' Amend the next line to alter the sample size !n=10000 smpl 1 !n rndseed 123456 !nrep=5000 scalar b1=1 scalar b2=2 vector(5000) t2a vector(!nrep) t2n vector(5000) coeff2 series y for !i=1 to !nrep y=b1+(b2*x2)^b1+@rnorm equation eq1.ls y=c(1)+(c(2)*x2)^c(1) coeff2(!i)=c(2) t2a(!i)=@tstats(2) ' THIS IS TESTING IF COEFFICIENT = 0 (FALSE) t2n(!i)=(c(2)-b2)/@stderrs(2) 'THIS IS TESTING IF COEFFICIENT = 2 (TRUE) next smpl 1 !nrep scalar bias2=@mean(coeff2)-b2 scalar var2= @var(coeff2) mtos(coeff2,co2) mtos(t2a, tstat2a) mtos(t2n, tstat2n) show co2 show tstat2a show tstat2n hist co2 hist tstat2a hist tstat2n scalar sdt=@sqrt((!n - 2) / (!n - 4)) ' Variance of a Student-t variable is df / (df -2); provided df > 2 show sdt