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Karnataka is the eighth largest state in India and is located in the Southern part of the country. There are also many mountains and rivers in this area. This area is a hub for the information technology in the country. Deenabandhu is a small village in this state. It was begun as a community in 1946 by a young minister - who was inspired by Gandhi and Christ. It lies on the border of 2 Indian states - Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and so people speak Tamil and Telugu. The children in the 'Deenabandu program for children' come from neighbouring and sometimes distant villages. Many of them come from difficult circumstances and so stay at the home. There are about 150 children in the school from grades 1-10. Deenabandu is a farming community and children work on the organic farm and help grow their food, by planting and caring for vegetable gardens, caring for farm animals, planting and protecting trees and saving seeds. Children are exposed to several art and theatre programs.

Art Work and Exchange

Traditional board games, stories, and hand-made puppets were created by children and families in this rural village in India. “Deenabandhu” is a Gandhi-inspired village and initiative - it means “friends of the poor”.

Plans for cross-cultural and artistic exchanges are being coordinated with children at Erin Woods School in Calgary Alberta Canada


Art Work and Images

Pria 2003

Deenabandhu Games

Deenabandhu Stick Puppets

Deenabandhu Photographs

Other exchanges from India

New Dehli