
CaNPAN Hosted its 2024 Annual Meeting at TRIUMF

14 May 2024 – The Canadian Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics Network held its Annual Meeting 2024 this month at TRIUMF in Vancouver. The three-day meeting fostered international multidisciplinary collaboration, with the first day dedicated to student and postdoc research presentations, professional development, and community building.  See highlight on IReNA/JINA web page.

TexaScale runs featured on HPCwire

13 Apr 2024 – Our PPMstar team participated in February 2024 in the TexaScale event atain. This event was organized by the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) and featured a series of runs on the Frontera supercomputer. The runs were part of our ongoing effort to understand how exactly convection, internal gravity waves and mixing works in massive main-sequence stars, and were featured in an article on HPCwire | X (Twitter) post.