On MITACS Industry - Academia panel

At Harrison Lake training for seaplane rating
Allan G. Rempel, BSc, BComm, MSc, PhD, CFI (Certified Flight Instructor (US FAA))
Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria
agr at netinfo dot ubc dot ca

Work in Industry Screen Credits Publications and Patents Work in Academia

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Volunteer Work in Aviation

Work in Industry

I developed software for control and monitoring systems for rail transit vehicles.
I developed software for USB microphones and mixers for gamers, streamers, and youtubers.
I developed software and firmware for embedded DSP radio equipment for emergency services and search and rescue.
I developed software and firmware for embedded DSP equipment for musicians, gamers, and streamers, and ported our firmware code bases to a new processor, architecture, and IDE.
I worked on the Oceans 2.0 API, Client Libraries, and Sandbox which enables researchers and scientists to access over 500 TB of data from the ONC archive of oceanographic sensor networks.
I led the development of embedded Electronic Monitoring systems for ecologically systainable commercial fishing, including video, GPS, cell and satellite communications, and sensors, supported in part by an NSERC Industrial Research and Development Fellowship.
I developed web and mobile software for online distribution and tracking of digital media content and for informatics.

I developed code to implement the techniques described in collaborative published research conducted with UBC, as well as interface code to expand Dolby's software architecture. I also helped write patent applicationss for the technology arising from the collaborative research.
I led the development of asset management software for computer-animated productions.
I led the archiving software development team, and I worked on asset management and lighting tools software development for computer-animated feature films Dinosaur, Treasure Planet, Lilo & Stitch, 102 Dalmations, Kangaroo Jack, Reign of Fire, and Home on the Range.
I worked on systems administration and software development and maintenance for the Soar project, a psychology-based software platform for research into cognitive science and artificial intelligence.
I worked on software development for ground-based satellite in-orbit test systems.
I started up a company that developed and marketed an Assembly Language Development System ("ALDS") for Atari 6502-based computers.

Publications and Patents

Ben Biffard, Michael Morley, Maia Hoeberechts, Allan Rempel, Thomas Dakin, Richard K. Dewey, Reyna Jenkyns, "Adding value to big acoustic data from ocean observatories: Metadata, online processing, and a computing sandbox", Acoustical Society of America 144, 1956, 2018.
Allan G. Rempel, "Perceptual Considerations for Displays under Varying Ambient Illumination", PhD Dissertation, UBC, 2012.
Allan G. Rempel, Wolfgang Heidrich, Rafał Mantiuk, "The Role of Contrast in the Perceived Depth of Monocular Imagery", Poster at ACM APGV 2011, and UBC Tech Report TR-2011-07.
Allan G. Rempel, Rafał Mantiuk, Wolfgang Heidrich, "Display Considerations for Improved Night Vision Performance", Proceedings of the 19th Color Imaging Conference, 191-194, 2011.
Rafał Mantiuk, Kil Joong Kim, Allan G. Rempel, Wolfgang Heidrich, "HDR-VDP-2: A calibrated visual metric for visibility and quality predictions in all luminance conditions", ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc SIGGRAPH), 2011. WINNER, ACM SIGGRAPH TEST-OF-TIME AWARD 2023
Allan G. Rempel, Wolfgang Heidrich, Hiroe Li, Rafał Mantiuk, "Video Viewing Preferences for HDR Displays Under Varying Ambient Illumination", Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (ACM APGV '09), 45-52, 2009.
Rafał Mantiuk, Allan G. Rempel, Wolfgang Heidrich, "Display Considerations for Night and Low-Illumination Viewing", Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (ACM APGV '09), 53-58, 2009.
Allan G. Rempel, Matthew Trentacoste, Helge Seetzen, H. David Young, Wolfgang Heidrich, Lorne Whitehead, Greg Ward, "Ldr2Hdr: On-the-fly Reverse Tone Mapping of Legacy Video and Photographs", ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2007.
You can find some of my publications in the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography and the ACM Digital Library here and here.

Feature Film Screen Credits and Uncredited Work

Work in Academia

Ph.D., Physical Simulation and Measurement (PSM) lab, Imager (graphics) group, Department of Computer Science, UBC
My research work established guidelines for the development of next-generation displays, using high dynamic range technologies to create more satisfying viewing experiences, exploiting depth perception, and in low-light viewing conditions. My research interests also include computational photography, animation production data management, and information visualization.
M.Sc., Computer Science Department, (Imager lab), UBC
For my Masters research with my supervisor, Alain Fournier, I developed a system that used wavelets to decompose images for fast progressive transmission and for image compression.
B.Sc. (Great Distinction) and B.Comm. (Great Distinction), Department of Computational Science (now Computer Science), Univ. of Saskatchewan
I geared my courses toward my interest in artificial intelligence, particularly cognitive science. I also did summer research internships, first in discrete logic and later in software engineering with an emphasis on Eiffel.

Funding Support

I am grateful for the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the BC Advanced Systems Institute (ASI), the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) Network of Centres of Excellence (NCE), and the Province of British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education.