The Daily British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle
Wednesday Morning, April 29, 1868
Resumed Inquest on Martha Booth.
Edgar Fawcett sworn--- Was slightly acquainted with deceased. Saw her on the supposed day of death walking very rapidly up Fort street between ten and eleven in the morning; stopped a few minutes at a house, and saw her last a little beyond Harris field walking at the same pace; had a green veil drawn over her face.
Martha Ann Booth sworn--Was the mother of the deceased. Had no words with her before leaving home; her mind seemed as usual, but might be a little strange; saw her from the yard as she walked down the road, wore a black silk-velvet turhan hat with a green veil; could not swear to the hoops produced as belonging to her daughter, thought she sore hoops like them. Mrs Booth appeared in great distress.
Robert McMillian, constable, swore-- Went out to Cadboro Bay after the adjournment of the inquest with Mr Ladner; found a great number of small pieces of paper scatered about for the space of a mile backwards and forwards, but too small to be read; deceased must have walked about a great deal; should say her mind was greatly troubled; found the hoops 200 yards from where the body was recovered.
Dr Davie testified to the result of a post-mortem examination. Found a bruise on the forehead and diagonally across the nose and mouth, which he thought was received before reaching the water, and that the drowning occurred during insensibility; examined the stomach, found no water; the deceased's character was left above suspocion.
R.B. Powell sworn-- Was in Moore & Co's drug store; knew the deceased by name, recollected her coming a few days before her death and asking for prussic acid; said she wanted it to make colors; refused to give it; in a short time she came back and asked for arsenic; asked her is she meant to poison herself; deceased replied, "no fear of that;" refused the arsenic; she looked white and agitated, but in sound-mind; answered all my questions clearly.
After a short deliberation, the jury returned the verdict of Found Drowned.
The following scap was found on the ground near the spot where the body was picked up:
Farewell, farewell, it is a solemn sound...And often brings a sigh:...But give me that good old word...That comes from the heart--"goodbye"...Farewell, farewell, may do for the gay,...When pleasure's throng is nigh;...But give me the (too blurred to be deciphered)