The Daily British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle
Monday Morning, March 30, 1868
Human Remains Found--Yesterday afternoon the remain of a man were found lying on the beach near Foul Bay. They had evidently lain in the water for a long time. The head, arms and upper parts of the body are entirely gone, leaving the spinal column white and bare. From the waist down the remains are in a tolerable state of preservation, and are covered with a pair of fine black cassimere pants and the feet encased in fine calfskin boots. The relics are evidently those of a large man, and the pants and boots are said to correspond wit those worn by missing man William Black, who disappeared from his home about two months ago while laboring under aberration of mind, and who was believed to have drowned himself in James Bay. The circumstance was reported to Police and an inquest will probably be held to-day.