
1 Peter J. Brown, Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology (Mayfield Publishing Co.: London and Toronto, 1998), 38.
2 See Robert Boyd, The Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence (Vancouver and Toronto: UBC Press, 1999), 172.
3 Robin Fisher, Contact and Conflict: Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890 2nd edition (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1992), 73.
4 Daily British Colonist, 28 April 1862, 2.
5 Daily British Colonist, 6 June 1862, 3.
6 John Sebastian Helmcken, The Reminiscences of John Sebastian Helmcken, ed. Dorthy Blakey Smith (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1975), 329.
7 Fisher, Contact and Conflict, 74-79.
8 Fisher, Contact and Conflict, 86.
9 Nancy Stepan, The Idea of Race in Science: Great Britain 1800-1960 (London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1982), 23-24.
10 Robin Fisher, Fisher, Contact and Conflict, 103-106.
11 Fisher, Contact and Conflict, 87-88.
12 Fisher, Contact and Conflict, 114.
13 Fisher, Contact and Conflict, 114.
14 For more information on the lower classes of London, see Francoise Barret-Ducrocq, Love in the Time of Victoria: Sexuality and desire Among Working Class Men and Women in Nineteenth-Century London, Trans. John Howe (New York: Penguin Books, 1989.
15 James E. Hendrickson, ed., Journals of the Colonial Legislatures of the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1851-1871 volume 2 (Victoria: Provincial Archives of British Columbia, 1980), 6.
16 Barry M. Gough, Gunboat Frontier: British Maritime Authority and Northwest Coast Indians, 1846-90 (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1984), 12-13.
17 Gough, Gunboat Frontier, 69.
18 See Barret-Ducrocq, Love in the Time of Victoria, 5-37.
19 Hendrickson, Journals of the Colonial Legislatures, 75.