
1 The terms vaccination and inoculation were and are often confused and used interchangeably. It is likely that it was inoculation that was the common technique used in the 1862-63 epidemic. See Byron Plant, "'The Most Dreadful Scourge of Which the Human Race is Subject': The 1862 Small Pox Epidemic and Aboriginal People in British Columbia" (Unpublished honours thesis, University of Victoria, April 2001), 41. See also glossary of terms.
2 British Colombian, 14 May 1862.
3 John Sebastian Helmcken, The Reminiscences of Doctor John Sebastian Helmcken, ed. Dorothy Blakey Smith (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1975), 329.
4 Plant, "The Most Dreadful Scourge," 41.
5 Plant, "The Most Dreadful Scourge," 40.
6 Plant, "The Most Dreadful Scourge," 42.
7 British Columbia Archives (BCA), Alexander Charles
8 Garrett, Reminiscences, 1832-1924. Unpublished manuscript, 26.
9 Helmcken, Reminiscences, 187.
10 Garrett, Reminiscences, 26.
11 Daily British Colonist, 26 April 1862.
12 Garrett, Reminiscences, 26.
13 Thomas Crosby, Among the An-ko-me-nums or Falthead Tribes of Indians of the Pacific Coast (Toronto: William Briggs, 1907), 116.
14 Daily Press, 17 June 1862 questioned whether Government policy was one of extermination.