Ph.D, 2004, "Electrodeposition
and Characterisation of Thin Films and Nanostructures Based on Bismuth, Silver
and Iodine".
Craig currently works at Abbott Point of Care in Ottawa.
Craig A. Jeffrey, Susan H. Zheng, Eric Bohannan, David A. Harrington
and Sylvie Morin, X-ray characterization of as-deposited, epitaxial films of
Bi(012) on Au(111), Surf. Sci., 600 (2006) 95-105.
Craig A. Jeffrey, Wendy M. Storr and David A. Harrington,
Electrochemical Quartz-Crystal Microbalance Study of Silver and Copper
Electrodeposition on Bare and Iodine-Covered Platinum Electrodes, J.
Electroanal. Chem., 569 (2004) 61-70.
C.A. Jeffrey, D.A. Harrington and S. Morin, "In-situ scanning
tunneling microscopy of Bismuth electrodeposition on Au(111) surfaces",
Surface Science Letters, 512 (2002) L367-L372.
Online Presentations
"In-Situ Scanning Probe Microscopy of Bismuth Deposition and
Oxide Formation on Au(111) Surfaces", Craig A. Jeffrey, David A. Harrington
and Sylvie Morin, Oral presentation at the 18th Canadian Conference on Surfaces,
University of Ottawa, May 2002.