Upcoming Tech

For more detailed information about LFI!
please visit our new Let's Face It! Scrapbook website.
Let's Face It! 1.0 is still available



The Education Team is the face of CARTE in the community. CARTE’s Education team members work closely with the Technology and Research Teams to deliver the latest intervention technologies and research to the broader community. Our education team drives community outreach at CARTE. This past February we shared the Let’s Face It! app with local special educators at the Comox School District’s Pro-D day! We demonstrated the app to this enthusiastic group of teachers who left the workshop raving about the potential.

We are pleased to announce that starting this fall, we will begin piloting the Let’s Face It! 2.0 app locally with children in Victoria. This piloting will continue earlier development last year in which children were invited to the centre to use the Let’s Face It! app with our Education Team tutors. This beta testing informed many new changes in design and graphics that we continue to implement!

Thank you to all of our wonderful app evaluators and families! We are committed to exploring new educational partnerships, so please contact us for planning outreach opportunities. This is all about sharing our CARTE technologies with educators, children, and families. Stay tuned for more!