Press and Propaganda

Changing Attitudes

Several days later, the Colonist, which had initially suggested that the government evacuate all Natives from Victoria, was actually criticizing the government for following this advice. This is not as strange as it initially appears, as Amor De Cosmos opposed just about every decision of the colonial government under James Douglas.

[Daily British Colonist]

2 June 1862, p. 3.

Prostitution Recognized by Government. The sweeping order issued last week from the Police Department, to compel all Northern Indians and squaws to evacuate the city limits has been so far modified as to exclude from its provisions those squaws who are living as the mistresses of white men! Each "mistress" on application at the Police office is provided with a registered permit, which she can show in case of any attempt being made to enforce the original order by policemen. We understand that a bill to license the keeping of squaws will shortly be introduced into the Assembly. Honest and well-disposed Indians, who had been vaccinated and were employed in town as servants, have been driven north by the Police for no other reason than that they are Indians, while squaws, with neither decency nor cleanliness to recommend them, are allowed to remain because they wear hoops and are prostitutes! A curious thing--this justice.

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