Excerpt: Biographical dictionary of well-known British Columbians : with a historical sketch

This section is from the year 1890, authored by J.B. Kerr and published by Kerr and Begg. It is no longer held under copyright.

Milne, George L., M. D., HI. P. P., (Victoria), is of Scotch birth, having been born in the town of Garmouth, Morayshire, Scotland, in the year 1850. When only seven years of age his parents with their family emigrated to Canada, and lived for many years at Meaford, Grey county, Ontario.

The Doctor received his medical education at Toronto School of Medicine, Toronto, and graduated in May, 1880, receiving the degree of M. D. C. M., from Victoria University. It is now nearly ten years since his arrival in British Columbia, and during that time has been in active practice of his profession, he has also identified himself with many public acts and institutions of the Province. He has taken a lively interest in educational matters, having for some time been on the Victoria School Board. He was one of the first to institute steps for the providing of a new medical act for this Province, and since the organization of the Medical Council, has continuously held the position of registrar and secretary as well as being an elected member and examiner for that body. There are many public institutions which the Doctor has identified himself with, and in which he takes a lively interest.

He is president of the Vancouver Gas Company. As well as a director in the New Westminster and Nanaimo Gas Company ; vice-president of the Victoria National Electric Tramway Company ; director in the B. C. Fire Insurance Company, as well as being interested in many other enterprises of great advantage to the inhabitants of this Province.

Dr. Milne is a Liberal in politics having been president of the British Columbia Liberal Association for some years. Last summer he contested the by-election in Victoria, in the Opposition interest, against Attorney General Davie, and was defeated by a small majority. At that time he strongly condemned the amendments recently made to the public school act, as well as deprecating any idea of allowing separate schools to become a matter for consideration in British Columbia. He was a successful candidate for the city of Victoria at the last general elections.