• OutreachGreen Turtles stopping for a photo at Face Camp
  • Face CampGreen Turtles after working hard with the RA's in Face Camp
  • Smile MazeOutdoor games: Campers complete a water relay!
  • Kids PlayingA camper hangs out with Jim
  • EducationSimen does face morphing with a camper

Center for Autism Research Technology and Education

CARTE is dedicated to the research and development of new and innovative technologies that enhance the social and emotional skills of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The Centre is located in Victoria, British Columbia and is composed of UVic faculty and students, community professionals and families whose common goal is to serve the needs of children and adults with ASD.

At the Centre, our team of researchers, programmers and psychologists design breakthrough computer interventions using the latest advances in software and hardware technologies. The Centre's motto is new tools for different minds because we feel that working as a team, we can develop and deliver engaging, creative and inexpensive technologies that will improve the everyday lives of individuals with ASD and their families. Don't forget to check out our new Fall 2015 newsletter!

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