her laughing vociferouly; when he asked what she was laughing at she always replied, 'Nothing, father, nothing'; the deceased had no acquaintance at Cadboro; did not know of any man paying his addresses to her; knew of no attempt at poison; often asked her why she did not care about going on that account. Benjamin Evans saw the decease pass his house near Cadboro Bay, Walking rapidly; wondered who she was, as there was no one with or following her; could not see the face owing to the green vail she wore; had no doubt of the body he had just seen being that of the young woman he saw yesterday. Indian Jack deposed to finding the body on the water and to telling Mr. Tod, who returned, with him to recover it. The Court then adjourned till 1 o'clock on Tuesday, between which time a post mortem examination will be held and the whole matter thoroughly sifted by the police. The funeral of the unfortunate young lady will take place to-day.