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Belize is an English speaking country in Central America. Belize is on the Caribbean coast, nestled between Mexico and Guatemala and offers an intriguing mix of tropical forests rich with wildlife, majestic 3,675 foot mountains, mysterious Mayan temples, and diving and fishing experiences beyond compare. 40 % of the land in Belize is protected as parks and natural reserves and it has a warm climate. The Toledo district is in Southern Belize. Toledo is the southern and most remote district in the country of Belize. The standard of living is far below what we have in most of Canada. It is even worse in the remote villages near the border of Guatemala. Belize is a former British colony and has only been independent since 1981. Much of the curriculum is based on the British model. There are several Mayan languages as well as Garifuna and Creole and many of the students in Toledo speak these languages.



Art Belize 2005
