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Monterray Middle School

Exchange Activity

The grade 7 children in Ms McDougall’s class decided in September they wanted to make a difference to someone in the world, they wanted to show they cared.

The students in Ms McDougall’s were inspired to want to reach out to the children in Afghanistan. The project idea included another grade 6 class and artwork was sent to the children in Afghanistan.

As Ms McDougal writes, “My class had the good fortune to see a PowerPoint presentation from one of our Dad’s who has served in Afghanistan.  He did an excellent job of giving us insights into the geography and political culture and Canada’s involvement (very timely).  Last week I was invited by Geoff Spriggs to the Bridges that Unite exhibition followed by a reception.  It was so inspiring that I took my class to see it on Wednesday and this has been influencing their artwork.  I’m also arranging to have someone from Langford Firefighters come to the class to talk about their fundraising and show their great film clip.”

Results of the Exchange

On April 29th, 2008 the Langford Firefighters escorted five Afghanis firefighters to the school where the whole school assembly was held in their honour. They watched the project SAFE video and then listened to the firefighters speak. As the artwork was handed over there was emotional responses from the Afghanis. Through the translator they explained how much the children of Afghanstan appreciated the thoughts and messages of hope. These acts of compassion, care and the desire to connect, pass on the will to make a difference. There was an appreciative hush in the school as the Afghanis’s spoke, no student needed to be asked to be quiet.


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