Professor Hari Mohan Srivastava
Hari Mohan Srivastava
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Professor Hari Mohan Srivastava
Professor Emeritus
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3R4
Date of Birth: July 5, 1940
Place of Birth: Karon (District Ballia), Uttar Pradesh,
Academic Degrees Awarded:
B.Sc. (1957), M.Sc. (1959), Ph.D. (1965), D.Sc. (h.c.,
2006), D.Sc. (h.c., 2007)
- Honorary Professor, The Institute for Basic Research, Palm
Harbor, Florida, U.S.A.
- Honorary Advisory Professor, Fudan University, Shanghai,
People's Republic of China
- Honorary Professor, Istituto per la Ricerca di Base,
Monteroduni, Molise, Italy
- Honorary Professor, La Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo,
- Honorary Chair Professor, Chung Yuan Christian University,
Chung-Li, Taiwan, Republic of China
- Honorary Professor, "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba
Iulia, Alba Iulia, Romania
- Honorary Chair Professor, China Medical University, Taichung,
Taiwan, Republic of China
- Honorary Professor, Azerbaijan University,
Baku, Azerbaijan
- Chartered Mathematician (U.K.)
- Honorary Foreign Member, The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium
for Science and the Arts
- Fellow, The Royal Astronomical Society (London, U.K.)
- Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences of India
- Fellow, The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications
- Honorary Fellow, The Vijnana Parishad (Science Academy) of
- Fellow, The American Association for the Advancement of
Science (U.S.A.)
- Honorary Academician and Corresponding Member (Foreign
Fellow), La Academia Canaria de Ciencias (Spain)
- Foreign Fellow, Forum d'Analystes (India)
- Honorary Academician and Foreign Member, The Macedonian
Academy of Sciences and Arts (Skopje, Republic of Macedonia)
- Fellow, The International Academy of Physical Sciences
- Honorary Member (Foreign Fellow), The EU Academy of Sciences
- Honorary Academician and Corresponding Member (Foreign
Fellow), The Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain
- Distinguished Fellow, International Engineering and Technology
Institute (Hong Kong and U.S.A.; Elected 2016)
- Distinguished Fellow, The Institute of Data Science and Artificial
Intelligence (Hong Kong and U.S.A.; Elected 2021)
- Honorary Member, The Research Board of Advisors, American
Biographical Institute (U.S.A.)
- Honorary Member, Section of Mathematics, International Telematic
University Uninettuno (Rome, Italy)
- President, International Engineering and Technology Institute
(Hong Kong)
- Past President, The Jangjeon Mathematical Society (Hapcheon
[Kyungshang], Republic of Korea)
- Past Vice-President, The Calcutta Mathematical Society
(Kolkata, India)
- Chartered Scientist (U.K.)
- Editor-in-Chief, Honorary Editor, Advisory Editor, Associate
Editor, or Editorial Board Member of a number of international
scientific research journals
- Referee and Editorial Consultant for several Asian, European,
and American Journals and Publishers
- Recipient of numerous Honors, Awards, Prizes, and Grants
[including (among the latest) the NSERC 25-Year Award in
Canada and the Nishiwaki Prize in Japan in the calendar
year 2004, the Honorary Doctor of Science degree awarded
by Chung Yuan Christian University in Taiwan in the calendar
year 2006, the Honorary Doctor of Science degree
awarded by the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia in
Romania in the calendar year 2007, and the Obada Prize for Distinguished
Researcher in the calendar year 2020]
- Listed and ranked in the Second Place among Canada's Top
Researchers in the discipline of Mathematics and
Statistics in Terms of Productivity and Impact Based
Upon a Measure of Citations to Their Published Works (The
Globe and Mail, Toronto, March 27, 2012, Page B7 et
- Listed and ranked in the Twelfth Place in General Mathematics
among the Top 2% Scientists in the World 2020 (Published by
Stanford University in U.S.A.)
- Distinguished Visiting (Research) Professor at numerous
Academic Institutions around the world
- Life-Time Achievement Award by The Jaipur
Mathematical Society
at the Third International Conference on
Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation
(JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India; September 07-09, 2020)
- Life-Long Achievements Award by The Vijnana Parishad (Science
Academy) of India
- Life-Time Achievement Award by The Institute of Technical
and Scientific Research (ITSR Foundation Award 2020:
September 13, 2020), Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India
- The Liouville Award in Testimony of the
High Regard of Achievements
in the Area of Fractional Calculus and Its Applications by
The First Online Conference on
Modern Fractional Calculus and Its Applications
(Biruni University, Istanbul, Turkey;
December 4-6, 2020)
- Listed and ranked in the Sixth Place in General Mathematics
among the Top 2% Scientists in the World 2021 (Published by
Stanford University in U.S.A.)
- The VPI Golden Jubilee Award by
The Vijnana Parishad (Science Academy) of India at its
Golden Jubilee Celebration held at JNU
(Jawaharlal Nehru University) in New Delhi in India
(June 16-18, 2022)
- The José António Tenreiro Machado
Award in Testimony of the Outstanding Achievements and
Contributions in Nonlinear Dynamics and Fractional Calculus
by The International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and
Applications in Science and Engineering [Dedicated to the Memory
of Professor José António Tenreiro Machado
(1957-2021)] (Porto, Portugal; June 20-22, 2024)
- 2024 9th International Engineering and Technology Institute
(IETI) Annual Scientific Award for Groundbreaking Research in
Recognition of the Outstanding Achievements and
Contributions in Many Theoretical and Applied Fields of
the Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (Awarded:
November 28, 2024)
- External Examiner for (carefully-selected and
discretely-chosen) Ph. D. and D. Sc. Theses submitted to
Universities around the world (Especially in North
America, Europe, and Asia)
- 2015 Clarivate Analytics [Thomson-Reuters] (Web of Science)
Highly Cited Researcher
- 2017 Clarivate Analytics [Thomson-Reuters] (Web of Science)
Highly Cited Researcher
- 2018 Clarivate Analytics [Thomson-Reuters] (Web of Science)
Highly Cited Researcher
- 2019 Clarivate Analytics [Thomson-Reuters] (Web of Science)
Highly Cited Researcher
- 2020 Clarivate Analytics [Thomson-Reuters] (Web of Science)
Highly Cited Researcher
- 2021 Clarivate Analytics [Thomson-Reuters] (Web of Science)
Highly Cited Researcher
- 2022 Clarivate Analytics [Thomson-Reuters] (Web of Science)
Highly Cited Researcher
- Web Site:
- Collaboration Distances with Famous Scientists
Erdös Number: 2
Hari M. Srivastava - Joel Lee Brenner (1912-1997) - Paul Erdös
Einstein Number: 3
Hari M. Srivastava - Leonard Carlitz (1907-1999) - Ernst Gabor
Straus (1922-1983)
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
von Neumann Number: 3
Hari M. Srivastava - Joel Lee Brenner (1912-1997) - George W.
Reitwiesner (1908-1993)
- John von Neumann (1903-1957)
Pólya Number: 3
Hari M. Srivastava - Joel Lee Brenner (1912-1997) - Ralph Philip
Boas, Jr. (1912-1992)
- George Pólya (1887-1985)
Wiles Number: 3
Hari M. Srivastava - Fabrizio Catanese - John Henry Coates - Sir
Andrew John Wiles
- Special Dedication Volumes and Special Dedication Issues of
(and/or Dedication Messages in) International Scientific
Research Journals
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Volume 3,
Number 3, 2000 (see Pages 319-325) (Dedication Message for his
60th Birth Anniversary).
Jñānābha, Volume 31/32, 2002 (Special Issue
Dedicated to his 62nd Birthday).
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Volume 8,
Number 4, 2005 (see Pages 387-392) (Dedication Message for his
65th Birth Anniversary).
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 187,
Number 1, 2007 (Special Issue Dedicated to his 65th Birth
Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
Volume 4, Number 2, 2010 (Special Issue Dedicated to his
70th Birth Anniversary).
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,
Volume 13,
Number 3, 2010 (see Page 342) (Dedication Message for his 70th
Birth Anniversary).
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
(Special Issue on Complex Analysis: Theory and
Volume 3, Number 6, 2010 (Special Issue
Dedicated to his
70th Birthday).
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Volume 13,
Number 4, 2010 (Special Issue Dedicated to his 70th Birth
Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Volume 218,
Number 3, 2011 (Special Issue Dedicated to his 70th Birth
Advances in Difference Equations (Springer
Open-Access Journal), Volume 2013, 2013 (Special Issue:
Proceedings of the International Congress in Honour of Professor
Hari M. Srivastava).
Boundary Value Problems (Springer Open-Access
Journal), Volume 2013, 2013 (Special Issue: Proceedings of
the International Congress in Honour of Professor Hari M.
Fixed Point Theory and Applications (Springer
Open-Access Journal), Volume 2013, 2013 (Special Issue:
Proceedings of the International Congress in Honour of Professor
Hari M. Srivastava).
Journal of Inequalities and Applications (Springer
Open-Access Journal), Volume 2013, 2013 (Special Issue:
Proceedings of the International Congress in Honour of Professor
Hari M. Srivastava).
Analytic Number Theory, Approximation
Theory, and Special Functions: In
Honor of Hari M. Srivastava (xi + 880 pp.; ISBN
978-1-4939-0257-1) (Gradimir V. Milovanović and Michael Th.
Rassias, Editors), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg and New York,
Jñānābha, Volume
45, 2015 (Special Volume to
Honour Professor H. M. Srivastava During his Platinum Jubilee
Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Volume 6,
Number 5, 2015 (Special Issue in Honor of the 75th Birthday of
Professor H. M. Srivastava).
Ilirias Journal of Mathematics, Volume 4,
Number 1, 2015 (Special Issue in Honor of the 75th Birthday of
Professor H. M. Srivastava).
Journal of the Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and
Mathematical Sciences, Volume 4, Number 2, 2015
(Special Issue Dedicated to Professor H. M. Srivastava on his 75th
Birth Anniversary).
Jñānābha, Volume
50, Number 1, 2020 (Special Issue Dedicated to
Honor Professor H. M. Srivastava
on his 80th Birth Anniversary Celebrations).
Publications de la Institut Mathematics
(Nouvelle Séries), Volume
108 (122), 2020
(Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Hari Mohan
Srivastava on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday) (Gradimir V.
Milovanović, Guest Editor):
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
13, Number 5, 2020
(Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Hari M.
Srivastava on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday):
Differential and Difference Equations:
A Themed Issue Dedicated to Prof. Hari M. Srivastava
on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday
(xi+359 pp.; ISBN 978-3-03943-068-0 [Hbk]; ISBN 978-3-03943-069-7 [PDF])
(Sotiris K. Ntouyas, Editor), Published in Axioms, MDPI,
Basel, Switzerland, 2020.
Applied Analysis and Optimization, Volume 4,
Number 3, 2020, 102 pp. (Special Issue: "Dedicated to Professor Hari Mohan
Srivastava on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday") (Gautam Srivastava and
Jen-Chih Yao, Guest Editors), Yokohama Publishers, Japan.
Montes Taurus Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Volume 3, Number 3, 2021, viii+366 pp. (Special Issue:
"Recent Trends on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Dedicated to Professor Hari Mohan Srivastava on the Occasion
of his 80th Birthday") (Gradimir V.
Milovanović, Themistocles M. Rassias and Yilmaz Simsek, Guest Editors):
Applied Analysis and Optimization, Volume 5,
Number 1, 2021, 116 pp. (Special Issue: "Dedicated to Professor Hari Mohan
Srivastava on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday") (Gautam Srivastava and
Jen-Chih Yao, Guest Editors), Yokohama Publishers, Japan.
Current Research Interests:
- Real and Complex Analysis
- Fractional Calculus and Its Applications
- Integral Equations and Transforms
- Higher Transcendental Functions and Their Applications
- q-Series and q-Polynomials
- Analytic Number Theory
- Analytic and Geometric Inequalities
- Probability and Statistics
- Inventory Modelling and Optimization
Most Recent Publications:
(This list does not include all publications, especially
those refereed and peer-reviewed articles in
international scientific research
journals that were published since the early 1960s)
I. Refereed Journal Articles
- H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed, D. Baleanu,
M. A. Yousif, I. S. Ibrahim, and M. Abdelwahed,
Positivity and uniqueness of solutions for Riemann-Liouville
fractional problem of delta types, Alexandria Engrg. J.
114 (2023), 173-178.
- M. Izadi, H. Ahmad, and H. M. Srivastava,
Numerical computations of time-dependent auto-catalytic
glycolysis chemical reaction-diffusion system,
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 93 (2025),
- H. M. Srivastava, Some families of generalized
elliptic-type integrals and the associated multiple
hypergeometric functions, J. Nonlinear Var. Anal.
8 (2024), 771-786.
- Y.-G. Zhao and H. M. Srivastava, Dynamics for a
diffusive prey-predator model with advection and free
boundaries, Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
47 (2024), 6216-6233.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. Das, and B. Hazarika,
A class of the Newtonian HK-Sobolev
spaces on metric measure spaces,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 118 (2024), Article ID 84, 1-17.
- M. Izadi, H. M. Srivastava, and W. Adel, The nonlinear reactive
transport model: An efficient approximation
method based on quasilinearization and Bessel matrix method,
Appl. Comput. Math. 23 (2024), 135-158.
- H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, M. A. Bah, A. Alahmade, F. M. O. Tawfiq,
and Z. Syed, Fourth order Hankel determinants for certain subclasses
of modified sigmoid-activated analytic functions involving the trigonometric
sine function, J. Inequal. Appl. 2024 (2024),
Article ID 84, 1-18.
- P. O. Mohammed, H. M. Srivastava, R. S. Muhammad,
E. Al-Sarairah, N. Chorfi, and D. Baleanu,
On existence of certain delta fractional difference
models, J. King Saud Univ. Sci. 36 (2024),
Article ID 103244, 1-7.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. Dhawan, R. K. Vats, and A. K. Nain,
Well-posedness of a nonlinear Hilfer fractional derivative
model for the Antarctic circumpolar current,
Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 75 (2024), Article ID 45, 1-19.
- X.-F. Han, C.-P. Chen, and H. M. Srivastava,
Some new results related to the constant e and function
(1+ 1/x)x,
Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 18 (2024), 65-91.
- J.-J. Liao, H. M. Srivastava, and S.-D. Lin,
Inventory models for non-instantaneous deteriorating items
with expiration dates under the joined effect of preservation
technology and linearly time-dependent holding cost
when order-size linked to advance payment,
Ann. Oper. Res. 337 (2024), 197-233.
- H. M. Srivastava, D. Breaz, S. Khan, and F. Tchier,
Certain new applications of symmetric q-calculus for new
subclasses of multivalent functions associated with the
cardioid domain,
Axioms 13 (2024), Article ID 266, 1-19.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Uddin, and M. P. Chaudhary,
Some definite integrals involving elliptic integrals in
association with hypergeometric functions,
Filomat 38 (2024), 3719-3730.
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srivastava, Numerical treatments
of nonlinear Burgers-Fisher equation via a combined approximation
technique, Kuwait J. Sci. 51 (2024),
Article ID 100163, 1-9.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Sümer Eker, B. Şeker, and
B. Çekiç, Second Hankel determinant of the
logarithmic coefficients for a subclass of univalent functions,
Miskolc Math. Notes 25 (2024), 479-488.
- N. E. Cho, I. Kim, and H. M. Srivastava, Argument
estimates associated with meromorphic close-to-starlike and
Bazilević functions,
Quaestiones Math. 47 (2024), 1063-1077.
- H. M. Srivastava, T. Yaying, and B. Hazarika,
A study of the q-analogue of the paranormed
Cesàro sequence spaces,
Filomat 38 (2024), 99-117.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Sabir, S. S. Eker, A. K. Wanas,
P. O. Mohammed, N. Chorfi, and D. Baleanu,
Some m-fold symmetric bi-univalent function classes
and their associated Taylor-Maclaurin coefficient bounds
J. Inequal. Appl. 2024 (2024), Article ID 47, 1-18.
- H. M. Srivastava, J. Souissi, and M. Khalfallah,
Some characterizations of the symmetric
q-Dunkl-semiclassical orthogonal q-polynomials,
J. Differ. Equ. Appl. 30 (2024), 377-407.
- M. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, On a rumor propagation model
with spatial heterogeneity, Qual. Theory Dyn. Systems
23 (2024), Article ID 1, 1-33.
- H.M. Srivastava, T. G. Shaba, M. Ibrahim, F. Tchieri, and
B. Khan, Coefficient bounds and second Hankel determinant
for a subclass of symmetric bi-starlike functions
involving Euler polynomials,
Bull. Sci. Math. 192 (2024), Article ID 103405, 1-17.
- H, M. Srivastava, S. M. El-Deeb, D. Breaz, L.-I.
Cotîrlǎ, and G. S. Sǎlǎgean,
Bi-Concave functions connected with the combination of the
binomial series and the confluent hypergeometric function,
Symmetry 16 (2024), Article ID 226, 1-13.
- S. R. Aderyani, A. Ahadi, R. Saadati, and H. M. Srivastava,
Aggregate special functions to approximate permuting
tri-homomorphisms and permuting tri-derivations associated with a
tri-derivative ψ-functional inequality in Banach algebras,
Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 44 (2024), 311-338.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Khan, S. N. Malik, F. Tchier, A. Saliu,
and Q. Xin, Faber polynomial coefficient inequalities for
bi-Bazilevič functions associated with the
Fibonacci-number series and the square-root functions,
J. Inequal. Appl. 2024 (2024), Article ID 16, 1-19.
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srivastava, An accurate numerical
algorithm based on the generalized Narayana polynomials to solve
a class of Caputo-Fabrizio and Liouville-Caputo fractional-order
delay differential equations, Math. Commun.
29 (2024), 61-81.
- H. M. Srivastava, A general family of hybrid-type
fractional-order kinetic equations involving the Liouville-Caputo
fractional derivative,
Montes Taurus J. Pure Appl. Math. 6 (3) (2024),
- H.M.Srivastava, B. Rath, K. S. Kumar, and D. V. Krishna,
Some sharp bounds of the third-order Hankel determinant
for the inverses of the Ozaki type close-to-convex functions,
Bull. Sci. Math. 191 (2024), Article ID 103381, 1-19.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. K. Bansal, and
P. Harjule, A class of fractional integral operators
involving a certain general multi-index Mittag-Leffler
function, Ukrainian Math. J. 76 (2024),
1255-1271 [Ukrainian Original 75 (2023), 1096-1112].
- S. Kazimoǧlu, E. Deniz, and H. M. Srivastava,
Sharp coefficients bounds for starlike functions associated
with Gregory coefficients, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory
18 (2024), Article ID 6, 1-19.
- X.-F. Han, C.-P. Chen, and H. M. Srivastava,
Analytical and asymptotic representations for two sequences
related to Gauss' lemniscate functions,
Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 17 (2023), 525-537.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. Rath, K. S. Kumar, and B. V. Krishna,
The sharp bound of the third Hankel determinant
of the kth-root transformation for bounded
turning functions, Acta Comment. Univ. Tartu. Math.
27 (2023), 185-210.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. Alshammari, and M. Darus,
A new q-fractional integral operator and its applications
to the coefficient problem involving the second Hankel determinant
for q-starlike and q-convex functions, J. Nonlinear Var.
Anal. 7 (2023), 985-994.
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srivastava, The reaction-diffusion models
in biomedicine: Highly accurate calculations via a hybrid matrix
collocation algorithm, Appl. Sci. 13 (2023),
Article ID 11672, 1-21.
- L. Shi, M. Arif, H. M. Srivastava, and M. Ihsan,
Sharp bounds on the Hankel determinant of the
inverse functions for certain analytic functions,
J. Math. Inequal. 17 (2023), 1129-1143.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some families of generating functions
and associated hypergeometric transformations, J. Nonlinear
Convex Anal. 24 (2023), 2329-2349.
- K. M. Saad and H. M. Srivastava, Numerical solutions of the
multi-space fractional-order coupled Korteweg-De Vries equation with
several different kernels,
Fractal Fract. 7 (2023), Article ID 716, 1-15.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Sabir, K. I. Abdullah, N. H.
Mohammed, N. Chorfi, and P. O. Mohammed,
A comprehensive subclass of bi-univalent functions
defined by a linear combination and satisfying subordination
conditions, AIMS Math. 8 (2023),
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, and S. K. Paikray,
A certain class of equi-statistical
convergence in the sense of the deferred power-series method,
Axioms 12 (2023), Article ID 964, 1-19.
- A. Mahmood, H. M. Srivastava, M. Abbas,
F. A. Abdullah, P. O. Mohammed, D. Baleanu, and N. Chorfi,
Optical soliton solutions of the coupled
Radhakrishnan-Kundu-Lakshmanan equation by using
the extended direct algebraic approach,
Heliyon 9 (2023), Article ID e20852, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some general
fractional-order kinetic equations associated with the
Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative,
J. Indian Acad. Math. 45 (2) (2024), 55-76.
- M. Z. Yousaf, H. M. Srivastava, M. Abbas, T. Nazir, P. O.
Mohammed, M. Vivas-Cortez, and N. Chorfi,
A novel quintic B-spline technique for numerical solutions
of the fourth-order singular singularly-perturbed problems,
Symmetry 15 (2023), Article ID 1920, 1-21.
- P. O. Sabir, H. M. Srivastava, W. G. Atshan, P. O. Mohammed,
N. Chorfi, and M. Vivas-Cortez,
A family of holomorphic and m-fold symmetric bi-univalent
functions endowed with coefficient estimate problems,
Mathematics 11 (2023), Article ID 3970, 1-13.
- H. K. Nigam and H. M. Srivastava, Filtering of audio
signals using discrete wavelet transforms, Mathematics
11 (2023), Article ID 4117, 1-12.
- M. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, Existence and stability
of bifurcating solution of a chemotaxis model, Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 151 (2023), 4735-4749.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. Alavi, S. Shams, R. Aghalary, and
S. B. Joshi, New criteria for starlikness and convexity of a
certain family of integral operators, Mathematics
11 (2023), Article ID 3919, 1-20.
- S. H. Ong, S. Z. Sim, S.-Z. Liu, and H. M. Srivastava,
A family of finite mixture distributions for modelling
dispersion in count data, Stats 6 (2023),
Article ID 59, 1-14.
- A. B. Makhlouf, L. Mchiri, and H. M. Srivastava,
Some existence and uniqueness results for a class of
proportional Liouville-Caputo fractional stochastic
differential equations, Bull. Sci. Math.
189 (2023), Article ID 103349, 1-15.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Nain, A. K. Vats, and P. Das,
A theoretical study of the fractional-order p-Laplacian
nonlinear Hadamard type turbulent flow models having the
Ulam-Hyers stability, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 117 (2023), Article ID 160, 1-19.
- H. M. Srivastava, An introductory overview of Bessel
polynomials, the generalized Bessel polynomials and the q-Bessel
polynomials, Symmetry 15 (2023),
Article ID 822, 1-28.
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srivastava, Applications of modified
Bessel polynomials to solve a nonlinear chaotic fractional-order
system in the financial market: Domain-splitting
collocation techniques, Computation 11 (2023),
Article ID 130, 1-21.
- H. M. Srivastava, H. K. Nigam, and S. Nandy,
An analysis of the convergence problem of a function in
functional norms by applying the generalized
Nörlund-matrix product operator,
Sci. 5 (2023), Article ID 32, 1-24.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. K. Mishra, and S. K. Upadhyay,
Abelian theorems involving the fractional wavelet
transforms, Filomat 37 (2023), 9453-9468.
- S. R. Aderyani, R. Saadati, Th. M. Rassias, and H. M.
Srivastava, Existence, uniqueness and the multi-stability
results for a W-Hilfer fractional differential equation,
Axioms 12 (2023), Article ID 681, 1-16.
- L. Shi, H. M. Srivastava, N. E. Cho, and M. Arif,
Sharp coefficient bounds for a subclass of bounded turning
functions with a cardioid domain,
Axioms 12 (2023), Article ID 775, 1-15.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. K. Sahoo, P. O. Mohammed, A. Kashuri,
and N. Chorfi, Results on Minkowski-type inequalities for
weighted fractional integral operators,
Symmetry 15 (2023), Article ID 1522, 1-26.
- N. E. Cho and H. M. Srivastava, Subordinations by
η-convex functions for a class of nonlinear integral operators,
Bull. Sci. Math. 187 (2023), Article ID 103304, 1-16.
- Z. Hu, J. Fan, X. Wang, and H. M. Srivastava, A study of
the higher-order Schwarzian derivatives of Hirotaka Tamanoi,
Math Slovaca 73 (2023), 921-936.
- P. O. Mohammed, H. M. Srivastava,
D. Baleanu, E. Al-Sarairah, S. K. Sahoo, and
N. Chorfi, Monotonicity and positivity analyses for
two discrete fractional-order operator types with exponential
and Mittag-Leffler kernels,
J. King Saud Univ. Sci. 35 (2023),
Article ID 102794, 1-6.
- M. Çaǧlar, H. Orhan, and H. M. Srivastava,
Coefficient bounds for q-starlike functions associated with
q-Bernoulli numbers, J. Appl. Anal. Comput.
13 (2023), 2354-2364.
- X.-F. Han, C.-P. Chen, and H. M. Srivastava,
Asymptotic expansions and complete monotonicity properties
for the Barnes G-function, Rocky Mountain J. Math.
53 (2023), 775-790.
- H. K. Nigam, H. M. Srivastava, and S. Nandy,
Degree of convergence of a function of several variables in
generalized Hölder spaces, Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
46 (2023), 9028-9052.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Y. Tantary, and F. A. Shah,
A new discretization scheme for the non-isotropic
Stockwell transform, Mathematics 11 (2023),
Article ID 1839, 1-9.
- D. Baleanu, P. O. Mohammed, H. M. Srivastava, E. Al-Sarairah,
T. Abdeljawad, and Y. S. Hamed, On convexity analysis for
discrete delta Riemann-Liouville fractional differences analytically
and numerically, J. Inequal. Appl.
2023 (2023), Article ID 2023, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Yadav, and S. K. Upadhyay,
The Weinstein transform associated with a family of
generalized distributions, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 117 (2023), Article ID 132, 1-32.
- H. M. Srivastava, W. Adel, M. Izadi, and A. A. El-Sayed,
Solving some physics problems involving fractional-order
differential equations with the Morgan-Voyce polynomials,
Fractal Fract. 7 (2023), Article ID 301, 1-19.
- M. Adel, H. M. Srivastava, and M. M. Khader,
Implementation of an accurate method for the analysis and
simulation of electrical R-L circuits, Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
46 (2023), 8362-8371.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. H. Malik, M. I. Qureshi, and B. A. Bhat,
Some zero-balanced terminating hypergeometric series
and their applications, Filomat 37 (2023),
- S.-A. Liu, X.-Y. Xu, G. Srivastava, and H. M. Srivastava,
Fractal properties of the generalized Mandelbrot set with
complex exponent, Fractals 31 (2) (2023),
Article ID 0218-348X, 1-8.
- H. HamaRashid, H. M. Srivastava, M. Hama, P. O. Mohammed,
M. Y. Almusawa, and D. Baleanu, Novel algorithms to
approximate the solution of nonlinear integro-differential equations
of Volterra-Fredholm integro type, AIMS Math. 8 (2023),
- Z. Eidinejad, R. Saadati, and H. M. Srivastava,
The Cauchy-optimal stability results for Cauchy-Jensen
additive mappings in the fuzzy Banach space and the unital
fuzzy Banach space, Axioms 12 (2023),
Article ID 405, 1-14.
- E. E. Ali, H. M. Srivastava,
and A. M. Albalahi, Subclasses of p-valent κ-uniformly
convex and starlike functions defined by the q-derivative operator,
Mathematics 11 (2023), Article ID 2578, 1-19.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some applications of the Lagrange
expansion theorem associated with general polynomial
systems, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 24 (2023),
- A. Jan, H. M. Srivastava, A. Khan, P. O. Mohammed, R. Jan,
and Y. S. Hamed, In Vivo HIV dynamics, modeling the
interaction of HIV and immune system via non-integer
derivatives, Fractal Fract. 7 (2023),
Article ID 361, 1-15.
- M. M. Al-Baidania, H. M. Srivastava, and A. H. Ganie,
Notion of non-absolute family of spaces,
Internat. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 14 (2023),
- M. Raza, H. M. Srivastava, Q. Xin, F. Tchier, S. N. Malik,
and M. Arif, Starlikeness associated with the
Van der Pol numbers, Mathematics 11 (2023),
Article ID 2231, 1-22.
- M. Chen, Z. Hu, Q. Zheng, and H. M. Srivastava,
Dynamics analysis of a spatiotemporal SI model,
Alexandria Engrg. J. 74 (2023), 705-714.
- E. E. Ali, H. M. Srivastava, A. M. Y. Lashin,
and A. M. Albalahi, Applications of some subclasses of
meromorphic functions associated with the q-derivatives of
the q-binomials, Mathematics 11 (2023),
Article ID 2496, 1-10.
- H. HamaRashid, H. M. Srivastava, M. Hama, P. O. Mohammed,
E. Al-Sarairah, and M. Y. Almusawa, New numerical results on
existence of Volterra-Fredholm integral equation of nonlinear boundary
integro-differential type, Symmetry 15 (2023),
Article ID 1144, 1-20.
- N. Kilar, Y. Simsek, and H. M. Srivastava, Recurrence
relations, associated formulas, and combinatorial sums for some
parametrically generalized polynomials arising from an analysis
of the Laplace transform and generating functions,
Ramanujan J. 61 (2023), 731-756.
- H. M. Srivastava, I. Al-Shbeil, Q. Xin, F. Tchier, S. Khan,
and S. N. Malik, Faber polynomial coefficient estimates for
bi-close-to-convex functions defined by the q-fractional
derivative, Axioms 12 (2023),
Article ID 585, 1-19.
- K.-J. Chung, S.-F. Lee, H. M. Srivastava, S.-D. Lin, S.-L. Kang,
and J.-J. Liao, Optimal ordering policy and preservation
technology for deteriorating items with maximum lifetime under
a resilient hybrid payment decision, J. Industr. Manage. Optim.
19 (2023), 5353-5379.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. A. Shah, H. L. Qadri, W. Z. Lone,
and M. S. Gojree, Quadratic-phase Hilbert transform and the
associated Bedrosian theorem,
Axioms 12 (2023), Article ID 218, 1-15.
- Raksha, H. M. Srivastava, N. V. Sayinath Udupa,
and B. R. Srivatsa Kumar, New proofs of some Dedekind
η-function identities of level 6, Filomat 37 (2023),
- H. M. Srivastava, M. I. Abbas, A. Boutiara, and B. Hazarika,
Fractional p-Laplacian differential equations with multi-point
boundary conditions in Banach spaces, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 117 (2023), Article ID 68, 1-16.
- P. O. Mohammed, C. S. Goodrich, H. M. Srivastava, E. Al-Sarairah,
and Y. S. Hamed, A study of monotonicity analysis for the
delta and nabla discrete fractional operators of the Liouville-Caputo
family, Axioms 12 (2023), Article ID 114, 1-10.
- M. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, Stability of
bifurcating solution of a predator-prey model,
Chaos Solitons Fractals 168 (2023),
Article ID 113153, 1-8.
- H. M. Srivastava and M. Izadi, Generalized shifted airfoil
polynomials of the second kind to solve a class of singular
electrohydrodynamic fluid model of fractional order,
Fractal Fract. 7 (2023), Article ID 94, 1-22.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed, J. L. G. Guirao, D. Baleanu,
E. Al-Sarairah, and R. Jan, A study of positivity analysis for
difference operators in the Liouville-Caputo setting,
Symmetry 15 (2023), Article ID 391, 1-10.
- A. M. Acu, I. Raşa, and H. M. Srivastava, Some functionals
and approximation operators associated with a family of discrete probability
distributions, Mathematics 11 (2023), Article ID 805,
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Tariq, P. O. Mohammed, H. Alrweili,
E. Al-Sarairah, and M. De La Sen, On modified integral
inequalities for a generalized class of convexity and applications,
Axioms 12 (2023), Article ID 162, 1-18.
- S. K. Verma, R. K. Vats, H. K. Nashine, and H. M. Srivastava,
Existence results for a fractional differential inclusion
of arbitrary order with three-point boundary conditions,
Kragujevac J. Math. 47 (2023), 935-945.
- H. M. Srivastava, T. G. Shaba, G. Murugusundaramoorthy,
A. K. Wanas, and G. I. Oros, The Fekete-Szegö
functional and the Hankel determinant for a certain class of
analytic functions involving the Hohlov operator,
AIMS Math. 8 (2023), 340-360.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. J. González,
and E. R. Negrín,
An operational calculus for a Mehler-Fock type index
transform on distributions of compact support,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 117 (2023), Article ID 3, 1-11.
- H. M. Srivastava, Z. Khan, P. O. Mohammed, E. Al-Sarairah,
M. Jawad, and R. Jan, Heat transfer of buoyancy and
radiation on the free convection boundary layer MHD flow
across a stretchable porous sheet,
Energies 16 (2023), Article ID 58, 1-23.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. H. Hadi, and M. Darus, Some
subclasses of p-valent -uniformly type q-starlike and
q-convex functions defined by using a certain generalized
q-Bernardi integral operator, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 117 (2023), Article ID 50, 1-16.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. Şeker, S. Sümer Eker, and
B. Çekiç, A class of Poisson
distributions based upon a two-parameter Mittag-Leffler type
function, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 24 (2023),
- J. Cao and H. M. Srivastava, A class of iterated fractional
q-integrals and their applications,
J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 24 (2023),
- H. M. Srivastava and S. M. El-Deeb, Subclasses of
analytic functions with respect to symmetric and conjugate points
connected with the q-Borel distribution,
Filomat 36 (2022), 5521-5538.
- I. Al-Shbeil, A. Cataş, H. M. Srivastava, and N. Aloraini,
Coefficient estimates of new families of analytic functions
associated with q-Hermite polynomials, Axioms
12 (2022), Article ID 52, 1-14.
- R. Liko, H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed, A. Kashuri,
E. Al-Sarairah, S. K. Sahoo, and M. S. Soliman,
Parameterized quantum fractional integral inequalities
defined by using n-polynomial convex functions,
Axioms 11 (2022), Article ID 727, 1-17.
- E. E. Ali, H. M. Srivastava, R. M. El-Ashwah, and A. M. Albalahi,
Differential subordination and differential superordination
for classes of admissible multivalent functions associated
with a linear operator, Mathematics 10 (2022),
Article ID 4690, 1-20.
- S. Mehmood, H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed,
E. Al-Sarairah, F. Zafar, and K. Nonlaopon, Fejér-type
midpoint and trapezoidal inequalities for the
operator (ω1,
functions, Axioms 12 (2022), Article ID 16,
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srvastava, Fractional clique collocation
technique for numerical simulations of fractional-order
Brusselator-Chemical model, Axioms 11 (2022),
Article ID 654, 1-20.
- X. Liu, C.-C. Zhu, H. M. Srivastava, and H. Xu,
Global stability for a diffusive infection model with
nonlinear incidence, Mathematics 10 (2022),
Article ID 4296, 1-26.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some families of generating functions
associated with orthogonal polynomials and other higher
transcendental functions, Mathematics 10 (2022),
Article ID 3730, 1-23.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Kumar, V. Kumar, and N. E. Cho,
Hermitian-Toeplitz and Hankel determinants for starlike
functions associated with a rational function,
J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 23 (2022), 2815-2833.
- K.-L. Hou, H. M. Srivastava, L.-C. Lin, B. R. Sarker, and
S.-F. Lee, Optimal replenishment policy for non-instantaneous
deteriorating items with stochastic demand under advance
sales discount and available capacity,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
45 (2022), 11433-11448.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. K. Wanas, Some applications
of first-order differential subordinations for holomorphic functions
in complex normed spaces, Miskolc Math. Notes
23 (2022), 889-896.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. P. Chaudhary, S. Chaudhary, and
G. A. Salilew, Jacobi's triple-product identity and an
associated family of theta-function identities,
Math. Notes 112 (2022), 756-773.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. Singh, and S. K. Upadhyay,
The Bessel wavelet convolution involving the Hankel
transformations, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal.
23 (2022), 2649-2661.
- T. Abdeljawad, P. O. Mohammed, H. M. Srivastava, E.
Al-Sarairah, A. Kashuri, and K. Nonlaopon,
Some novel existence and uniqueness results
for the Hilfer fractional integro-differential equations with
non-instantaneous impulsive multi-point boundary conditions
and their application,
AIMS Math. 8 (2022), 3469-3483.
- L. Shi, H. M. Srivastava, A. Rafiq, M. Arif, and M. Ihsan,
Results on Hankel determinants for the inverse of certain
analytic functions subordinated to the exponential function,
Mathematics 10 (2022),
Article ID 3429, 1-15.
- S. H. Ong, C. M. Ng, H. K. Yap, and H. M. Srivastava,
Some probabilistic generalizations of the Cheney-Sharma and
Bernstein approximation operators,
Axioms 10 (2022),
Article ID 537, 1-11.
- H. M. Srivastava, W. Z. Lone, F. A. Shah, and A. I. Zayed,
Discrete quadratic-phase Fourier
transform: Theory and convolution structures,
Entropy 24 (2022),
Article ID 1340, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, D. Raghavan, and S. Nagarajan,
A comparative study of the stability of some fractional-order
cobweb economic models,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 116 (2022), Article ID 98, 1-20.
- Z. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed, M. Jawad,
R. Jan, and K. Nonlaopon, Thermal boundary layer analysis
of MHD nanofluids across a thin needle using non-linear thermal
radiation, Math. Biosci. Engrg. 19 (2022),
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Izadi, and N. Okhovati,
Viscous splitting finite difference schemes to
convection-diffusion equations with discontinuous
coefficient, Appl. Anal. Optim. 6 (2022),
- H. M. Srivastava, L. Parida, and A. K. Sahoo,
A certain general family of subclasses of
meromorphically multivalent functions associated with
the hypergeometric function, Appl. Anal. Optim.
6 (2022), 329-342.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. A. Shah, and W. Z. Lone,
Quadratic-phase wave-packet transform in
Symmetry 14 (2022),
Article ID 2018, 1-16.
- H.-Y. Xu, L. Xu, and H. M. Srivastava,
The exact solutions for several partial differential-difference
equations with constant coefficients,
Mathematics 10 (2022),
Article ID 3596, 1-15.
- L. Shi, H. M. Srivastava, A. Rafiq, M. Arif, and M. Ihsan,
Results on Hankel determinants for the inverse of certain
analytic functions subordinated to the exponential function,
Mathematics 10 (2022),
Article ID 3429, 1-15.
- H. M. Srivastava and J. V. da Costa Sousa,
Multiplicity of solutions for fractional-order differential
equations via the κ(x)-Laplacian
operator and the Genus theory,
Fractal Fract. 6 (2022), Article ID 481, 1-27.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. A. Shah, and A. A. Teali,
On quantum representation of the linear canonical
wavelet transform, Universe 8 (2022),
Article ID 477, 1-11.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Mehrez, and S. M. Sitnik,
Hermite-Hadamard-type integral inequalities for convex
functions and their applications,
Mathematics 10 (2022), Article ID 3127, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. Shukla, and S. K. Upadhyay,
The localization operator and wavelet multipliers involving
the Watson transform, J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl.
13 (2022), Article ID 46, 1-21.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. Chaharpashlou, R. Saadati,
and C.-Q. Li, A fuzzy random boundary
value problem,
Axioms 11 (2022), Article ID
414, 1-17.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. K. Mishra, and S. K. Upadhyay,
Characterizations of continuous fractional Bessel
wavelet transforms,
Mathematics 10 (2022), Article ID 3084, 1-11.
- J. L. G. Guirao, P. O. Mohammed, H. M. Srivastava, D.
Baleanu, and M. S. Abualrub, Relationships between
the discrete Riemann-Liouville and Liouville-Caputo
fractional differences and their
associated convexity results,
AIMS Math. 7 (2022), 18127-18141.
- H. M. Srivastava and J. Danane, Analysis of a stochastic
SICR epidemic model associated with the Lévy jump,
Appl. Sci. 12 (2022), Article ID 8434, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Prajapati, and P. Gochhayat,
Integral means and Yamashita's conjecture associated with
the Janowski type (j,k)-symmetric
starlike functions,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 116 (2022), Article ID 165, 1-22.
- H.-Y. Xu, G.-S. Chen, H. M. Srivastava, Z.-X. Xuan, and
Y.-Q. Cu, A study of the growth results for the Hadamard
product of several Dirichlet series with different growth
indices, Mathematics 10 (2022), Article
ID 2220, 1-26.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some general families of integral
transformations and related results, Appl. Math. Comput.
Sci. 6 (2022), 27-41.
- P. O. Mohammed, H. M. Srivastava, D. Baleanu, R. Jan,
and K. M. Abualnaja, Monotonicity results for nabla
Riemann-Liouville fractional differences,
Mathematics 10 (2022), Article
ID 2433, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. A. Shah, and N. A. Nayied,
Fibonacci wavelet method for the solution of the non-linear
Hunter-Saxton equation, Appl. Sci. 12 (2022),
Article ID 7738, 1-17.
- Md. Nasiruzzaman, H. M. Srivastava, and S. A. Mohiuddine,
Approximation process based on parametric generalization of
Schurer-Kantorovich operators and their bivariate form,
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India Sect. A Phys. Sci. 92 (2022),
- H. M. Srivastava, Some double integrals stemming from
the Boltzmann equation in the kinetic theory of gasses,
European J. Pure Appl. Math. 15 (2022), 810-820.
- P. O. Mohammed, H. M. Srivastava, D. Baleanu,
and K. M. Abualnaja, Modified fractional difference operators
defined using Mittag-Leffler kernels,
Symmetry 14 (2022), Article
ID 1519, 1-12.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Y. Tantary, F. A. Shah, and A. I. Zayed,
An interplay of ridgelet and linear canonical
transforms, Mathematics 10 (2022), Article
ID 1986, 1-17.
- R. F. Patterson, H. M. Srivastava, and Ekrem Savaş,
Asymptotic double subseries, Publ. Inst. Math.
(Beograd) (Nouvelle Sér.) 112 (126) (2022),
- I. Al-Shbeil, H. M. Srivastava, M. Arif, M. Haq, N. Khan,
and B. Khan, Majorization results based upon the Bernardi
integral operator, Symmetry 14 (2022), Article
ID 1404, 1-12.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Murugusundaramoorthy,
and T. Bulboacǎ, The second Hankel determinant
for subclasses of bi-univalent functions associated with a nephroid
domain, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís.
Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 116 (2022),
Article ID 145, 1-21.
- P. O. Mohammed, H. M. Srivastava, D. Baleanu, E. E.
Elattar, and Y. S. Hamed, Positivity analysis for the discrete
delta fractional differences of the Riemann-Liouville and
Liouville-Caputo types, Electron. Research Arch.
30 (2022), 3058-3070.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. K. Sahoo, P. O. Mohammed,
B. Kodamasingh, K. Nonlaopon, and K. M. Abualnaja,
Interval valued Hadamard-Fejér and Pachpatte type
inequalities pertaining to a new fractional integral operator with
exponential kernel, AIMS Math. 7 (2022),
- H. M. Srivastava, R. C. S. Chandel, and H. Kumar,
Some general Hurwitz-Lerch type zeta functions associated
with the Srivastava-Daoust multiple hypergeometric functions,
J. Nonlinear Var. Anal. 6 (2022), 299-315.
- C.-P. Chen and H. M. Srivastava,
Complete asymptotic expansions related
to the probability density function of
the χ2-distribution,
Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 16 (2022), 218-231.
- H. M. Srivastava and M. Izadi, The Rothe-Newton
approach to simulate the variable coefficient
convection-diffusion equations,
J. Mahani Math. Res. Cent. 11 (2022), 141-157.
- H. M. Srivastava, E. Aljimi, and B. Hazarika, Statistical
weighted (Nλ,
p, q)
(Eλ, 1) A-summability
with application to Korovkin's type approximation theorem,
Bull. Sci. Math. 178 (2022), Article 103146, 1-21.
- H. M. Srivastava, D. M. Gusu, P. O. Mohammed,
G. Wedajo, K. Nonlaopon, and Y. S. Hamed,
Solutions of general fractional-order
differential equations by using the spectral tau method,
Fractal Fract. 6 (2022), Article ID 7, 1-14.
- M. B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed, K. Nonlaopon,
and Y. S. Hamed, Some new Jensen, Schur and
Hermite-Hadamard inequalities for log convex fuzzy
interval-valued functions, AIMS Math.
7 (2022), 4338-4358.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, and S. K. Paikray,
Deferred Cesàro statistical convergence of
Martingale sequence and Korovkin-type approximation
theorems, Miskolc Math. Notes 23 (2022),
- P. O. Mohammed, H. M. Srivastava, J. L. G. Guirao, and Y. S. Hamed,
Existence of solutions for a class of nonlinear
fractional difference equations of the Riemann-Liouville type,
Adv. Contin. Discrete Model. 2022 (2022), Article ID 22, 1-15.
- H. M. Srivastava, J.-J. Liao, K.-N. Huang, K.-J. Chung, S.-D. Lin,
and S.-F. Lee, Supply chain inventory model for deteriorating
products with maximum lifetime under trade-credit financing,
TWMS J. Pure Appl. Math. 13 (2022), 53-71.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. M. A. El-Sayed, H. H. G. Hashem,
and Sh. M. Al-Issa, Analytical investigation of nonlinear
hybrid implicit functional differential inclusions of arbitrary
fractional orders,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 116 (2022), Article ID 26, 1-19.
- M. B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed,
D. Baleanu, and T. M. Jawa, Fuzzy-interval inequalities for
generalized convex fuzzy-interval-valued functions via fuzzy Riemann
integrals, AIMS Math. 7 (2022),
- G.-S. Chen, J.-S. Liang, H. M. Srivastava, and C. Lv,
Local fractional integral Hölder-type inequalities and some
related results, Fractal Fract. 6 (2022),
Article ID 195, 1-16.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. M. Saad, and W. M. Hamanah,
Certain new models of the multi-space fractal-fractional
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky and Korteweg-de Vries equations,
Mathematics 10 (2022), Article ID 1089,
- H. M. Srivastava, S. K. Sahoo, P. O. Mohammed,
B. Kodamasingh, and Y. S. Hamed, New Riemann-Liouville
fractional-order inclusions for convex functions via interval-valued
settings associated with pseudo-order relations,
Fractal Fract. 6 (2022),
Article ID 212, 1-17.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Hussain, I. Ahmad, and S. G. A. Shah,
Coefficient bounds for analytic and bi-univalent functions
associated with some conic domains, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal.
23 (2022), 741-753.
- P. O. Mohammed, H. M. Srivastava, S. A. Mahmood, K. Nonlaopon,
K. M. Abualnaja, and Y. S. Hamed,
Positivity and monotonicity results for discrete fractional operators
involving the exponential kernel,
Math. Biosci. Engrg. 19 (2022), 5120-5133.
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srivastava, An optimized second
order numerical scheme applied to the non-linear Fisher's
reaction-diffusion equation, J. Interdisciplinary Math.
25 (2022), 471-492.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Kamali, and A. Urdaletova,
A study of the Fekete-Szegö functional and
coefficient estimates for subclasses of analytic functions satisfying
a certain subordination condition and associated with the Gegenbauer
polynomials, AIMS Math. 7 (2022),
- I. H. K. Premarathna, H. M. Srivastava, Z. A. M. S. Juman,
A. AlArjani, Md S. Uddin, and S. S. Sana,
Mathematical modeling approach to predict
infected people in Sri Lanka, AIMS Math.
7 (2022), 4672-4699.
- M. Izadi, H. M. Srivastava, and W. Adel, An effective
approximation algorithm for second-order
singular functional differential equations,
Axioms 11 (2022), Article ID 133, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, and S. K. Paikray,
Some Korovkin-type approximation theorems associated
with a certain deferred weighted statistical Riemann-integrable
sequence of functions,
Axioms 11 (2022), Article ID 128, 1-11.
- M. B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed, J.
L. G. Guirao, and T. M. Jawa,
Fuzzy-interval inequalities for generalized preinvex fuzzy
interval valued functions,
Math. Biosci. Engrg. 19 (2022), 812-835.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed, J. L. G. Guirao, and
Y. S. Hamed, Link theorem and distributions of solutions
to uncertain Liouville-Caputo difference equations,
Discrete Continuous Dyn. Syst. - S,
15 (2022), 427-440.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Kumar, S. Das, and K. Mehrez,
Geometric properties of a certain class of
Mittag-Leffler-type functions,
Fractal Fract. 6 (2022), Article ID 54, 1-31.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. K. Sahoo, P. O. Mohammed, D. Baleanu,
and B. Kodamasingh, Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for
interval-valued preinvex functions via fractional integral operators,
Internat. J. Comput. Intel. Syst. 15 (2022), Article ID 8, 1-12.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed, O. Almutairi, A. Kashuri,
and Y. S. Hamed, Some integral inequalities in V-fractional
calculus and their applications,
Mathematics 10 (2022), Article ID 344, 1-16.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. A. Shah, and A. A. Teali, Short-time
special affine Fourier transform for quaternion-valued functions,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 116 (2022), Article ID 66, 1-20.
- J. Cao, H. M. Srivastava, H.-L. Zhou, and S. Arjika,
Generalized q-difference equations for q-hypergeometric
polynomials with double q-binomial coefficients,
Mathematics 10 (2022), Article ID 556, 1-17.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Ali, A. Hussain, M. Arshad, and H. Al Sulami,
A certain class of θL-type npn-linear
operators and some related fixed point results,
J. Nonlinear Var. Anal. 6 (2022), 69-87.
- M. B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed, J. E.
Macías-Diaz, and Y. S. Hamed,
Some new versions of integral inequalities for
log-preinvex fuzzy-interval-valued functions through
fuzzy order relation, Alexandria Engrg. J.
61 (2022), 7089-7101.
- N. Konwar, R. Srivastava, P. Debnath, and H. M. Srivastava,
Some new sesults for a class of multivalued interpolative
Kannan-type contractions,
Axioms 11 (2022), Article ID 76, 1-9.
- H. M. Srivastava, N. V. Sayinath Udupa,
and B. R. Srivatsa Kumar,
A class of mixed modular equations and their
applications involving theta-function identities,
J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 23 (2022), 607-623.
- M. B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed,
K. Nonlaopon, and Y. S. Hamed, Some new
estimates on coordinates of left and right convex
interval-valued functions based on pseudo order
relation, Symmetry 14 (2022),
Article ID 473, 1-20.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. Deniz, A new modified
semi-analytical technique for a
fractional-order Ebola virus disease model,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 115 (2021), Article ID 137, 1-18.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Deep, S. Abbas, and B. Hazarika,
Solvability for a class of generalized functional-integral equations
by means of Petryshyn's fixed point theorem, J. Nonlinear
Convex Anal. 22 (2021), 2715-2737.
- H. M. Srivastava, A survey of some recent developments
on higher transcendental functions of analytic number theory and
applied mathematics,
Symmetry 13 (2021), Article ID 2294, 1-22.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some parametric and argument variations of
the operators of fractional calculus and
related special functions and integral transformations,
J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 22 (2021), 1501-1520.
- H. M. Srivastava, An introductory overview of
fractional-calculus operators based upon the Fox-Wright and
related higher transcendental functions, J. Adv. Engrg. Comput.
5 (2021), 135-166.
- K. Ullah, H. M. Srivastava, A. Rafiq, M. Arif, and S. Arjika,
A study of sharp coefficient bounds for a
new subfamily of starlike functions, J. Inequal. Appl.
2021 (2021), Article ID 194, 1-20.
- K. Y. Kung, M.-F. Gong, H. M. Srivastava, and S.-D. Lin,
Analytic transient solutions of a cylindrical heat
equation, Filomat 35 (2021), 2617-2628.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. S. Chauhan, and S. K. Upadhyay,
Asymptotic series of a general symbol and
pseudo-differential operators involving
the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform, J. Nonlinear
Convex Anal. 22 (2021), 2461-2478.
- P. Debnath and H. M. Srivastava, Optimal returns in
Indian stock market during global
pandemic: A comparative study,
J. Risk and Financial Manage.
14 (2021), Article ID 592, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. A. Shah, T. K. Garg, W. Z. Lone,
and H. L. Qadri, Non-separable linear
canonical wavelet transform,
Symmetry 13 (2021), Article ID 2182, 1-21.
- H. M. Srivastava, K.-Y. Kung, S.-F. Lee, and S.-D. Lin,
Analytic solutions of the cylindrical heat equation with a
heat source, Russian J. Math. Phys.
28 (2021), 545-552.
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srivastava, A novel matrix technique for
multi-order pantograph differential equations of fractional order,
Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A: Math. Phys. Engrg. Sci.
477 (2021), Article ID 2021031, 1-21.
- L. Shi, H. M. Srivastava, M. G. Khan, N. Khan, B. Khan, and
W. K. Mashwani, Certain subclasses of analytic
multivalent functions associated with petal-shape domain,
Axioms 10 (2021), Article ID 291, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, E. S. A. AbuJarad, F. Jarad, G. Srivastava,
and M. H. A. AbuJarad, The Marichev-Saigo-Maeda
fractional-calculus operators involving the
(p, q)-extended Bessel and
Bessel-Wright functions,
Fractal Fract. 5 (2021), Article ID 210, 1-15.
- V. M. Tripathi, H. M. Srivastava, H. Singh, C. Swarup,
and S. Aggarwal, Mathematical analysis of
non-isothermal reaction-diffusion
models arising in spherical catalyst and spherical biocatalyst,
Appl. Sci. 11 (2021), Article ID 10423, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Tahir, B. Khan, M. Darus, N. Khan, and
Q. Z. Ahmad, Certain subclasses of meromorphically
q-starlike functions associated with the q-derivative operators,
Ukrainian Math. J. 73 (2022), 1462-1477
[Ukrainian Original 73 (2021), 1260--1273].
- N. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, A. Rafiq, M. Arif, and S. Arjika,
Some applications of q-difference operator
involving a family of meromorphic harmonic functions,
Adv. Differ. Equ. 2021 (2021), Article ID 471, 1-18.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. I. Qureshi, and S. H. Malik,
Some hypergeometric transformations and reduction
formulas for the Gauss function and their applications
involving the Clausen function, J. Nonlinear Var. Anal.
5 (2021), 981-987.
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srivastava, Generalized Bessel
quasilinearization technique applied to
Bratu and Lane-Emden-type equations of arbitrary order,
Fractal Fract. 5 (2021), Article ID 179, 1-27.
- B. Khan, Z.-G. Liu, H. M. Srivastava, S. Araci, N. Khan,
and Q. Z. Ahmad, Higher-order q-derivatives and their applications
to subclasses of multivalent Janowski type q-starlike functions,
Adv. Differ. Equ. 2021 (2021), Article ID 440, 1-15.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Kashuri, P. O. Mohammed, and K. Nonlaopon,
Certain inequalities pertaining to some new generalized
fractional integral operators,
Fractal Fract. 5 (2021), Article ID 160, 1-21.
- A. R. Hadhoud, H. M. Srivastava, and A. A. M. Rageh,
Non-polynomial B-spline and shifted Jacobi spectral collocation
techniques to solve time-fractional nonlinear coupled Burgers' equations
numerically, Adv. Differ. Equ. 2021 (2021),
Article ID 439, 1-28.
- H. M. Srivastava, A.-K. N. Alomari, K. M. Saad, and W. M. Hamanah,
Some dynamical models involving fractional-order
derivatives with the Mittag-Leffler type kernels and their
applications based upon the Legendre spectral collocation method,
Fractal Fract. 5 (2021), Article ID 131, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Kashuri, P. O. Mohammed, A. M. Alsharif, and
J. L. G. Guirao, New Chebyshev type inequalities via a general
family of fractional integral operators with a modified Mittag-Leffler
kernel, AIMS Math. 6 (2021),
- K.-J. Chung, J.-J. Liao, H. M. Srivastava, S.-F. Lee, and S.-D. Lin,
The EOQ model for deteriorating items with a conditional
trade credit linked to order quantity in a supply
chain system, Mathematics 9 (2021), Article ID
2311, 1-34.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, and S. K. Paikray,
Statistical Riemann and Lebesgue integrable sequence of
functions with Korovkin-type approximation theorems,
Axioms 10 (2021), Article ID 229, 1-16.
- M. B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammad, and J. L. G.
Guirao, Fuzzy mixed variational-like and integral
inequalities for strongly preinvex fuzzy mappings,
Symmetry 13 (2021), Article ID 1816, 1-24.
- H. M. Srivastava, H. Mandal, and B. Bira,
Lie symmetry and exact solution
of the time-fractional Hirota-Satsuma
Korteweg-de Vries system, Russian J. Math. Phys.
28 (2021), 284-292.
- J.-J. Liao, H. M. Srivastava, K.-J. Chung, S.-F. Lee, K.-N. Huang,
and S.-D. Lin, Inventory models for non-instantaneous
deteriorating items with expiration dates and imperfect quality under hybrid
payment policy in the three-level supply chain,
Symmetry 13 (2021), Article IS 1695, 1-26.
- H. M. Srivastava and C.-P. Chen, A generalization of Euler's
pentagonal number theorem with an application, J. Nonlinear
Var. Anal. 5 (2021), 795-802.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Wanas, and H. Ö. Güuney,
New families of bi-univalent functions associated with the
Bazilevič functions and the λ-pseudo-starlike
functions, Iran. J. Sci. Technol.
Trans. A: Sci. 45 (2021), 1799-1804.
- H. M. Srivastava, I. Area, and J. J. Nieto, Power-series
solution of compartmental epidemiological models,
Math. Biosci. Engrg. 18 (2021), 3274-3290.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. A. Shah, and W. Z. Lone,
Fractional nonuniform multiresolution
analysis in L2(R),
Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
44 (2021), 9351-9372.
- C.-Q. Li and H. M. Srivastava, Uniqueness of
solutions of the generalized Abel integral equations in Banach
spaces, Fractal Fract. 5 (2021), Article ID
105, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Kumar, and T. Pradhan,
A framework of linear canonical Hankel transform pairs in
distribution spaces and their applications,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 115 (2021), Article ID 171, 1-18.
- N. L. Braha, T. Mansour, and H. M. Srivastava,
A parametric generalization of the
approximation operators, Symmetry
13 (2021), Article ID 980, 1-24.
- H. M. Srivastava, H. I. Abdel-Gawad, and K. M. Saad,
Oscillatory states and patterns formation in a two-cell
cubic autocatalytic reaction-diffusion model subjected to the
Dirichlet conditions, Discrete Continuous Dyn. Syst. - S,
14 (2021), 3785-3801.
- H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, S. Khan, Q. Z. Ahmad, and B. Khan,
A class of k-symmetric harmonic functions involving a
certain q-derivative operator, Mathematics 9 (2021),
Article ID 1812, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Singh, A. Rawat, and S. Singh,
A family of Mexican hat wavelet transforms associated with
an isometry in the heat equation,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
44 (2021), 11340-11349.
- J. H. Park, H. M. Srivastava, and N. E. Cho, Univalence
and convexity conditions for certain integral operators
associated with the Lommel function of the first kind,
AIMS Math. 6 (2021), 11380-11402.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. J. Ansari, F. Özger, and Z. Ö.
Özger, A link between approximation theory and summability
methods via four-dimensional infinite matrices, Mathematics
9 (2021), Article ID 1895, 1-16.
- P. Debnath and H. M. Srivastava, Optimizing stock market
returns during global pandemic using regression in the context of Indian
stock market, J. Risk and Financial Manage.
14 (2021), Article ID 386, 1-10.
- S. Momani, R. Kumar, H. M. Srivastava, S. Kumar, and S. Hadid,
A chaos study of fractional SIR epidemic model of
childhood diseases, Results Phys. 27 (2021),
Article ID 104422, 1-17.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Wanas, and R. Srivastava,
Applications of the q-Srivastava-Attiya operator involving a
certain family of bi-univalent functions associated with the
Horadam polynomials,
Symmetry 13 (2021), Article ID 1230, 1-14.
- R. Frontczak, H. M. Srivastava, and Ž. Tomovski,
Some families of Apéry-like Fibonacci
and Lucas series, Mathematics 9 (2021),
Article ID 1621, 1-10.
- Q.-X. Hu, H. M. Srivastava, B. Ahmad, N. Khan, M. G. Khan,
W. K. Mashwani, and B. Khan, A subclass of multivalent Janowski
type q-starlike functions and its consequences,
Symmetry 13 (2021), Article ID 1275, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava and M. M. Khader, Numerical
simulation for the treatment of nonlinear
predator-prey equations by using the finite element
optimization method, Fractal Fract. 5
(2021), Article ID 56, 1-9.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. Khan, N. Khan, A. Hussain, N. Khan,
and M. Tahir, Applications of certain
basic (or q-) derivatives
to subclasses of multivalent Janowski type q-starlike functions
involving conic domains, J. Nonlinear Var. Anal.
5 (2021), 531-547.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. I. Qureshi, and S. H. Malik,
Some modified reduction formulas for the Gauss and
Clausen hypergeometric functions, Proc. Jangjeon
Math. Soc. 24 (2021), 275-283.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. Jan, A. Jan, W. Deebani, and M.
Shutaywi, Fractional-calculus analysis of the transmission
dynamics of the dengue infection,
Chaos 31 (2021), Article ID 53130, 1-18.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Kashuri, P. O. Mohammed, and
D. Baleanu, Fractional integral inequalities for
exponentially nonconvex functions and their applications,
Fractal Fract. 5 (2021), Article ID 80, 1-13.
- Y. Vyas, H. M. Srivastava, S. Pathak, and K. Fatawat,
General summation formulas contiguous to the q-Kummer
summation theorems and their applications,
Symmetry 13 (2021),
Article ID 1102, 1-16.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. O. Mohammed, C. S. Ryoo, and
Y. S. Hamed, Existence and uniqueness of a class of
uncertain Liouville-Caputo fractional difference equations,
J. King Saud Univ. Sci. 33 (2021),
Article ID 101497, 1-7.
- W.-X. Ma, M. S. Osman, S. Arshed, N. Raza, and
H. M. Srivastava, Practical analytical approaches for
finding novel optical solitons in the single-mode fibers,
Chinese J. Phys. 72 (2021), 475-486.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, and S. K. Paikray,
Statistical product convergence of martingale sequences
and its applications to Korovkin-type approximation theorems,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
44 (2021), 9600-9610.
- B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, S. Arjika, S. Khan, N. Khan,
and Q. Z. Ahmad, A certain q-Ruscheweyh type derivative
operator and its applications involving multivalent functions,
Adv. Differ. Equ. 2021 (2021), Article ID 279, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. M. El-Deeb, Fuzzy differential
subordinations based upon the Mittag-Leffler type Borel
distribution, Symmetry 13 (2021), Article ID 1023,
- H. H. H. Homeier, H. M. Srivastava, M. Masjed-Jamei, and
Z. Moalemi, Some weighted quadrature methods based
upon the mean value theorems, Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
44 (2021), 3840-3856.
- C.-P. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, Some new properties of
the Barnes G-function and related results, Appl. Anal.
Discrete Math. 15 (2021), 129-150.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. Arjika, A general family of
q-hypergeometric polynomials and associated generating
functions, Mathematics 9 (2021),
Article ID 1161, 1-15.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. K. Ntouyas, M. Alsulami, A. Alsaedi,
and B. Ahmad, A self-adjoint coupled system of nonlinear
ordinary differential equations with nonlocal multi-point boundary
conditions on an arbitrary domain,
Appl. Sci. 11 (2021), Article ID 4798, 1-14.
- K.-L. Hou, H. M. Srivastava, L.-C. Lin, and S.-F. Lee,
The impact of system deterioration and product warranty on
optimal lot sizing with maintenance and shortages
backordered, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 115
(2021), Article ID 103, 1-18.
- S. Kumar, R. K. Pandey, H. M. Srivastava, and G. N. Singh,
A convergent collocation approach for generalized fractional
integro-differential equations using Jacobi poly-fractonomials,
Mathematics 9 (2021), Article ID 979, 1-17.
- C.-P. Chen, H. M. Srivastava, and Q. Wang, A method
to construct continued-fraction approximations
and its applications, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 115
(2021), Article ID 97, 1-26.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Arif, and M. Raza, Convolution
properties of meromorphically harmonic functions defined by a
generalized convolution q-derivative operator,
AIMS Math. 6 (2021), 5869-5885.
- A. AlArjani, Md. M. Miah, Md. S. Uddin, A. H. Md. Mashud,
H.-M. Wee, S. S. Sana, and H. M. Srivastava, A sustainable
economic recycle quantity model for imperfect production system
with shortages, J. Risk and Financial Manage.
14 (2021), Article ID 173, 1-21.
- H. M. Srivastava, T. M. Seoudy, and M. K. Aouf,
A generalized conic domain and its applications to certain
subclasses of multivalent functions associated with the basic
(or q-) calculus,
AIMS Math. 6 (2021), 6580-6602.
- H. M. Sivastava, Mohd. Irfan, and F. A. Shah,
A Fibonacci wavelet method for solving dual-phase-lag heat
transfer model in multi-layer skin tissue during
hyperthermia treatment, Energies 14 (2021),
Article ID 2254, 1-20.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Kaur, and G. Singh, Estimates
of the fourth Hankel determinant for a class of analytic functions
with bounded turnings involving cardiod domains,
J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 22 (2021), 511-526.
- B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, M. Darus, Q. Z. Ahmad,
and M. Tahir, Applications of certain conic domains to a
subclass of q-starlike functions associated with the Janowski
functions, Symmetry
13 (2021), Article ID 574, 1-18.
- H. M. Srivastava, H. Ahmad, I. Ahmad, P. Thounthong, and
M. N. Khan, Numerical simulation of 3-D
fractional-order convection-diffusion PDE by a local meshless
method, Thermal Sci. 25 (1A) (2021),
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Motamednezhad, and S. Salehian,
Coefficients of a comprehensive subclass of meromorphic
bi-univalent functions associated with the Faber
polynomial expansion,
Axioms 10 (2021), Article ID 27, 1-13.
- B. Khan, Z.-G. Liu, H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, and M. Tahir,
Applications of higher-order derivatives to subclasses of
multivalent q-starlike functions,
Maejo Internat. J. Sci. Technol.
15 (2021)), 61-72.
- H. M. Srivastava and C.-P. Chen, Sums of the
reciprocals of the triangular numbers and related analytical
representations, asymptotic expansions and inequalities,
J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 22 (2021), 349-361.
- M. Raza, H. M. Srivastava, M. Arif, and K. Ahmad,
Coefficient estimates for a certain family of analytic functions
involving a q-derivative operator, Ramanujan J.
55 (2021), 53-71.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. Srivastava, and R. U. Verma,
Higher-Order semiinfinite fractional programming
and parametric duality models, Commun. Appl.
Nonlinear Anal. 28 (2) (2021), 91-120.
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srivastava, An efficient approximation
technique applied to a non-linear Lane-Emden pantograph delay
differential model, Appl. Math. Comput.
401 (2021), Article ID 126123, 1-10.
- H. M. Srivastava, J. Iqbal, M. Arif, A. Khan, Y. S. Gasimov, and
R. Chinram, A new application of Gauss quadrature method for
solving systems of nonlinear equations, Symmetry
13 (2021), Article ID 432, 1-12.
- D. Chouhan, V. Mishra, and H. M. Srivastava,
Bernoulli wavelet method for numerical solution of
anomalous infiltration and diffusion modeling by nonlinear
fractional differential equations of variable order,
Results Appl. Math. 10 (2021), Article ID 100146,
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srivastava, Numerical
approximations to the nonlinear fractional-order Logistic
population model with fractional-order Bessel and Legendre
bases, Chaos Solitons Fractals 145 (2020),
Article ID 110779, 1-11.
- P. Debnath, Z. Mitrović, and H. M. Srivastava,
Fixed points of some asymptotically regular multivalued
mappings satisfying a Kannan-type condition,
Axioms 10 (2021), Article ID 24, 1-7.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. R. Srivatsa Kumar, and R. Narendra,
Some modular equations analogous to Ramanujan's
identities, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 115
(2021), Article ID 59, 1-12.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Deniz, and K. M. Saad, An efficient
semi-analytical method for solving the generalized
regularized long wave equations with a new fractional derivative
operator, J. King Saud Univ. Sci. 33 (2021),
Article ID 101345, 1-7.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. Khan, Nazar Khan,
M. Tahir, S. Ahmad, and Nasir Khan,
Upper bound of the third Hankel determinant for a
subclass of q-starlike functions associated with the q-exponential
function, Bull. Sci. Math. 167 (2021),
Article ID 102942, 1-16.
- H. M. Srivastava, K.-J. Chung, J.-J. Liao, S.-D. Lin, and S.-F. Lee,
An accurate and reliable mathematical analytic solution
procedure for the EOQ model with non-instantaneous receipt
under supplier credits, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 115
(2021), Article ID 1, 1-22.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Murugusundaramoorthy, and S. M. El-Deeb,
Faber polynomial coefficient estimates of bi-close-to-convex
functions connected with the Borel distribution of the Mittag-Leffler
type, J. Nonlinear Var. Anal. 5 (2021), 103-118.
- M. S. U. Rehman, Q. Z. Ahmad, H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan,
M. Darus, and B. Khan, Applications of higher-order q-derivatives
to the subclass of q-starlike functions associated with the Janowski
functions, AIMS Math. 6 (2021), 1110-1125.
- B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, M.Tahir, M. Darus, Q. Z. Ahmad,
and N. Khan, Applications of a certain q-integral operator
to the subclasses of analytic and bi-univalent functions,
AIMS Math. 6 (2021), 1024-1039.
- M. Masjed-Jamei and H. M. Srivastava, Some expansions
of functions based upon two sequences of hypergeometric
polynomials, Quaestiones Math. 44 (2021), 17-36,
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Wanas, and G. Murugusundaramoorthy,
A certain family of bi-univalent functions associated with the
Pascal distribution series based upon the Horadam polynomials,
Surveys Math. Appl. 16 (2021), 193-205.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. Srivastava, A. Muhyi, G. Yasmin,
H. Islahi, and S. Araci, Construction of a new family of Fubini-type
polynomials and its applications, Adv. Differ. Equ.
2021 (2021), Article ID 36, 1-25.
- B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, M. Darus, M. Tahir,
and A. Samad, Applications of higher-order derivatives to the
subclasses of meromorphic starlike functions,
J. Appl. Comput. Mech. 7 (2021), 321-333.
- H. Singh, H. M. Srivastava, Z. Hammouch, and K. S. Nisar,
Numerical simulation and stability analysis for the fractional-order
dynamics of COVID-19, Results Phys. 20 (2021),
Article ID 103722, 1-8.
- F. Özger, H. M. Srivastava, and S. A. Mohiuddine,
Approximation of functions by a new class of generalized
Bernstein-Schurer operators, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 114
(2020), Article ID 173, 1-21.
- H. M. Srivastava, Operators of basic (or q-)
calculus and fractional q-calculus and their applications in geometric
function theory of complex analysis, Iran. J. Sci. Technol.
Trans. A: Sci. 44 (2020), 327-344.
- V. Gupta, M. López-Pellicer, and H. M. Srivastava,
Convergence estimates of a family of approximation
operators of exponential type,
Filomat 34 (2020), 4329-4341.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Masjed-Jamei, and R. Aktaş,
Analytical solutions of some general classes of differential and
integral equations by using the Laplace and Fourier transforms,
Filomat 34 (2020), 2869-2876.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. A. Shah, and A. Y. Tantary, A family of
convolution-based generalized Stockwell transforms,
J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl. 11 (2020), 1505-1536.
- A. K. Wanas and H. M. Srivastava, Differential sandwich
theorems for Bazilevič function defined by convolution
structure, Turkish J. Inequal. 4 (2) (2020),
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, and S. K. Paikray,
A certain class of statistical probability convergence and its
applications to approximation theorems, Appl. Anal.
Discrete Math. 14 (2020), 579-598.
- H. M. Srivastava, Diabetes and its
resulting complications:
Mathematical modeling via fractional calculus,
Public Health Open Access 4 (3) (2020), Article ID 2, 1-5.
- H. M. Srivastava and P. O. Mohammed, A correlation
between solutions of uncertain fractional forward difference equations
and their paths, Frontiers Phys.
8 (2020), Article ID 280, 1-10.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. M. Saad, and M. M. Khader,
An efficient spectral collocation method for the dynamic simulation of
the fractional epidemiological model of the Ebola virus,
Chaos Solitons Fractals 140 (2020),
Article ID 110174, 1-7.
- B. Khan, Z.-G. Liu, H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, M. Darus, and
M. Tahir, A study of some families of multivalent q-starlike
functions involving higher-order q-derivatives,
Mathematics 8 (2020), Article ID 1470, 1-12.
- H. M. Srivastava and K. M. Saad, Some new and modified
fractional analysis of the time-fractional Drinfeld-Sokolov-Wilson
system, Chaos 30 (2020),
Article ID 113114, 1-10.
- H. Singh and H. M. Srivastava, Numerical investigation
of the fractional-order Liénard and Duffing equation arising
in oscillating circuit theory, Frontiers Phys.
8 (2020), Article ID 120, 1-8.
- M. Izadi and H. M. Srivastava, A discretization approach for
the nonlinear fractional logistic equation, Entropy
22 (2020), Article ID 1328, 1-17.
- H. M. Srivastava, J. Cao, and S. Arjika, A note on
generalized q-difference equations and their applications involving
q-hypergeometric functions, Symmetry 12 (2020),
Article ID 1816, 1-16.
- H. Singh and H. M. Srivastava, Numerical simulation for
fractional-order Bloch equation arising in nuclear magnetic resonance by
using the Jacobi polynomials, Appl. Sci. 10 (2020),
Article ID 2850, 1-18.
- H. M. Srivastava and K. M. Saad, A comparative study of the
fractional-order clock chemical model,
Mathematics 8 (2020), Article ID 1436, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. Arjika, Generating functions for some families
of the generalized Al-Salam-Carlitz q-polynomials,
Adv. Differ. Equ. 2020 (2020),
Article ID 498, 1-17.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Shehata, and S. I. Moustafa, Some fixed point
theorems for F(ψ, ϕ)-contractions and their application
to fractional differential equations, Russian J. Math. Phys.
27 (2020), 385-398.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. A. Shah, and Md. Irfan, Generalized wavelet
quasi-linearization method for solving population growth model of fractional
order, Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
43 (2020), 8753-8762.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. P. Chaudhary, and F. K. Wakene,
A family of theta-function identities based upon q-binomial
theorem and Heine's transformations,
Montes Taurus J. Pure Appl. Math. 2 (2020), 1-6.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. M. El-Deeb, The Faber polynomial
expansion method and the Taylor-Maclaurin coefficient estimates of
bi-close-to-convex functions connected with the q-convolution,
AIMS Math. 5 (2020), 7087-7106.
- H. M. Srivastava and K. M. Saad, Numerical simulation of
the fractal-fractional Ebola virus, Fractal Fract.
4 (2020), Article ID 49, 1-13.
- C. Annamalai, H. M. Srivastava, and V. N. Mishra,
Recursive computations and differential and integral equations for
summability of binomial coefficients with combinatorial expressions,
Internat. J. Sci. Res. Mech. Material. Engrg. 4 (1) (2020), 6-10.
- P. Debnath and H. M. Srivastava, Global optimization and common
best proximity points for some multivalued contractive pairs of mappings,
Axioms 9 (2020), Article ID 102, 1-8.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. I. Qureshi, and S. A. Dar,
Some novel Laplace-transform based integrals via
hypergeometric techniques, Appl. Math. Inform. Sci.
14 (2020), 743-754.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, and S. K. Paikray, Statistical deferred
Nörlund summability and Korovkin-type approximation theorem,
Mathematics 8 (2020), Article ID 636, 1-11.
- M. Arif, O. Barkub, H. M. Srivastava, S. Abdullah, and S. A. Khan,
Some Janowski type harmonic q-starlike functions
associated with symmetrical points,
Mathematics 8 (2020), Article ID 629, 1-16.
- H. M. Srivastava, Fractional-order derivatives and integrals:
Introductory overview and recent developments,
Kyungpook Math. J. 60 (2020), 73-116.
- B. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, M. Darus,
M. Tahir, and Q. Z. Ahmad, Coefficient estimates for a subclass
of analytic functions associated with a certain
leaf-like domain, Mathematics 8 (2020),
Article ID 1334, 1-15.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. M. Saad, J. F. Gomez-Aguilar, and A. A. Almadiy,
Some new mathematical models of the fractional-order system of human
immune against IAV infection, Math. Biosci. Engrg.
17 (2020), 4942-4969.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. Şahin, and O. Yaǧci,
A family of incomplete
Hurwitz-Lerch zeta functions of two variables,
Miskolc Math. Notes
21 (2020), 401-415.
- N. E. Cho, H. M. Srivastava, E. A. Adegani, and
A. Motamednezhad, Criteria for a certain class of the
Carathéodory functions and their applications,
J. Inequal. Appl. 2020 (2020), Article ID 85, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, D. Baleanu, J. A. T. Machado, M. S. Osman,
H. Rezazadeh, S. Arshed, and H. Günerhan, Traveling wave
solutions to nonlinear directional couplers by modified Kudryashov
method, Phys. Scripta 95 (2020), Article ID 75217,
- H. M. Srivastava, V. P. Dubey, R. Kumar,
J. Singh, D. Kumar, and D. Baleanu,
An efficient computational approach for a fractional-order biological
population model with carrying capacity,
Chaos Solitons Fractals 138 (2020), Article ID 109880, 1-13.
- M. S. U. Rehman, Q. Z. Ahmad, H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, M. Darus, and
M. Tahir, Coefficient inequalities for certain subclasses
of multivalent functions associated with conic domain,
J. Inequal. Appl. 2020 (2020), Article ID 179, 1-17.
- B. Ghanbari, H. Günerhan, and H. M. Srivastava,
An application of the Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative in
mathematical biology: A three-species
predator-prey model,
Chaos Solitons Fractals 138 (2020), Article ID 109919, 1-15.
- M. Shafiq, N. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, B. Khan, Q. Z. Ahmad,
and M. Tahir, Generalisation of close-to-convex functions associated with
Janowski functions, Maejo Internat. J. Sci. Technol.
14 (2020)), 141-155.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. Srivastava, M. P. Chaudhary, and S. Uddin,
A family of theta-function identities based upon
combinatorial partition identities related to Jacobi's
triple-product identity, Mathematics 8 (2020),
Article ID 918, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Hasanov, and T. G. Ergashev,
A family of potentials for elliptic equations with one
singular coefficient and their applications,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
43 (2020), 6181-6199.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. M. Jena, S. Chakraverty, and S. K. Jena,
Dynamic response analysis
of fractionally-damped generalized Bagley-Torvik equation
subject to external loads, Russian J. Math. Phys.
27 (2020), 254-268.
- V. Gupta, A. M. Acu, and H. M. Srivastava,
Difference of some positive linear approximation
operators for higher-order derivatives, Symmetry
12 (2020), Article ID 915, 1-19.
- H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, M. Darus, S. Khan,
Q. Z. Ahmad, and S. Hussain, Fekete-Szegö type
problems and their applications for a subclass of q-starlike functions
with respect to symmetrical points, Mathematics
8 (2020), Article ID 842, 1-18.
- H. Tang, H. M. Srivastava, H.-S. Li, and G.-T. Deng,
Majorization results for subclasses of starlike functions
based on the sine and cosine functions,
Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.
46 (2020), 381-388.
- H. Tang, H. M. Srivastava, H.-S. Li, and G.-T. Deng,
Correction to: Majorization results
for subclasses of starlike functions
based on the sine and cosine functions,
Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.
46 (2020), 389-391.
- M. Shafiq, H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, Q. Z. Ahmad,
M. Darus, and S. Kiran, An upper bound of the
third Hankel determinant for a subclass of q-starlike
functions associated with k-Fibonacci numbers,
Symmetry 12 (2020), Article ID 1043, 1-17.
- H. M. Srivastava, U. Dey, A. Ghosh, J. P. Tripathi, S. Abbas,
A. Taraphder, and M. Roy, Growth of tumor due to
Arsenic and its mitigation by black tea in Swiss albino
mice, Alexandria Engrg. J. 59 (2020),
- P. Debnath and H. M. Srivastava, New extensions
of Kannan's and Reich's fixed point
theorems for multivalued maps using Wardowski's
technique with application to integral equations,
Symmetry 12 (2020), Article ID 1090, 1-9.
- H. M. Srivastava and N. Saikia, Some congruences
for overpartitions with restriction, Math. Notes
107 (2020), 488-498.
- H. M. Srivastava, H. I. Abdel-Gawad, and K. M. Saad,
Stability of traveling waves based upon the Evans
function and Legendre polynomials, Appl. Sci.
10 (2020), Article ID 846, 1-16.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. P. Chaudhary, and S. Chaudhary,
A family of theta-function identities
related to Jacobi's triple-product identity,
Russian J. Math. Phys. 27 (2020), 139-144.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Khan, S. Araci,
M. Acikgöz, and M. Riyasat,
A general class of the three-variable unified Apostol-type
q-polynomials and multiple power q-sums,
Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 46 (2020), 519-542.
- H. Ozden, F. E. Zihni, F. O. Erdogan, I. N. Cangul,
G. Srivastava, and H. M. Srivastava, Independence number
of graphs and line graphs of trees by means of omega invariant,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 114
(2020), Article ID 91, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, and S. K. Paikray,
Statistical probability convergence via the deferred Nörlund
mean and its applications to approximation theorems,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 114
(2020), Article ID 144, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. M. El-Deeb, A certain
class of analytic functions of complex order connected with
a q-analogue of integral operators, Miskolc Math. Notes
21 (2020), 417-433.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. I. Qureshi, and S. Jabee, Some
general series identities and summation theorems for
Clausen's hypergeometric function with negative integer numerator
and denominator parameters, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal.
21 (2020), 805-819.
- M. Masjed-Jamei, Z. Moalemi, H. M. Srivastava, and I. Area,
Some modified Adams-Bashforth methods based upon the
weighted Hermite quadrature rules, Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
43 (2020), 1380-1398.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. I. Qureshi, and S. Jabee, Some
general series identities and summation theorems for the
Gauss hypergeometric function with negative integer numerator
and denominator parameters, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal.
21 (2020), 463-478.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. S. Chauhan, and S. K. Upadhyay,
of the pseudo-differential operators
associated with the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 114
(2020), Article ID 80, 1-18.
- K.-J. Chung, J.-J. Liao, S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Chuang, and
H. M. Srivastava, Manufacturer's optimal pricing and lot-sizing policies
under trade-credit financing,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 43 (2020),
- H. M. Srivastava and K. M. Saad, New approximate
solution of the time-fractional Nagumo equation involving
fractional integrals without singular kernel,
Appl. Math. Inform. Sci. 14 (2020), 1-8.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Motamednezhad, and E. A. Adegani,
Faber polynomial coefficient estimates for bi-univalent functions
defined by using differential subordination and a certain fractional
derivative operator, Mathematics 8 (2020),
Article ID 172, 1-12.
- Y. J. Sim, O. S. Kwon, N. E. Cho, and H. M. Srivastava,
Bounds for the real parts and arguments
of normalized analytic functions
defined by the Srivastava-Attiya operator,
J. Comput. Anal. Appl. 28 (2020), 628-645.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Riyasat, S. Khan, S. Araci, and M. Acikgoz,
A new approach to Legendre-truncated-exponential-based
Sheffer sequences via Riordan arrays, Appl. Math. Comput.
369 (2020), Article ID 124683, 1-22.
- J.-J. Liao, K.-N. Huang, K.-J. Chung,
S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Chuang, and H. M. Srivastava, Optimal
ordering policy in an economic order
quantity (EOQ) model
for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with defective
quality and permissible delay in payments,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 114
(2020), Article ID 41, 1-26.
- H. Singh, D. Baleanu, H. M. Srivastava, H. Dutta, and N. K. Jha,
Solution of multi-dimensional Fredholm equations using
Legendre scaling functions, Appl. Numer. Math.
150 (2020), 313-324.
- A. Fernandez, D. Baleanu, and H. M. Srivastava,
Corrigendum to "Series representations
for fractional-calculus
operators involving generalised Mittag-Leffler functions"
[Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 67 (2019), 517-527],
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 82 (2020),
Article ID 104963, 1-1.
- M. S. U. Rehman, Q. Z. Ahmad, H. M. Srivastava, B. Khan, and N. Khan,
Partial sums of generalized q-Mittag-Leffler functions,
AIMS Math. 5 (2020), 408-420.
- K.-J. Chung, J.-J. Liao, S.-D. Lin,
S.-T. Chuang, and H. M. Srivastava, Mathematical
analytic techniques and the complete squares method for
solving an inventory modelling problem with a mixture of
backorders and lost sales, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 114
(2020), Article ID 28, 1-10.
- K. M. Saad, H. M. Srivastava, and J. F. Gómez-Aguilar,
A fractional quadratic autocatalysis associated with chemical clock
reactions involving linear inhibition, Chaos Solitons Fractals
132 (2020), Article ID 109557, 1-9.
- H. M. Srivastava, Exploring the excellence in the field
of the science practices and research ideas in the field of earth science
and climate change, J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 6 (4) (2019),
- H. M. Srivastava, Some general families of the Hurwitz-Lerch
Zeta functions and their applications: Recent developments and
directions for further researches, Proc. Inst. Math. Mech.
Nat. Acad. Sci. Azerbaijan 45 (2019), 234-269.
- W. Kumam, H. M. Srivastava,
S. A. Wani, S. Araci, and P. Kumam, Truncated-exponential-based
Frobenius-Euler polynomials, Adv. Differ. Equ. 2019 (2019),
Article ID 530, 1-12.
- H. M. Srivastava and C. Kizilateş,
A parametric kind of the
Fubini-type polynomials, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 3253-3267.
- S. S. Bhoosnurmath, B. Chakraborty, and H. M. Srivastava, A
note on the value distribution of differential polynomials,
Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 34 (2019), 1145-1155.
- H. M. Srivastava, M.Tahir, B. Khan, Q. Z. Ahmad, and N. Khan,
Some general families of q-starlike functions associated with the
Janowski functions, Filomat 33 (2019), 2613-2626.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Yasmin, and A. Muhyi, Lie algebra
representations and 2-index
4-variable 1-parameter
Hermite polynomials,
Note di Mat. 39 (1) (2019), 65-87.
- H. M. Srivastava and P. Baliarsingh,
The Leibniz and chain rules
for fractional derivatives, Appl. Anal. Optim.
3 (2019), 343-357.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Ícoz, and B. Çekim,
Approximation properties of an extended family of
the Szász-Mirakjan Beta-type operators,
Axioms 8 (2019), Article ID 111, 1-13.
- V. Kumar, N. E. Cho, V. Ravichandran, and H. M. Srivastava,
Sharp coefficient bounds for starlike functions associated with the
Bell numbers, Math. Slovaca 69 (2019), 1053-1064.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. Y. Yaşar, and M. A. Özarslan,
A class of big (p,
q)-Appell polynomials and their associated
difference equations,
Filomat 33 (2019), 3085-3121.
- C.-L. Shiue, H.-H. Chiang, M.-M. Wong, and H. M. Srivastava,
Optimal t-pebbling in cycles,
Utilitas Math. 111 (2019), 49-66.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. K. Aouf, and A. O. Mostafa,
Some properties of analytic functions
associated with fractional q-calculus operators,
Miskolc Math. Notes 20 (2019), 1245-1260 .
- H. M. Srivastava, H. Günerhan, and B. Ghanbari,
Exact traveling wave solutions for resonance nonlinear
Schrödinger equation with intermodal dispersions and the
Kerr law nonlinearity,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 42 (2019),
- A. Das, B. Hazarika, H. M. Srivastava, M. Rabbani, and R. Arab,
Solvability of infinite systems of nonlinear integral equations in
two variables by using semi-analytic method,
Filomat 33 (2019), 5377-5388.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. Khan, N. Khan, Q. Z. Ahmad, and M. Tahir,
A generalized conic domain and its applications to certain
subclasses of analytic functions,
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 49 (2019), 2325-2346.
- H. M. Srivastava, Q. Z. Ahmad, M. Darus, N. Khan,
B. Khan, N. Zaman, and H. H. Shah,
Upper bound of the third Hankel determinant for a
subclass of close-to-convex functions associated
with the lemniscate of Bernoulli,
Mathematics 7 (2019), Article ID 848, 1-10.
- H. M. Srivastava and F. A. Shah, AB-wavelet frames in
Filomat 33 (2019), 3587-3597.
- Z.-H. Zhang and H. M. Srivastava,
Some characteristic properties of the weighted particular
Schur polynomial mean,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 42 (2019),
- H. M. Srivastava, W. A. Khan, and H. Haroon, Some
expansions for a class of generalized Humbert matrix
polynomials, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 3619-3634.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Yasmin, A. Muhyi, and S. Araci,
Certain results for the twice-iterated
2D q-Appell polynomials, Symmetry 11 (2019),
Article ID 1307, 1-23.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Arjika, and A. S. Kelil, Some homogeneous
q-difference operators and the associated generalized Hahn polynomials,
Appl. Set-Valued Anal. Optim. 1 (2019), 187-201.
- H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan, M. Darus, M. T. Rahim, Q. Z. Ahmad, and
Y. Zeb, Properties of spiral-like close-to-convex functions
associated with conic domains, Mathematics 7 (2019),
Article ID 706, 1-12.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Tassaddiq, G. Rahman, K. S. Nisar,
and I. Khan, A new extension of the τ-Gauss hypergeometric
function and its associated properties,
Mathematics 7 (2019), Article ID 996, 1-9.
- H. M. Srivastava, N. Raza, E. S. A. AbuJarad,
G. Srivastava, and M. H. AbuJarad, Fekete-Szegö
inequality for classes of
(p, q)-starlike and
(p, q)-convex
functions, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc.
Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 3563-3584.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Rahman, and K. S. Nisar,
Some extensions of the Pochhammer symbol and the associated
hypergeometric functions, Iran. J. Sci. Technol. Trans. A: Sci.
43 (2019), 2601-2606.
- U. Kadak, H. M. Srivastava, and M. Mursaleen,
Relatively uniform weighted summability based
on fractional-order difference operator,
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 42 (2019), 2453-2480.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. S. Dubey, and M. Jain,
A study of the fractional-order mathematical model of
diabetes and its resulting complications,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 42 (2019),
- B. Hazarika, H. M. Srivastava, R. Arab, and M. Rabbani,
Application of simulation function
and measure of noncompactness for solvability of nonlinear
functional integral equations and introduction to
an iteration algorithm to find solution,
Appl. Math. Comput. 360 (2019), 131-146.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Das, B. Hazarika, and S. A. Mohiuddine,
Existence of solution for non-linear functional
integral equations of two variables in Banach algebra,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 674, 1-16.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Masjed-Jamei, and M. R. Beyki,
Some new generalizations and
applications of the Apostol-Bernoulli,
Apostol-Euler and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials,
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 49 (2019), 681-697.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. K. Wanas, Strong differential
sandwich results of λ-pseudo-starlike functions with
respect to symmetrical points,
Math. Moravica 23 (2) (2019), 45-58.
- H. M. Srivastava, Ş. Altinkaya, and S. Yalçin,
Certain subclasses of bi-univalent functions associated with
the Horadam polynomials, Iran. J. Sci. Technol. Trans. A: Sci.
43 (2019), 1873-1879.
- K.-J. Chung, J.-J. Liao, S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Chuang, and H. M. Srivastava,
The inventory model for deteriorating items under
conditions involving cash discount and trade credit,
Mathematics 7 (2019), Article ID 596, 1-20.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. Kurt, and V. Kurt,
Identities and relations involving the modified degenerate
Hermite-based Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís.
Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 1299-1313.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. K. Wanas, Initial Maclaurin coefficient bounds
for new subclasses of analytic and m-fold symmetric bi-univalent
functions defined by a linear combination, Kyungpook Math. J.
59 (2019), 493-503.
- G. Dattoli, S. Licciardi, E. Sabia, and H. M. Srivastava,
Some properties and generating functions of
generalized harmonic numbers, Mathematics 7 (2019),
Article ID 577, 1-12.
- S. Mahmood, H. M. Srivastava, M. Arif, F. Ghani, and
E. S. A. Abujarad, A criterion for subfamilies of multivalent functions
of reciprocal order with respect to symmetric points, Fractal Fract.
3 (2019), Article ID 35, 1-9.
- H. M. Srivastava, K.-J. Chung, J.-J. Liao, S.-D. Lin,
and S.-T. Chuang, Some modified mathematical analytic
derivations of the annual total relevant cost of the inventory model with two
levels of trade credit in the supply chain system, Math. Methods
Appl. Sci. 42 (2019),
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Mursaleen, and Md. Nasiruzzaman,
Approximation by a class of q-beta operators of the second
kind via the Dunkl-type generalization on weighted spaces,
Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 13 (2019), 1537-1556.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Fernandez, and D. Baleanu,
Some new fractional-calculus connections between
Mittag-Leffler functions, Mathematics 7 (2019),
Article ID 485, 1-10.
- C. M. A. Pinto, A. R. M. Carvalho, D. Baleanu, and
H. M. Srivastava, Efficacy of the post-exposure prophylaxis
and of the
HIV latent reservoir in HIV infection,
Mathematics 7 (2019),
Article ID 515, 1-17.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. O. Mostafa, M. K. Aouf, and H. M. Zayed,
Basic and fractional q-calculus and associated
Fekete-Szegö problem for p-valently q-starlike
functions and p-valently q-convex functions of complex order,
Miskolc Math. Notes 20 (2019), 489-509.
- H. M. Srivastava, N. Tuglu, and M. Çetin,
Some results on the q-analogues of the incomplete
Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials,
Miskolc Math. Notes 20 (2019), 511-524.
- H. Singh and H. M. Srivastava, Jacobi collocation
method for the approximate solution of some fractional-order
Riccati differential equations with variable coefficients,
Physica A: Statist. Mech. Appl. 523 (2019), 1130-1149.
- S. Mahmood, G. Srivastava, H. M. Srivastava, E. S. A. Abujarad,
M. Arif, and F. Ghani, Sufficiency criterion for a subfamily of
meromorphic multivalent functions of reciprocal
order with respect to symmetric points,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 764, 1-7.
- S. Mahmood, N. Raza, E. S. A. Abujarad, G. Srivastava,
H. M. Srivastava, and S. N. Malik, Geometric properties
of certain classes of analytic functions associated with
a q-integral operator,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 719, 1-14.
- B. Ahmad, M. Alghanmi, A. Alsaedi, H. M. Srivastava,
and S. K. Ntouyas, The Langevin equation in terms of generalized
Liouville-Caputo derivatives with nonlocal
boundary conditions involving a generalized
fractional integral, Mathematics 7 (2019),
Article ID 533, 1-10.
- C.-L. Shiue, H.-H. Chiang, M.-M. Wong, and H. M. Srivastava,
The optimal t-pebbling number of a certain complete
m-ary tree, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís.
Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 2889-2910.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, and S. K. Paikray,
Deferred Cesàro statistical probability convergence
and its applications to approximation theorems,
J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 20 (2019), 1777-1792.
- C.-L. Shiue, H.-H. Chiang, M.-M. Wong, and H. M. Srivastava,
Correction to: The optimal t-pebbling number of a certain complete
m-ary tree, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís.
Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 2911-2911.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. A. Özarslan, and B. Y. Yaşar,
Difference equations for a class of
twice-iterated Δh-Appell
sequences of polynomials, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís.
Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 1851-1871.
- H. M. Srivastava, N. Jolly, M. K. Bansal, and R. Jain,
A new integral transform associated with the λ-extended
Hurwitz-Lerch zeta function, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís.
Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 1679-1692.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. E. Ricci, and P. Natalini,
A family of complex Appell polynomial sets,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís.
Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 2359-2371.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. Khan, N. Khan, and Q. Z. Ahmad,
Coefficient inequalities for q-starlike functions associated
with the Janowski functions, Hokkaido Math. J. 48 (2019),
- H. M. Srivastava, K. Khatterwani, and S. K. Upadhyay,
A certain family of fractional wavelet transformations,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 42 (2019),
3103-3122 .
- L. Shi, H. M. Srivastava, M. Arif, S. Hussain, and H. Khan,
An investigation of the third Hankel determinant
problem for certain subfamilies of univalent
functions involving the exponential function,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 598, 1-14.
- M. Masjed-Jamei, Z. Moalemi, W. Koepf, and H. M. Srivastava,
An extension of the Taylor series expansion by using the Bell
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Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 1445-1461.
- H. Ö. Güney, G. Murugusundaramoorthy,
and H. M. Srivastava, The second Hankel determinant for
a certain class of bi-close-to-convex functions,
Results Math. 74 (2019), Article ID 93, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava,
The zeta and related functions: Recent
developments, J. Adv. Engrg. Comput.
3 (2019), 329-354.
- S. Mahmood, H. M. Srivastava, S. N. Malik, M. Raza,
N. Shahzadi, S. Zainab, A certain family of integral
operators associated with the Struve functions,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 463, 1-16.
- M. R. Ali, A. R. Hadhoud, and H.M. Srivastava,
Solution of fractional Volterra-Fredholm
integro-differential equations under mixed
boundary conditions by using the HOBW method,
Adv. Difference Equations
2019 (2019), Article ID 115, 1-14.
- M. Arif, H. M. Srivastava, and S. Umar,
Some applications of a q-analogue of the Ruscheweyh
type operator for multivalent functions,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís.
Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 1211-1221.
- I. Kucukoǧlu, Y. Simsek, and H. M. Srivastava,
A new family of Lerch-type zeta
functions interpolating a certain class of higher-order
Apostol-type numbers and Apostol-type polynomials,
Quaestiones Math.
42 (2019), 465-478.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Araci, W. A. Khan, and M. Acikgöz,
A note on the truncated-exponential based
Apostol-type polynomials,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 538, 1-20.
- S. Mahmood, J. Sokól, H. M. Srivastava, and S. N. Malik,
Some reciprocal classes of close-to-convex and
quasi-convex analytic functions,
Mathematics 7 (2019), Article ID 309, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava, Y. Vyas, and K. Fatawat,
Extensions of the classical theorems for very well-poised
hypergeometric functions,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís.
Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 113
(2019), 367-397.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. A. Shah, and R. Abass, An application
of the Gegenbauer wavelet method for the numerical solution
of the fractional Bagley-Torvik equation,
Russian J. Math. Phys. 26 (2019), 77-93.
- S. Mahmood, Q. Z. Ahmad, H. M. Srivastava,
N. Khan, B. Khan, and M. Tahir, A certain subclass of
meromorphically q-starlike functions associated with the
Janowski functions, J. Inequal. Appl. 2019 (2019),
Article ID 88, 1-11.
- A. Fernandez, D. Baleanu, and H. M. Srivastava, Series
representations for fractional-calculus operators involving
generalised Mittag-Leffler functions, Commun.
Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 67 (2019), 517-527.
- H. M. Srivastava, Q. Z. Ahmad, N. Khan, and B. Khan,
Hankel and Toeplitz determinants for a subclass of
q-starlike functions associated with a general conic domain,
Mathematics 7
(2019), Article ID 181, 1-15.
- H. Singh, R. K. Pandey, and H. M. Srivastava, Solving
non-linear fractional variational problems using Jacobi
polynomials, Mathematics 7
(2019), Article ID 224, 1-24.
- S. Mahmood, H. M. Srivastava, and S. N. Malik,
Some subclasses of uniformly univalent functions
with respect to symmetric points,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 287, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava and H. Günerhan, Analytical and
approximate solutions of fractional-order
susceptible-infected-recovered epidemic model of childhood
disease, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 42 (2019),
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, and U. K.
Misra, Statistically and relatively modular
deferred-weighted summability and Korovkin-type
approximation theorems,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 448, 1-20.
- A. Alsaedi, M. Alsulami, H. M. Srivastava, B. Ahmad, and S. K. Ntouyas,
Existence theory for nonlinear third-order ordinary
differential equations with nonlocal multi-point and
multi-strip boundary conditions,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 281, 1-18.
- S. Mahmood, I. Khan, H. M. Srivastava, and S. N. Malik,
Inclusion relations for certain families of integral operators
associated with conic regions,
J. Inequal. Appl. 2019 (2019), Article ID 59, 1-11.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Tahir, B. Khan, Q. Z. Ahmad, and
N. Khan, Some general classes of q-starlike functions
associated with the Janowski functions,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 292, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Khan, and M. Riyasat, q-Difference
equations for the 2-iterated q-Appell and mixed
type q-Appell polynomials, Arabian J. Math. 8 (2019),
- S. Mahmood, H. M. Srivastava, N. Khan,
Q. Z. Ahmad, B. Khan, and I. Ali,
Upper bound of the third Hankel determinant for a
subclass of q-starlike functions,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 347, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. Özger, and S. A. Mohiuddine,
Construction of Stancu-type Bernstein operators
based on Bézier bases with shape parameter λ,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 316, 1-22.
- L. Mahto, S. Abbas, M. Hafayed, and H. M. Srivastava,
Approximate controllability of sub-diffusion
equation with impulsive condition, Mathematics 7
(2019), Article ID 190, 1-16.
- N. E. Cho, S. Kumar, V. Kumar, V. Ravichandran, and H. M. Srivastava,
Starlike functions related to the Bell numbers,
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 219, 1-17.
- J. N. Pandey, J. S. Maurya, S. K. Upadhyay, and H. M. Srivastava,
Continuous wavelet transform of Schwartz
tempered distributions in S'(Rn),
Symmetry 11 (2019), Article ID 235, 1-8.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. M. Saad, and E. H. F. Al-Sharif,
New analysis of the time-fractional and space-time
fractional-order Nagumo equation, J. Inform. Math. Sci.
10 (2018), 545-561.
- B. Cekim, A. Shehata, and H. M. Srivastava,
Two-sided inequalities
for the Struve and Lommel functions, Quaestiones Math.
41 (2018), 985-1003.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. R. S. Juma, and H. M. Zayed, Univalence
conditions for an integral operator defined by a
generalization of the Srivastava-Attiya operator,
Filomat 32 (2018), 2101-2114.
- Y. He, S. Araci, H. M. Srivastava, and M. Abdel-Aty, Higher-order
convolutions for Apostol-Bernoulli, Apostol-Euler and
Apostol-Genocchi polynomials, Mathematics 6
(2018), Article ID 329, 1-14.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Zireh, and S. Hajiparvaneh, Coefficient
estimates for some subclasses of m-fold
symmetric bi-univalent functions,
Filomat 32 (2018), 3143-3153.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Khan, Q. Z. Ahmad, N. Khan, and S.
Hussain, The Faber polynomial expansion method and its
application to the general coefficient problem for some
subclasses of bi-univalent functions associated with a
certain q-integral operator, Stud. Univ.
Babes-Bolyai Math. 63 (2018), 419-436.
- J.-J. Liao, K.-N. Huang, K.-J. Chung, S.-D. Lin, P.-S. Ting,
and H. M. Srivastava, Retailer's optimal ordering
policy in the EOQ model with imperfect-quality items under
limited storage capacity and permissible delay, Math.
Methods Appl. Sci. 41 (2018), 7624-7640.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. M. Sakar, and H. Ö. Güney, Some
general coefficient estimates for a new class of analytic
and bi-univalent functions defined by a linear combination,
Filomat 34 (2018), 1313-1322.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, and U. K.
Misra, Generalized equi-statistical convergence of the
deferred Nörlund summability and its applications to
associated approximation theorems, Rev. Real Acad.
Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 112
(2018), 1487-1501.
- J. Cao, H. M. Srivastava, and Z.-G. Luo, Some
iterated fractional q-integrals and their applications,
Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. 21 (2018), 672-695.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Masjed-Jamei, and M. R. Beyki, A
parametric type of the Apostol-Bernoulli, Apostol-Euler
and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials, Appl. Math. Inform.
Sci. 12 (2018), 907-916.
- J.-J. Liao, K.-N. Huang, K.-J. Chung, S.-D. Lin, P.-S. Ting, and
H. M. Srivastava, Mathematical analytic techniques for
determining the optimal ordering strategy for the retailer under the
permitted trade-credit policy of two levels in a supply chain system,
Filomat 32 (2018), 4195-4207.
- S.-A. Liu, W.-L. Bai, G.-C. Liu, W.-H. Li, and H. M.
Srivastava, Parallel fractal compression method for big
video data, Complexity 2018 (2018), Article
ID 2016976, 1-16.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. M. A. El-Sayed, and F. M. Gaafar, A
class of nonlinear boundary value problems for an arbitrary
fractional-order differential equation with the
Riemann-Stieltjes functional integral and infinite-point
boundary conditions, Symmetry 10 (2018),
Article ID 508, 1-13.
- S. Mahmood, M. Jabeen, S. N. Malik, H. M. Srivastava, R.
Manzoor, and S. M. J. Riaz, Some coefficient
inequalities of q-starlike functions associated with conic
domain defined by q-derivative, J. Funct. Spaces 2018
(2018), Article ID 8492072, 1-13.
- H. M. Srivastava, G.-F. Yen, A.-K. Lee, Y.-X. Wu, and S.-D.
Lin, The optimal retailer's economic production
quantity (EPQ) policies with
two-level trade credit under alternate due date of payment
and limited storage capacity, Appl. Math. Inform.
Sci. 12 (2018), 1073-1089.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. K. Bansal, and P. Harjule, A
study of fractional integral operators involving a certain
generalized multi-index Mittag-Leffler function,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 41 (2018), 6108-6121.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Z. H. Bukhari, and M. Nazir, A
subclass of
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with respect to (2j,k)-symmetric
conjugate points, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 44
(2018), 1227-1242.
- D. Baleanu, B. Shiri, H. M. Srivastava, and M. Al Qurashi, A
Chebyshev spectral method based on operational matrix for
fractional differential equations involving non-singular
Mittag-Leffler kernel, Adv. Difference Equations 2018
(2018), Article ID 353, 1-23.
- H. M. Srivastava, Q. Z. Ahmad, N. Khan, S. Kiran, and B.
Khan, Some applications of higher-order derivatives
involving certain subclass of analytic and multivalent
functions, J. Nonlinear Var. Anal. 2 (2018),
- V. Gupta and H. M. Srivastava, A general family of
the Srivastava-Gupta operators preserving linear functions,
European J. Pure Appl. Math. 11 (2018), 576-579.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and F. Ghanim, Coefficient
estimates for a general subclass of analytic and
bi-univalent functions of the Ma-Minda type, Rev.
Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 112
(2018), 1157-1168.
- D. Kumar, J. Choi, and H. M. Srivastava, Solution of
a general family of kinetic equations associated with the
Mittag-Leffler function, Nonlinear Funct. Anal. Appl.
23 (2018), 455-471.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. A. Boutiche, and M. Rahmani, A
class of Frobenius-type Eulerian polynomials, Rocky
Mountain J. Math. 48 (2018), 1003-1013.
- H. Singh, H. M. Srivastava, and D. Kumar, A reliable
algorithm for the approximate solution of the nonlinear
Lane-Emden type equations arising in astrophysics,
Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 34
(2018), 1524-1555.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. M. El-Ashwah, and W. I. Kota, Sandwich
theorems for a class of p-valent meromorphic functions
involving the Erdélyi-Kober-type integral operators,
Turkish J. Math. 42 (2018), 2000-2017.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. N. Singh, S. P. Singh, and Vijay Yadav,
A note on the Bailey transform, the Bailey pair and the
WP Bailey pair and their applications, Russian J.
Math. Phys. 25 (2018), 396-408.
- H. M. Srivastava, E. Savaş, and R. F. Patterson, Inclusion
theorems associated with a certain new family of
asymptotically and statistically equivalent functions,
J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 11 (2018), 1161-1170.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, and U. K.
Misra, Deferred weighted A-statistical convergence
based upon the (p,q)-Lagrange
polynomials and its applications to approximation theorems,
J. Appl. Anal. 24 (2018), 1-16.
- B. Hazarika, H. M. Srivastava, R. Arab, and M. Rabbani, Existence
of solution for an infinite system of nonlinear integral
equations via measure of noncompactness and homotopy
perturbation method to solve it, J. Comput. Appl.
Math. 343 (2018), 341-352.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. Mehrez, and Ž. Tomovski, New
inequalities for some generalized Mathieu type series and
the Riemann zeta function, J. Math. Inequal. 12
(2018), 163-174.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Das, B. Hazarika, and S. A. Mohiuddine,
Existence of solutions of infinite systems of
differential equations of general order with boundary
conditions in the spaces c0 and l1
via the measure of noncompactness, Math. Methods
Appl. Sci. 41 (2018), 3558-3569.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Altinkaya, and S. Yalcin, Hankel
determinant for a subclass of bi-univalent functions defined
by using a symmetric q-derivative operator, Filomat 32
(2018), 503-516.
- X.-J. Yang, F. Gao, and H. M. Srivastava, A new
computational approach for solving nonlinear local
fractional PDEs, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 339
(2018), 285-296.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Sümer Eker, S. G. Hamidi, and J. M.
Jahangiri, Faber polynomial coefficient estimates for
bi-univalent functions defined by the Tremblay fractional
derivative operator, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 44
(2018), 149-157.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. Sharma, and R. K. Raina, Inclusion
results for certain classes of analytic functions associated
with a new fractional differintegral operator, Rev.
Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat. (RACSAM) 112
(2018), 271-292.
- H. M. Srivastava and K. M. Saad, Some new models of
the time-fractional gas dynamics equation, Adv. Math.
Models Appl. 3 (1) (2018), 5-17.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Prajapati, and P. Gochhayat, Third-order
differential subordination and differential superordination
results for analytic functions involving the
Srivastava-Attiya operator, Appl. Math. Inform. Sci.
12 (2018), 469-481.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and F. Ghanim, A study
of meromorphically univalent functions defined by a linear
operator associated with the λ-generalized Hurwitz-Lerch
zeta function, Azerbaijan J. Math. 8 (2018),
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Abbas, S. Tyagi, and D. Lassoued, Global
exponential stability of fractional-order impulsive neural
network with time-varying and distributed delay,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 41 (2018), 2095-2104.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. K. Saxena, and R. K. Parmar, Some
families of the incomplete H-functions and the incomplete H-functions and
associated integral transforms and operators of fractional
calculus with applications, Russian J. Math. Phys. 25
(2018), 116-138.
- K.-J. Chung, J.-J. Liao, P.-S. Ting, S.-D. Lin, and H. M.
Srivastava, A unified presentation of inventory models
under quantity discounts, trade credits and
cash discounts in the supply chain management, Rev.
Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Natur. Ser. A Mat.
(RACSAM) 112 (2018), 509-538.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Hussain, A. Raziq, and M. Raza, The
Fekete-Szegö functional for a subclass of analytic
functions associated with quasi-subordination,
Carpathian J. Math. 34 (2018), 103-113.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, and U. K.
Misra, A certain class of weighted statistical
convergence and associated Korovkin-type approximation
theorems involving trigonometric functions, Math.
Methods Appl. Sci. 41 (2018), 671-683.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. P. Chaudhary, and S. Chaudhary, Some
theta-function identities related to Jacobi's triple-product
identity, European J. Pure Appl. Math. 11
(2018), 1-9.
- F. Gao, X.-J. Yang, and H. M. Srivastava, Exact
travelling-wave solutions for linear and non-linear heat
transfer equations, Thermal Sci. 21 (2017),
- H. M. Srivastava, F. Ghanim, and R. M. El-Ashwah, Inclusion
properties of certain subclass of univalent meromorphic
functions defined by a linear operator associated with the
λ-generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function,
Bul. Acad. Stiinte Repub. Moldova Mat. 3 (85) (2017),
- H. M. Srivastava, I. Kucukoǧlu, and Y. Simsek, Partial
differential equations for a new family of numbers and
polynomials unifying the Apostol-type numbers and the
Apostol-type polynomials, J. Number Theory 181
(2017), 117-146.
- P. N. Kamble, M. G. Shrigan, and H. M. Srivastava, A
novel subclass of univalent functions involving operators of
fractional calculus, Internat. J. Appl. Math. 30
(2017), 501-514.
- H. Tang, H. M. Srivastava, G.-T. Deng, and S.-H. Li, Second-order
differential superordination for analytic functions in the
upper half-plane, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 10
(2017), 5271-5280.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. Shehata, A family of new
q-extensions of the Humbert functions, European J.
Math. Sci. 4 (1) (2018), 13-26.
- J. Choi, R. K. Parmar, and H. M. Srivastava, The
incomplete Lauricella functions of several variables and
associated properties and formulas, Kyungpook Math.
J. 58 (2018), 19-35.
- U. Kadak, N. L. Braha, and H. M. Srivastava, Statistical
weighted B-summability and its applications to approximation
theorems, Appl. Math. Comput. 302 (2017),
- X.-J. Yang, H. M. Srivastava, D. F. M. Torres, and A.
Debbouche, General fractional-order anomalous diffusion
with non-singular power-law kernel, Thermal Sci. 21
(Suppl. 1) (2017), S1-S9.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. N. Singh, S. P. Singh, and Vijay Yadav,
Certain derived WP-Bailey pairs and transformation
formulas for q-hypergeometric series, Filomat 31
(2017), 4619-4628.
- T. K. Pogány, G. M. Cordeiro, M. H. Tahir, and H. M.
Srivastava, Extension of generalized
integro-exponential function and its application in study of
Chen distribution, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 11
(2017), 434-450.
- C. Adiga, N. A. S. Bulkhali, Y. Simsek, and H. M.
Srivastava, A continued fraction of Ramanujan and some
Ramanujan-Weber class invariants, Filomat 31
(2017), 3975-3997.
- J.-J. Liao, K.-N. Huang, K.-J. Chung, S.-D. Lin, P.-S. Ting,
and H. M. Srivastava, Determination of the optimal
ordering policy for the retailer with limited capitals when
a supplier offers 2 levels of trade credit,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 40 (2017), 7686-7696.
- H. M. Srivastava and M. A. Shpot, Reduction and
transformation formulas for the Appell and related functions
in two variables, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 40
(2017), 4102-4108.
- Y. He, S. Araci, and H. M. Srivastava, Summation
formulas for the products of the Frobenius-Euler polynomials,
Ramanujan J. 44 (2017), 177-195.
- H. M. Srivastava, D. Kumar, and J. Singh, An
efficient analytical technique for fractional model of
vibration equation, Appl. Math. Model. 45
(2017), 192-204.
- J.-L. Liu, H. M. Srivastava, and Y. Yuan, A family of
meromorphically multivalent functions which are starlike
with respect to k-symmetric points, J. Math. Inequal.
11 (2017), 781-798.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. K. Upadhyay, and K. Khatterwani, A
family of pseudo-differential operators on the Schwartz
space associated with the fractional Fourier transform,
Russian J. Math. Phys. 24 (2017), 534-543.
- X.-J. Yang, H. M. Srivastava, and F. Gao, Non-differentiable
exact solutions for the nonlinear ODEs defined on fractal
sets, Fractals 25 (4) (2017), Article ID
1740002, 1-9.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Mursaleen, A. M. Alotaibi, Md.
Nasiruzzaman, and A. A. H. Al-Abied, Some approximation
results involving the q-Szász-Mirakjan-Kantorovich type
operators via Dunkl's generalization, Math. Methods
Appl. Sci. 40 (2017), 5437-5452.
- H. Tang, H. M. Srivastava, and G.-T. Deng, Some
families of analytic functions in the upper half-plane and
their associated differential subordination and differential
superordination properties and problems, Appl. Math.
Inform. Sci. 11 (2017), 1247-1257.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Kilicman, Z. E. Abdulnaby, and R. W.
Ibrahim, Generalized convolution properties based on
the modified Mittag-Leffler function, J. Nonlinear
Sci. Appl. 10 (2017), 4284-4294.
- X.-J. Yang, F. Gao, and H. M. Srivastava, New
rheological models within local fractional derivative,
Romanian Rep. Phys. 69 (2017), Article ID 113, 1-12.
- M. A. Boutiche, M. Rahmani, and H. M. Srivastava, Explicit
formulas associated with some families of generalized
Bernoulli and Euler polynomials, Mediterr. J. Math. 14
(2) (2017), Article ID 89, 1-10.
- M. Nunokawa, H. M. Srivastava, N. Tuneski, and B.
Jolevska-Tuneska, Some Marx-Strohhäcker type results
for a class of multivalent functions, Miskolc Math.
Notes 18 (2017), 353-364.
- H. Singh, H. M. Srivastava, and D. Kumar, A reliable
numerical algorithm for the fractional vibration equation,
Chaos Solitons Fractals 103 (2017), 131-138.
- H. M. Srivastava, Remarks on some fractional-order
differential equations, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 28 (2017), 560-564.
- Vandana and H. M. Srivastava, An inventory model for
ameliorating/deteriorating items with trapezoidal demand and
complete backlogging under inflation and time discounting,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 40 (2017), 2980-2993.
- X.-J. Yang, F. Gao, and H. M. Srivastava, Exact
travelling wave equations for the local fractional
two-dimensional Burgers-type equations, Comput. Math.
Appl. 73 (2017), 203-210.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. K. Aouf, A. O. Mostafa, and H. M.
Zayed, Certain subordination-preserving family of
integral operators associated with p-valent functions,
Appl. Math. Inform. Sci. 11 (2017), 951-960.
- H. M. Srivastava and M. Et, Lacunary statistical
convergence and strongly lacunary summable functions of
order α, Filomat 31 (2017), 1573-1582.
- M. Aldhaifallah, K. S. Nisar, H. M. Srivastava, and M.
Mursaleen, Statistical Λ-convergence in probabilistic
normed spaces, J. Funct. Spaces 2017 (2017),
Article ID 3154280, 1-7.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. A. Frasin, and V. Pescar, Univalence
of integral operators involving Mittag-Leffler functions,
Appl. Math. Inform. Sci. 11 (2017), 635-641.
- H. M. Srivastava, N. A. Aliev, G. H. Mammadova, and F. A.
Aliev, Some remarks on the paper, entitled "Fractional
and operational calculus with generalized fractional
derivative operators and Mittag-Leffler type functions," by
Ž. Tomovski, R. Hilfer and H. M. Srivastava, TWMS J.
Pure Appl. Math. 8 (2017), 112-114.
- Z. Esa, H. M. Srivastava, A. Kilicman, and R. W. Ibrahim, A
novel subclass of analytic functions specified by a family
of fractional derivatives in the complex domain,
Filomat 31 (2017), 2837-2849.
- K. V. Zhukovsky and H. M. Srivastava, Analytical
solutions for heat diffusion beyond Fourier law,
Appl. Math. Comput. 293 (2017), 423-437.
- T. Tunc, M. Z. Sarikaya, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
generalized Steffensen's inequalities via a new identity for
local fractional integrals, Internat. J. Anal. Appl.
13 (2017), 98-107.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. A. Boutiche, and M. Rahmani, Some
explicit formulas for the Frobenius-Euler polynomials of
higher order, Appl. Math. Inform. Sci. 11
(2017), 621-626.
- S. Araci, M. Acikgöz, T. Diagana, and H. M. Srivastava,
A novel approach to obtaining new identities for the
λ-extension of q-Euler polynomials arising from the q-umbral
calculus, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 10 (2017),
- J.-J. Liao, K.-N. Huang, K.-J. Chung, P.-S. Ting, S.-D. Lin,
and H. M. Srivastava, Lot-sizing policies for
deterioration items under two-level trade credit with
partial credit to credit-risk retailer and limited storage
capacity, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 40 (2017),
- M. Çaǧlar, E. Deniz, and H. M. Srivastava,
Second Hankel determinant for certain subclasses of bi-univalent
functions, Turkish J. Math. 41 (2017),
- H. M. Srivastava, B. J. Gonzáez, and E. R. Negrin, A
new class of Abelian theorems for the Mehler-Fock transforms,
Russian J. Math. Phys. 24 (2017), 124-126; see also Errata,
Russian J. Math. Phys. 24 (2017), 278-278.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. K. Parmar, and P. Chopra, Some
families of generalized complete and incomplete
elliptic-type integrals, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 10
(2017), 1162-1182.
- X.-J. Yang, D. F. M. Torres, H. M. Srivastava, and Y. Zhang,
Non-differentiable solutions for local fractional
nonlinear Riccati differential equations, Fund.
Inform. 151 (2017), 409-417.
- H. M. Srivastava and D. Bansal, Close-to-convexity of
a certain family of q-Mittag-Leffler functions, J.
Nonlinear Var. Anal. 1 (2017), 61-69.
- S. Maharana, J. K. Prajapat, and H. M. Srivastava, The
radius of convexity of partial sums of convex functions in
one direction, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Sect. A Phys.
Sci. 87 (2017), 215-219.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and F. Ghanim, Coefficient
estimates for some general subclasses of analytic and
bi-univalent functions, Afrika Mat. 28
(2017), 693-706.
- B. Kowalczyk, A. Lecko, and H. M. Srivastava, A note
on the Fekete-Szegö problem for close-to-convex functions
with respect to convex functions, Publ. Inst. Math.
(Beograd) (Nouvelle Sér.) 101 (115) (2017),
- Y. Sun, Y.-P. Jiang, A. Rasila, and H. M. Srivastava, Integral
representations and coefficient estimates for a subclass of
meromorphic starlike functions, Complex Anal. Oper.
Theory 11 (2017), 1-19.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. Agarwal, and S. Jain, Integral
transform and fractional derivative formulas involving the
extended generalized hypergeometric functions and
probability distributions, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 40
(2017), 255-273.
- H. Tang, H. M. Srivastava, S. Sivasubramanian, and P.
Gurusamy, The Fekete-Szegö functional problems for
some classes of m-fold symmetric bi-univalent functions,
J. Math. Inequal. 10 (2016), 1063-1092.
- H. M. Srivastava, D. Rǎducanu, and P. Zaprawa, A
certain subclass of analytic functions defined by means of
differential subordination, Filomat 30
(2016), 3743-3757.
- S. Owa, H. M. Srivastava, T. Hayami, and K. Kuroki, A
new general idea for starlike and convex functions,
Tamkang J. Math. 47 (2016), 445-454.
- F. Gao, H. M. Srivastava, Y.-N. Gao, and X.-J. Yang, A
coupling method involving the Sumudu transform and the
variational iteration method for a class of local fractional
diffusion equations, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 9
(2016), 5830-5835.
- Q.-H. Xu, T. Yang, and H. M. Srivastava, Sufficient
conditions for a general class of Carathéodory functions,
Filomat 30 (2016), 3615-3625.
- S. A. Mohiuddine, H. M. Srivastava, and A. Alotaibi, Application
of measures of noncompactness to the infinite system of
second-order differential equations in lp spaces,
Adv. Difference Equations 2016 (2016), Article ID 317,
- H. M. Srivastava, Some families of generating
functions and associated hypergeometric transformation and
reduction formulas, Russian J. Math. Phys. 23
(2016), 382-391.
- A. A. Aygunes, Y. Simsek, and H. M. Srivastava, A
sequence of modular forms associated with higher-order
derivatives of Weierstrass-type functions, Filomat 30
(2016), 3253-3263.
- K. V. Zhukovsky and H. M. Srivastava, Operational
solution of non-integer ordinary and evolution-type partial
differential equations, Axioms 5 (2016),
Article ID 29, 1-21.
- S. Araci, U. Duran, M. Acikgöz, and H. M. Srivastava, A
certain (p, q)-derivative
operator and associated divided differences, J.
Inequal. Appl. 2016 (2016), Article ID 301, 1-8.
- P. Mokhtary, F. Ghoreishi, and H. M. Srivastava, The
Müntz-Legendre Tau method for fractional differential
equations, Appl. Math. Model. 40 (2016),
- X.-J. Yang, Z.-Z. Zhang, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
new applications of heat and fluid flows via fractional
derivatives without singular kernel, Thermal Sci. 20
(Suppl. 3) (2016), S835-S841.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some families of Mittag-Leffler
type functions and associated operators of fractional
calculus, TWMS J. Pure Appl. Math. 7 (2016),
- Y. He, S. Araci, and H. M. Srivastava, Some new
formulas for the products of the Apostol type polynomials,
Adv. Difference Equations 2016 (2016), Article ID 287,
- C. Adiga, N. A. S. Bulkhali, D. Ranganatha, and H. M.
Srivastava, Some new modular relations for the
Rogers-Ramanujan type functions of order eleven with
applications to partitions, J. Number Theory 158
(2016), 281-297.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. J. González, and E. R. Negrin, New
Lp-boundedness properties for the
Kontorovich-Lebedev and Mehler-Fock transforms,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 27 (2016), 835-845.
- H. M. Srivastava and M. A. Abdlhusein, New forms of
the Cauchy operator and some of their applications,
Russian J. Math. Phys. 23 (2016), 124-134.
- M. Mursaleen, M. Nasiruzzaman, and H. M. Srivastava,
by bicomplex beta operators in compact BC-disks,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 39 (2016), 2916-2929.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and F. Ghanim, Initial
coefficient estimates for some subclasses of m-fold
symmetric bi-univalent functions, Acta Math. Sci.
Ser. B Engl. Ed. 36 (2016), 863-871.
- Q.-H. Xu, Y.-F. Tang, T. Yang, and H. M. Srivastava, Schwarz
lemma involving the boundary fixed point, Fixed Point
Theory Appl. 2016 (2016), Article ID 84, 1-8.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. K. Mishra, Pick's theorems
for dissipative operators, Filomat 30 (2016),
- K.-J. Chung, S.-D. Lin, and H. M. Srivastava, The
complete and concrete solution procedures for integrated
vendor-buyer cooperative inventory models with trade credit
financing in supply chain management, Appl. Math.
Inform. Sci. 10 (2016), 155-171.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. R. Alhindi, and M. Darus, An
investigation into the polylogarithm function and its
associated class of meromorphic functions, Maejo
Internat. J. Sci. Technol. 10 (2016), 166-174.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. Owa, Some new results
associated with Carathéodory functions of order α,
J. Comput. Sci. Appl. Math. 2 (1) (2016), 11-13.
- X.-J. Yang, H. M. Srivastava, and J. A. T. Machado, A
new fractional derivative without singular kernel: Application
to the modelling of the steady heat flow, Thermal
Sci. 20 (2016), 753-756.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. R. Khan, and M. Arif, Some
subclasses of close-to-convex mappings associated with conic
regions, Appl. Math. Comput. 285 (2016),
- J.-J. Liao, K.-N. Huang, K.-J. Chung, P.-S. Ting, S.-D. Lin,
and H. M. Srivastava, Some mathematical analytic
arguments for determining valid optimal lot size for
deteriorating items with limited storage capacity under
permissible delay in payments, Appl. Math. Inform.
Sci. 10 (2016), 915-925.
- S. Devi, H. M. Srivastava, and A. Swaminathan, Inclusion
properties of a class of functions involving the
Dziok-Srivastava operator, Korean J. Math. 24
(2016), 139-168.
- X.-J. Yang, J. A. T. Machado, and H. M. Srivastava, A
new numerical technique for solving the local fractional
diffusion equation: Two-dimensional extended
differential transform approach, Appl. Math. Comput.
274 (2016), 143-151.
- L. N. Mishra, H. M. Srivastava, and M. Sen, Existence
results for some nonlinear functional-integral equations in
Banach algebra with applications, Internat. J. Anal.
Appl. 11 (2016), 1-10.
- H. Tang, H. M. Srivastava, and G. Deng, Differential
subordination and differential superordination for analytic
functions in the upper half-plane, Acta Math. Sci.
Ser. A Chinese Ed. 36 (2016), 201-214.
- M. Mursaleen, H. M. Srivastava, and S. K. Sharma, Generalized
statistically convergent sequences of fuzzy numbers,
J. Intelligent Fuzzy Systems 30 (2016), 1511-1518.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. M. El-Ashwah, and N. Breaz, A
certain subclass of multivalent functions involving
higher-order derivatives, Filomat 30 (2016),
- H. M. Srivastava, M. I. Qureshi, C. W. Mohammad, and M. S.
Baboo, Some summation and Laplace transformation
formulas for the Gauss hypergeometric series, Adv.
Stud. Contemp. Math. 26 (2016), 11-20.
- Y. J. Sim, O. S. Kwon, N. E. Cho, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
sets of sufficient conditions for Carathéodory functions,
J. Comput. Anal. Appl. 21 (2016), 1243-1254.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. B. Joshi, S. S. Joshi, and H. Pawar, Coefficient
estimates for certain subclasses of meromorphically
bi-univalent functions, Palest. J. Math. 5
(Special Issue: 1) (2016), 250-258.
- D. Zhao, X.-J. Yang, and H. M. Srivastava, On the
fractal heat transfer problems with local fractional
calculus, Thermal Sci. 19 (2015), 1867-1871.
- Y. Zhang, H. M. Srivastava, and M.-C. Baleanu, Local
fractional variational iteration algorithm II for
non-homogeneous model associated with the non-differentiable
heat flow, Adv. Mech. Engrg. 7 (10) (2015),
- H. M. Srivastava, R. Jain, and M. K. Bansal, A study
of the S-generalized Gauss hypergeometric
function and its associated integral transforms,
Turkish J. Anal. Number Theory 3 (2015), 116-119.
- X.-J. Yang, H. M. Srivastava, and D. Baleanu, Initial-boundary
value problems for local fractional Laplace equation arising
in fractal electrostatics, J. Appl. Nonlinear Dyn. 4
(2015), 349-356.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. S. Eker, and R. M. Ali, Coefficient
estimates for a certain class of analytic and bi-univalent
functions, Filomat 29 (2015), 1839-1845.
- J. Ahmad, S. T. Mohyud-Din, H. M. Srivastava, and X.-J.
Yang, Analytic solutions of the Helmholz and Laplace
equations by using local fractional derivative operators,
Waves Wavelets Fractals Adv. Anal. 1 (2015), 22-26.
- H. M. Srivastava, Ž. Tomovski, and D. Leskovski, Some
families of Mathieu type series and Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta
functions and associated probability distributions,
Appl. Comput. Math. 14 (2015), 349-380.
- X.-J. Yang, H. M. Srivastava, and C. Cattani, Local
fractional homotopy perturbation method for solving fractal
partial differential equations arising in mathematical
physics, Romanian Rep. Phys. 67 (2015),
- H. M. Srivastava, S. K. Datta, T. Biswas, and D. Dutta, Sum
and product theorems depending on the (p,q)-th
order and (p,q)-th type of
entire functions, Cogent Math. 2 (2015),
Article ID 1107951, 1-22.
- H. Tang, H. M. Srivastava, E. Deniz, and S.-H. Li,
Third-order differential superordination involving the
generalized Bessel functions, Bull. Malays. Math.
Sci. Soc. 38 (2015), 1669-1688.
- S.-D. Lin, H. M. Srivastava, and M.-M. Wong, Some
applications of Srivastava's theorem involving a certain
family of generalized and extended hypergeometric
polynomials, Filomat 29 (2015), 1811-1819.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some properties and results
involving the zeta and related functions, Funct.
Anal. Approx. Comput. 7 (2) (2015), 89-133.
- Y. He, S. Araci, H. M. Srivastava, and M. Acikgöz, Some
new identities for the Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials and the
Apostol-Genocchi polynomials, Appl. Math. Comput. 262
(2015), 31-41.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. N. Singh, S. P. Singh, and V. Yadav, Some
conjugate WP-Bailey pairs and transformation formulas for
q-series, Creat. Math. Inform. 24 (2015),
- C. Mortici and H. M. Srivastava, A product
approximation of the gamma function, Numer. Algor. 69
(2015), 595-610.
- H. M. Srivastava and M. P. Chaudhary, Some
relationships between q-product identities, combinatorial
partition identities and continued-fraction identities,
Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 25 (2015), 265-272.
- K.-J. Chung, J.-J. Liao, P.-S. Ting, S.-D. Lin, and H. M.
Srivastava, The algorithm for the optimal cycle time
and pricing decisions for an integrated inventory system
with order-size dependent trade credit in supply chain
management, Appl. Math. Comput. 268 (2015),
- H. M. Srivastava, S. N. Singh, and S. P. Singh, Some
families of q-series identities and associated continued
fractions, Theory Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 5
(2015), 203-212.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and F. Ghanim, Partial
sums of certain classes of meromorphic functions related to
the Hurwitz-Lerch zeta function, Moroccan J. Pure
Appl. Anal. 1 (2015), 38-50.
- N. L. Braha, V. Loku, and H. M. Srivastava,
statistical convergence and Korovkin and Voronovskaya type
theorems, Appl. Math. Comput. 266 (2015),
- H. M. Srivastava, K. A. Selvakumaran, and S. D. Purohit, Inclusion
properties for certain subclasses of analytic functions
defined by using the generalized Bessel functions,
Malaya J. Mat. 3 (2015), 360-367.
- T.-Y. Lin and H. M. Srivastava, A two-warehouse
inventory model with quantity discounts and maintenance
actions under imperfect production processes, Appl.
Math. Inform. Sci. 9 (2015), 2493-2505.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and F. Ghanim, Coefficient
estimates for some subclasses of m-fold symmetric
bi-univalent functions, Acta Univ. Apulensis Math.
Inform. No. 41 (2015), 153-164.
- X.-J. Yang, D. Baleanu, and H. M. Srivastava, Local
fractional similarity solution for the diffusion equation
defined on Cantor sets, Appl. Math. Lett. 47
(2015), 54-60.
- H. M. Srivastava and D. Bansal, Coefficient estimates
for a subclass of analytic and bi-univalent functions,
J. Egyptian Math. Soc. 23 (2015), 242-246.
- X.-J. Yang and H. M. Srivastava, An asymptotic
perturbation solution for a linear operator of free damped
vibrations in fractal medium described by local fractional
derivatives, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.
29 (2015), 499-504.
- Q. Ke, J. Zhang, H. M. Srivastava, W. Wei, and G.-S. Chen,
component analysis based on information bottleneck,
Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2015 (2015), Article ID 386201,
- H. M. Srivastava, R. K. Parmar, and M. M. Joshi, Extended
Lauricella and Appell functions and their associated
properties, Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 25
(2015), 151-165.
- A. Bagdasaryan, S. Araci, M. Acikgöz, and H. M.
Srivastava, Analogues of Newton-Girard power-sum
formulas for entire and meromorphic functions with
applications to the Riemann zeta function, J. Number
Theory 147 (2015), 92-102.
- H. M. Srivastava, M.-J. Luo, and R. K. Raina, A new
integral transform and its applications, Acta Math.
Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 35 (2015), 1386-1400.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and F. Ghanim, Some
further properties of a linear operator associated with the
λ-generalized Hurwitz-Lerch zeta function related to the
class of meromorphically univalent functions, Appl.
Math. Comput. 259 (2015), 1019-1029.
- S.-D. Lin, H. M. Srivastava, and J.-C. Yao, Some
classes of generating relations associated with a family of
the generalized Gauss type hypergeometric functions,
Appl. Math. Inform. Sci. 9 (2015), 1731-1738.
- M. A. Shpot and H. M. Srivastava, The Clausenian
function 3F2
with unit argument and negative parameter differences,
Appl. Math. Comput. 259 (2015), 819-827.
- K.-J. Chung, T.-Y. Lin, and H. M. Srivastava, An
alternative solution technique of the JIT lot-splitting
model for supply chain management, Appl. Math.
Inform. Sci. 9 (2015), 583-591.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and F. Ghanim, A
unified class of analytic functions involving a
generalization of the Srivastava-Attiya operator,
Appl. Math. Comput. 251 (2015), 35-45.
- D. Baleanu, H. M. Srivastava, and X.-J. Yang, Local
fractional variational iteration algorithms for the
parabolic Fokker-Planck equation defined on Cantor sets,
Progr. Fract. Different. Appl. 1 (1) (2015), 1-11
- H. M. Srivastava, P. Harjule, and R. Jain, A general
fractional differential equation associated with an integral
operator with the H-function in the kernel, Russian
J. Math. Phys. 22 (2015), 112-126.
- S. Araci, E. Sen, M. Acikgöz,
and H. M. Srivastava, Existence
and uniqueness of positive and nondcreasing solutions for a
class of fractional boundary value problems involving the
p-Laplacian operator, Adv. Difference Equations 2015
(2015), Article ID 40, 1-12.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. Gaboury, A new class of
analytic functions defined by means of a generalization of
the Srivastava-Attiya operator, J. Inequal. Appl. 2015
(2015), Article ID 39, 1-15.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Hasanov, and J. Choi, Double-layer
potentials for a generalized bi-axially symmetric Helmholtz
equation, Sohag J. Math. 2 (1) (2015), 1-10.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and F. Ghanim, Certain
subclasses of meromorphically univalent functions defined by
a linear operator associated with the λ-generalized
Hurwitz-Lerch function, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 26 (2015), 258-272.
- A. Sofo and H. M. Srivastava, A family of shifted
harmonic sums, Ramanujan J. 37 (2015),
- H. M. Srivastava, S. V. Bedre, S. M. Khairnar, and B. S.
Desale, Krasnosel'skii type hybrid fixed point theorems
and their applications to fractional integral equations,
Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014 (2014), Article ID 710746,
1-9; see also Corrigendum, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2015
(2015), Article ID 467569, 1-2.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Murugusundaramoorthy, and T. Janani,
Uniformly starlike functions and uniformly convex functions associated
with the Struve function, Internat. J. Appl. Math.
Engrg. Sci. 8 (2) (2014), 111-120.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Sivasubramanian, and R. Sivakumar, Initial
coefficient bounds for a subclass of m-fold symmetric
bi-univalent functions, Tbilisi Math. J. 7
(2) (2014), 1-10.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and B.-J. Fugere, Further
results involving a class of generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta
functions, Russian J. Math. Phys. 21 (2014),
- Ž. Tomovski, T. K. Pogány,
and H. M. Srivastava, Laplace
type integral expressions for a certain three-parameter
family of generalized Mittag-Leffler functions with
applications involving complete monotonicity, J.
Franklin Inst. 351 (2014), 5437-5454.
- S. Guo, H. M. Srivastava, and W.-S. Cheung, Some
properties of functions related to certain classes of
completely monotonic functions and logarithmically
completely monotonic functions, Filomat 28
(2014), 821-828.
- C. Mortici and H. M. Srivastava, Estimates for the
arctangent function related to Shafer's inequality,
Colloq. Math. 136 (2014), 263-270.
- H. M. Srivastava, P. Agarwal, and S. Jain, Generating
functions for the generalized Gauss hypergeometric functions,
Appl. Math. Comput. 247 (2014), 348-352.
- M. K. Aouf, H. M. Srivastava, and T. M. Seoudy, Cetain
admissible classes of multivalent functions, J.
Complex Anal. 2014 (2014), Article ID 936748, 1-7.
- H. M. Srivastava and G. B. Djordjević, Some classes
of generalized MinMax polynomials, Italian J. Pure
Appl. Math. 32 (2014), 37-48.
- H. M. Srivastava, J. K. Prajapat, G. I. Oros, and R.
Sendrutiu, Geometric properties of a certain family of
integral operators, Filomat 28 (2014),
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, q-Extensions of a
multivariable and multiparameter generalization of the
Gottlieb polynomials in several variables, Tokyo J.
Math. 37 (2014), 111-125.
- M. Masjed-Jamei, M. A. Jafari, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
applications of the Stirling numbers of the first and second
kind, J. Appl. Math. Comput. 2014 (2014),
- A. Bayad, Y. Simsek, and H. M. Srivastava, Some array
type polynomials associated with special numbers and
polynomials, Appl. Math. Comput. 244 (2014),
- A.-M. Yang, J. Lie, H. M. Srivastava, G.-N. Xie, and X.-J.
Yang, Local fractional Laplace variational iteration
method for solving linear partial differential equations
with local fractional derivative, Discrete Dyn.
Nature Soc. 2014 (2014), Article ID 365981, 1-8.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. A. Özarslan, and B. Yilmaz, Some
families of differential equations associated with the
Hermite-based Appell polynomials and other classes of
Hermite-based polynomials, Filomat 28 (2014),
- H. M. Srivastava, M. I. Qureshi, K. A. Quraishi, and A.
Arora, Applications of hypergeometric summation
theorems of Kummer and Dixon involving double series,
Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 34 (2014), 619-628.
- G.-S. Chen, H. M. Srivastava, P. Wang, and W. Wei, Some
further generalizations of Hölder's inequality and related
results on fractal space, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014
(2014), Article ID 832802, 1-7.
- O. S. Kwon, Y. J. Sim, N. E. Cho, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
radius problems related to a certain subclass of analytic
functions, Acta Math. Sinica (English Ser.) 30
(2014), 1133-1144.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and A. Bayad, Expansion
formulas for an extended Hurwitz-Lerch zeta function
obtained via fracional calculus, Adv. Difference
Equations 2014 (2014), Article ID 169, 1-17.
- H. Tang, H. M. Srivastava, S.-H. Li, and L.-N. Ma, Third-order
differential subordination and superordination results for
meromorphically multivalent functions associated with the
Liu-Srivastava operator, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014
(2014), Article ID 792175, 1-11.
- N. L. Braha, V. B. Krasniqi, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
necessary conditions for periodic functions, J.
Inequal. Spec. Funct. 5 (2) (2014), 18-24.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. Gaboury, New expansion
formulas for a family of the λ-generalized Hurwitz-Lerch
zeta functions, Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2014
(2014), Article ID 131067, 1-13.
- S. Araci, A. Bagdasaryan, C. Özel,
and H. M. Srivastava, Some
new identities for the q-zeta type functions, Appl.
Math. Inform. Sci. 8 (2014), 2803-2808.
- X.-J. Yang, J. Hristov, H. M. Srivastava, and B. Ahmad, Modelling
fractal waves on shallow water surfaces via local fractional
Korteweg-de Vries equation, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014
(2014), Article ID 278672, 1-10.
- H. M. Srivastava, A new family of the λ-generalized
Hurwitz-Lerch zeta functions with applications, Appl.
Math. Inform. Sci. 8 (2014), 1485-1500.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Gaboury, and R. Tremblay, New
relations involving an extended multiparameter Hurwitz-Lerch
zeta function with applications, Internat. J. Anal. 2014
(2014), Article ID 680850, 1-14.
- G.-D. Liu, H. M. Srivastava, and H.-Q. Wang, Some
formulas for a family of numbers analogous to the
higher-order Bernoulli numbers, J. Integer Seq. 17
(2014), Article ID 14.4.6, 1-18.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Golmankhaneh, D. Baleanu, and X.-J.
Yang, Local fractional Sumudu transform with
applications to IVPs on Cantor sets, Abstr. Appl.
Anal. 2014 (2014), Article ID 620529, 1-7.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, The Clausen function
Cl2(x) and its related integrals,
Thai J. Math. 12 (2014), 251-264.
- W. Wei, H. M. Srivastava, Y. Zhang, L. Wang, P. Shen, and J.
Zhang, A local fractional integral inequality on
fractal space analogous to Anderson's inequality,
Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014 (2014), Article ID 797561,
- H. M. Srivastava, N. Magesh, and J. Yamini, Initial
coefficient estimates for bi-λ-convex and bi-μ-starlike
functions connected with arithmetic and geometric means,
Electron. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2 (2014), 152-162
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Series involving the
Zeta functions and a family of generalized Goldbach-Euler
series, Amer. Math. Monthly 121 (2014),
- Q.-H. Xu, H.-G. Xiao, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
applications of differential subordination and the
Dziok-Srivastava convolution operator, Appl. Math.
Comput. 230 (2014), 496-508.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Cetinkaya, and I. O. Kiymaz, A
certain generalized Pochhammer symbol and its applications
to hypergeometric functions, Appl. Math. Comput. 226
(2014), 484-491.
- Z.-G. Wang, H. M. Srivastava, and S.-M. Yuan, Some
basic properties of certain subclasses of meromorphically
starlike functions, J. Inequal. Appl. 2014
(2014), Article ID 2014:29, 1-12.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. S. Nisar, and M. A. Khan, Some
umbral calculus presentations of the Chan-Chyan-Srivastava
polynomials and the Erkuş-Srivastava polynomials,
Proyecciones J. Math. 33 (2014), 77-90.
- K.-J. Chung, S.-D. Lin, and H. M. Srivastava, The
inventory models for deteriorating items in the discounted
cash-flows approach under conditional trade credit and cash
discount in a supply chain system, Appl. Math.
Inform. Sci. 8 (2014), 2103-2111.
- N. L. Braha, H. M. Srivastava, and S. A. Mohiuddine, A
Korovkin's type approximation theorem for periodic functions
via the statistical summability of the generalized de la
Vallé Poussin mean, Appl. Math. Comput. 228
(2014), 162-169.
- H. M. Srivastava, Generating relations and other
results associated with some families of the extended
Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta functions, SpringerPlus 2
(2013), Article ID 2:67, 1-14.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, An experimental
conjecture involving closed-form evaluation of series
associated with the Zeta function, Math. Inequal.
Appl. 16 (2013), 971-979.
- H. M. Srivastava, Series identities and associated
hypergeometric transformation and reduction formulas,
Math. Pannon. 24 (2013), 289-302.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Murugusundaramoorthy,
and K. Vijaya, Coefficient
estimates for some families of bi-Bazilevič functions of the
Ma-Minda type involving the Hohlov operator, J.
Class. Anal. 2 (2013), 167-181.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-J. Liu, H.-C. Lu, and H. M. Srivastava, Linearization
relations for the generalized Bedient polynomials of the
first and second kinds via their integral representations,
Czechoslovak Math. J. 63 (138) (2013), 969-987.
- X.-J. Yang, D. Baleanu, H. M. Srivastava, and J. A. T.
Machado, On local fractional continuous wavelet
transform, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2013 (2013),
Article ID 725416, 1-5.
- H. Hayami, S. Owa, and H. M. Srivastava, Coefficient
estimates for a certain class of analytic functions
involving the arguments of their derivative, Jñānābha
43 (2013), 37-43.
- H. M. Srivastava, M.-J. Luo, and R. K. Raina, New
results involving a class of generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta
functions and their applications, Turkish J. Anal.
Number Theory 1 (2013), 26-35.
- K. Kuroki, H. M. Srivastava, and S. Owa, New
coefficient estimates for starlike and convex functions of
order α, Jñānābha 43 (2013), 31-36.
- A.-M. Yang, Z.-S. Chen, H. M. Srivastava,
and X.-J. Yang, Application
of the local fractional series method and the variational
iteration method to the Helmhotz equation involving local
fractional derivative operators, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2013
(2013), Article ID 259125, 1-6.
- L. F. Stanciu, D. Breaz, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
criteria for univalence of a certain integral operator,
Novi Sad J. Math. 43 (2) (2013), 51-57.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Mishra, and S. N. Kund, Certain
classes of analytic functions associated with iterations of
the Owa-Srivastava fractional derivative operator,
Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 37 (2013), 413-435.
- Q.-H. Xu, C.-B. Lv, N.-C. Luo, and H. M. Srivastava, Sharp
coefficient estimates for a certain general class of
spirallike functions by means of differential subordination,
Filomat 27 (2013), 1351-1356.
- K.-J. Chung, S.-D. Lin, and H. M. Srivastava, The
inventory models under conditional trade credit in a supply
chain system, Appl. Math. Model. 37 (2013),
10036-10052; see also Erratum, Appl. Math. Model.
38 (2014), 1192-1192.
- H. M. Srivastava and P. Agarwal, Certain fractional
integral operators and the generalized incomplete
hypergeometric functions, Appl. Appl. Math. 8
(2013), 333-345.
- X.-J. Ma, H. M. Srivastava, D. Baleanu, and X.-J. Yang, A
new Neumann series method for solving a family of local
fractional Fredholm and Volterra integral equations,
Math. Problems Engrg. 2013 (2013), Article ID 325121,
- S.-J. Liu, S.-D. Lin, H.-C. Lu,
and H. M. Srivastava, Linearization
of the products of the generalized Lauricella polynomials
and the multivariable Laguerre polynomials via their
integral representations, Stud. Sci. Math. Hungar. 50
(2013), 373-391.
- Q.-H. Xu, Q.-M. Cai, and H. M. Srivastava, Sharp
coefficient estimates for certain subclasses of starlike
functions of complex order, Appl. Math. Comput. 225
(2013), 43-49.
- S. Guo, H. M. Srivastava, and N. Batir, A certain
class of completely monotonic sequences, Adv.
Difference Equations 2013 (2013), Article ID 294, 1-9.
- J. Choi, A. K. Rathie, and H. M. Srivastava, Certain
hypergeometric identities deducible by using the Beta
integral formula, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 50
(2013), 1673-1681.
- Y.-J. Hao, H. M. Srivastava, H. Jafari, and X.-J. Yang,
Helmholtz and diffusion equations associated with local
fractional derivative operators involving the Cantorian and
Cantor-type cylindrical coordinates, Adv. Math. Phys.
2013 (2013), Article ID 754248, 1-5.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. Y. Lashin, and B. A. Frasin, Starlikeness
and convexity of certain classes of meromorphically
multivalent functions, Theory Appl. Math. Comput.
Sci. 3 (2013), 93-102.
- R. Dere, Y. Simsek, and H. M. Srivastava, A unified
presentation of three families of generalized Apostol type
polynomials based upon the theory of the umbral calculus and
the umbral algebra, J. Number Theory 133
(2013), 3245-3263.
- Á. Pintér and H. M. Srivastava, Addition theorems
for the Appell polynomials and the associated classes of
polynomial expansions, Aequationes Math. 85
(2013), 483-495.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Murugusundaramoorthy,
and N. Magesh, Certain
subclasses of bi-univalent functions associated with the
Hohlov operator, Global J. Math. Anal. 1 (2)
(2013), 67-73.
- X.-J. Yang, H. M. Srivastava, J.-H. He, and D. Baleanu,
Cantor-type cylindrical-coordinate method for differential equations
with local fractional derivatives, Phys. Lett. A 377
(2013), 1696-1700.
- V. B. Krasniqi, H. M. Srivastava, and S. S. Dragomir, Some
complete monotonicity properties
for the (p,q)-gamma
function, Appl. Math. Comput. 219 (2013),
- C. M. Ng, S.-H. Ong, and H. M. Srivastava, Parameter
estimation by Hellinger type distance for multivariate
distributions based upon probability generating functions,
Appl. Math. Model. 37 (2013), 7374-7385.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Some two-sided
inequalities for multiple Gamma functions and related
results, Appl. Math. Comput. 219 (2013),
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Bulut, M. Çaǧlar,
and N. Yaǧmur,
Coefficient estimates for a general subclass of analytic and
bi-univalent functions, Filomat 27 (2013),
- H. M. Srivastava, D. Rǎducanu, and
G. S. Sǎlǎgean, A
new class of generalized close-to-starlike functions defined
by the Srivastava-Attiya operator, Acta Math. Sinica
(English Ser.) 29 (2013), 833-840.
- J. Cao and H. M. Srivastava, Some q-generating
functions of the Carlitz and Srivastava-Agarwal types
associated with the generalized Hahn polynomials and the
generalized Rogers-Szegö polynomials, Appl. Math.
Comput. 219 (2013), 8398-8406.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. A. Özarslan, and C. Kaanuglu, Some
generalized Lagrange-based Apostol-Bernoulli, Apostol-Euler
and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials, Russian J. Math.
Phys. 20 (2013), 110-120.
- Q.-H. Xu, C.-B. Lv, and H. M. Srivastava, Coefficient
estimates for the inverses of a certain general class of
spirallike functions, Appl. Math. Comput. 219
(2013), 7000-7011.
- M. Mursaleen, A. Khan, H. M. Srivastava,
and K. S. Nisar, Operators
constructed by means of q-Lagrange polynomials and
A-statistical approximation, Appl. Math. Comput. 219
(2013), 6911-6818.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. J. González, and E. R. Negrin, A
characterization of the Second Quantization by using the
Segal duality transform, Appl. Math. Comput. 219
(2013), 6236-6240.
- S.-J. Liu, S.-D. Lin, K.-Y. Chen, and H. M. Srivastava, Summation
identities involving certain classes of polynomials,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 24 (2013), 84-97.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some tau-extensions of higher
transcendental functions, J. Indian Acad. Math. 35
(2013), 165-176.
- S.-J. Liu, S.-D. Lin, H.-C. Lu, and H. M. Srivastava, Linearization
of the products of the Carlitz-Srivastava polynomials of the
first and second kinds via their integral representations,
Appl. Math. Comput. 219 (2013), 4545-4550.
- N. Hayek, H. M. Srivastava, B. J. González, and E. R.
Negrin, A family of Wiener transforms associated with a
pair of operators on Hilbert space, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 24 (2013), 1-8.
- K. Kuroki, H. M. Srivastava, and S. Owa, Some
applications of the principle of differential subordination,
Electron. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 1 (2013), Article 5,
40-46 (electronic).
- H. M. Srivastava, M. I. Qureshi, K. A. Quraishi, and R.
Singh, Applications of some hypergeometric summation
theorems involving double series, J. Appl. Math.
Statist. Inform. 8 (2) (2012), 37-48.
- H. M. Srivastava, B. Kurt, and Y. Simsek, Some
families of Genocchi type polynomials and their
interpolation functions, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 23 (2012), 919-938; see also Corrigendum,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 23 (2012), 939-940.
- J.-R. Zhou, H. M. Srivastava, and Z.-G. Wang, Asymptotic
distributions of the zeros of a family of hypergeometric
polynomials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140
(2012), 2333-2346.
- H. M. Srivastava, H. Özden, I. N. Cangül, and Y. Simsek,
A unified presentation of certain meromorphic functions
related to the families of partial zeta functions and the
L-functions, Appl. Math. Comput. 219 (2012),
- D. Cvijović and H. M. Srivastava, Limit
representations of Riemann's Zeta function, Amer.
Math. Monthly 119 (2012), 324-330.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. A. Chaudhary, and R. P. Agarwal, The
incomplete Pochhammer symbols and their applications to
hypergeometric and related functions, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 23 (2012), 659-683.
- N. E. Cho, T. Bulboacǎ, and H. M. Srivastava, A
general family of integral operators and associated
subordination and superordination properties of some special
analytic function classes, Appl. Math. Comput. 219
(2012), 2278-2288.
- H. Bor, H. M. Srivastava, and W. T. Sulaiman, A new
application of certain generalized power increasing
sequences, Filomat 26 (2012), 871-879.
- J. Sokol, K. I. Noor, and H. M. Srivastava, A family
of convolution operators for multivalent analytic functions,
European J. Pure Appl. Math. 5 (2012), 469-479.
- D. Cvijović and H. M. Srivastava, Closed-form
summations of Dowker's and related trigonometric sums,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theoret. 45 (2012), Article 374015,
- K.-J. Chung, S.-D. Lin, and H. M. Srivastava, The
complete solution procedures for the mathematical analysis
of some families of optimal inventory models with order-size
dependent trade credit and deterministic and constant demand,
Appl. Math. Comput. 219 (2012), 141-156.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. K. Parmar, and P. Chopra, A
class of extended fractional derivative operators and
associated generating relations involving hypergeometric
functions, Axioms 1 (2012), 238-258.
- S.-J. Liu, C.-J. Chyan, H.-C. Lu, and H. M. Srivastava, Bilateral
generating functions for the Chan-Chyan-Srivastava
polynomials and the generalized Lauricella functions,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 23 (2012), 539-549.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Guo, and F. Qi, Some properties
of a class of functions related to completely monotonic
functions, Comput. Math. Appl. 64 (2012),
- Q.-H. Xu, H.-G. Xiao, and H. M. Srivastava, A certain
general subclass of analytic and bi-univalent functions and
associated coefficient estimate problems, Appl. Math.
Comput. 218 (2012), 11461-11465.
- H. M. Srivastava and C. Vignat, Probabilistic proofs
of some relationships between Bernoulli and Euler
polynomials, European J. Pure Appl. Math. 5
(2012), 97-107.
- Y.-D. Wu and H. M. Srivastava, An analytical proof of
a certain geometric inequality conjecture of Shan-He Wu,
Appl. Math. Lett. 25 (2012), 1347-1353.
- S.-J. Liu, S.-D. Lin, H. M. Srivastava, and M.-M. Wong, Bilateral
generating functions for the Erkuş-Srivastava polynomials
and the generalized Lauricella functions, Appl. Math.
Comput. 218 (2012), 7685-7693.
- Y. J. Sim, O. S. Kwon, N. E. Cho, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
classes of analytic functions associated with conic regions,
Taiwanese J. Math. 16 (2012), 387-408.
- Q.-H. Xu, Y.-C. Gui, and H. M. Srivastava, Coefficient
estimates for a certain subclass of analytic and
bi-univalent functions, Appl. Math. Lett. 25
(2012), 990-994.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Mursaleen, and A. Khan, Generalized
equi-statistical convergence of positive linear operators
and associated approximation theorems, Math. Comput.
Model. 55 (2012), 2040-2051.
- H. M. Srivastava, S.-D. Lin, S.-J. Liu, and H.-C. Lu, Integral
representations for the Lagrange polynomials, Shively's
Pseudo-Laguerre polynomals, and the
generalized Bessel polynomials, Russian J. Math.
Phys. 19 (2012), 121-130.
- J. Choi, A. Hasanov, and H. M. Srivastava, Relations
between Lauricella's triple hypergeometric function
[x,y,z] and the
Srivastava function F(3)
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 23 (2012), 69-82.
- M. Nunokawa, N. Uyanik, S. Owa, H. Saitoh, and H. M.
Srivastava, New condition for univalence of certain
analytic functions, J. Indian Math. Soc. (New Ser.) 79
(2012), 121-125.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. Bulut, Neighborhood
properties of certain classes of multivalently analytic
functions associated with the convolution structure,
Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2012), 6511-6518.
- S. Guo, F. Qi, and H. M. Srivastava, A class of
logarithmically completely monotonic functions related to
the gamma function with applications, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 23 (2012), 557-566.
- A. Bazsó, Á. Pintér,
and H. M. Srivastava, A
refinement of Faulhaber's theorem concerning sums of powers
of natural numbers, Appl. Math. Lett. 25
(2012), 486-489.
- C.-P. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, New representations
for the Lugo and Euler-Mascheroni constants. II,
Appl. Math. Lett. 25 (2012), 333-338.
- P. L. Gupta, R. C. Gupta, S.-H. Ong,
and H. M. Srivastava, Reliability
and non-reliability studies of Poisson variables in series
and parallel systems, Appl. Math. Comput. 218
(2012), 5112-5120.
- H. M. Srivastava, N. Tuneski, and E. Georgieva-Celakoska, Some
distortion and other properties associated with a family of
n-fold symmetric Koebe type functions, Austral. J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 9 (2) (2012), Article 1, 1-17.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some generalizations and basic
(or q-) extensions of the Bernoulli, Euler
and Genocchi polynomials, Appl. Math. Inform. Sci. 5
(2011), 390-444.
- A. Sofo and H. M. Srivastava, Identities for the
harmonic numbers and binomial coefficients, Ramanujan
J. 25 (2011), 93-113.
- J. Choi, A. Hasanov, H. M. Srivastava, and M. Turaev, Integral
representations for Srivastava's triple hypergeometric
functions, Taiwanese J. Math. 15 (2011),
- H. M. Srivastava, J.-R. Zhou, and Z.-G. Wang, Asymptotic
distributions of the zeros of certain classes of
hypergeometric functions and polynomials, Math.
Comput. 80 (2011), 1769-1784.
- H. M. Srivastava, K.-L. Tseng, S.-J. Tseng, and J.-C. Lo, Some
generalizations of Maroni's inequality on time scales,
Math. Inequal. Appl. 14 (2011), 469-480.
- L.-L. Fu, B.-Y. Xi, and H. M. Srivastava, Schur-convexity
of the generalized Heronian means involving two positive
numbers, Taiwanese J. Math. 15 (2011),
- D.-Q. Lu and H. M. Srivastava, Some series identities
involving the generalized Apostol type and related
polynomials, Comput. Math. Appl. 62 (2011),
- H. M. Srivastava and G. B. Djordjević, Some
generating functions and other properties associated with
the generalized Hermite and related polynomials,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 22 (2011), 895-906.
- Q.-H. Xu, Y.-C. Gui, and H. M. Srivastava, Coefficient
estimates for certain subclasses of analytic functions of
complex order, Taiwanese J. Math. 15 (2011),
- H. M. Srivastava, S. M. Khairnar, and M. More, Inclusion
properties of a subclass of analytic functions defined by an
integral operator involving the Gauss hypergeometric
function, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2011),
- J. Choi, A. K. Rathie, and H. M. Srivastava, A
generalization of a formula due to Kummer, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 22 (2011), 851-859.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Some summation formulas
involving harmonic numbers and generalized harmonic numbers,
Math. Comput. Model. 54 (2011), 2220-2234.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-J. Liu, H.-C. Lu, and H. M. Srivastava, Integral
representations for the generalized Bedient polynomials and
the generalized Cesàro polynomials, Appl. Math.
Comput. 218 (2011), 1330-1341.
- H. M. Srivastava, V. Lokesha, and Y.-D. Wu, A new
refinement of the Janous-Gmeiner inequality for a triangle,
Comput. Math. Appl. 62 (2011), 2349-2353.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Asymptotic formulas for
the triple Gamma function ?3, Appl. Math.
Comput. 218 (2011), 2631-2640.
- H. Shiraishi, S. Owa, and H. M. Srivastava, Sufficient
conditions for strongly Carathéodory functions,
Comput. Math. Appl. 62 (2011), 2978-2987.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Explicit evaluations of
some families of log-sine and log-cosine integrals,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 22 (2011), 767-783.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Mishra, and S. Kund, Coefficient
estimates for the inverses of starlike functions represented
by symmetric gap series, Pan Amer. Math. J. 21
(2011), 105-123.
- H. M. Srivastava, D. Jankov, T. K. Pogány, and R. K.
Saxena, Two-sided inequalities for the extended
Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function, Comput. Math. Appl. 62
(2011), 516-522.
- H. M. Srivastava, Z.-H. Zhang, and Y.-D. Wu, Some
further refinements and extensions of the Hermite-Hadamard
and Jensen inequalities in several variables, Math.
Comput. Model. 54 (2011), 2709-2717.
- E. Deniz, H. Orhan, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
sufficient conditions for univalence of certain families of
integral operators involving generalized Bessel functions,
Taiwanese J. Math. 15 (2011), 883-917.
- S.-J. Liu, C.-J. Chyan, H.-C. Lu, and H. M. Srivastava, Multiple
integral representations for some families of hypergeometric
and other polynomials, Math. Comput. Model. 54
(2011), 1420-1427.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. K. Saxena, T. K. Pogány, and R.
Saxena, Integral and computational representations of
the extended Hurwitz-Lerch zeta function, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 22 (2011), 487-506.
- H. M. Srivastava, O. Altintaş, and S. Kirci Serenbay, Coefficient
bounds for certain subclasses of starlike functions of
complex order, Appl. Math. Lett. 24 (2011),
- H. M. Srivastava, M. A. Chaudhry, A Qadir, and A. Tassaddiq,
Some extensions of the Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein
functions with applications to the family of the Zeta and
related functions, Russian J. Math. Phys. 18
(2011), 107-121.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-J. Liu, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of hypergeometric polynomials and associated
multiple integral representations, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 22 (2011), 403-414.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, The multiple Hurwitz
Zeta function and the multiple Hurwitz-Euler Eta function,
Taiwanese J. Math. 15 (2011), 501-522.
- C.-P. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, New representations
for the Lugo and Euler-Mascheroni constants, Appl.
Math. Lett. 24 (2011), 1239-1244.
- A. Prabhu and H. M. Srivastava, Some limit formulas
for the Gamma and
Psi (or Digamma) functions
at their singularities, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 22 (2011), 587-592.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Garg, and S. Choudhary, Some new
families of generalized Euler and Genocchi polynomials,
Taiwanese J. Math. 15 (2011), 283--305.
- C.-P. Chen, H. M. Srivastava, L. Li, and S. Manyama, Inequalities
and monotonicity properties for the psi (or
digamma) function and estimates for the
Euler-Mascheroni constants, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 22 (2011), 681-693.
- Q.-M. Luo and H. M. Srivastava, Some generalizations
of the Apostol-Genocchi polynomials and the Stirling numbers
of the second kind, Appl. Math. Comput. 217
(2011), 5702-5728.
- C.-P. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, Some inequalities
and monotonicity properties associated with the gamma and
psi functions and the Barnes G-function, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 22 (2011), 1-15.
- Q.-H. Xu, H. M. Srivastava, and Z. Li, A certain
subclass of analytic and close-to-convex functions,
Appl. Math. Lett. 24 (2011), 396-401.
- Q.-M. Luo and H. M. Srivastava, q-Extensions of some
relationships between the Bernoulli and Euler polynomials,
Taiwanese J. Math. 15 (2011), 241-257.
- H. Shiraishi, S. Owa, T. Hayami, K. Kuroki, and H. M.
Srivastava, Starlikeness problems for certain analytic
functions concerned with subordinations, Pan Amer.
Math. J. 21 (2011), 63-77.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Darus, and R. W. Ibrahim, Classes
of analytic functions with fractional powers defined by a
certain linear operator, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 22 (2011), 17-28.
- C. M. Ng, S.-H. Ong, and H. M. Srivastava, A class of
bivariate binomial distributions with different index
parameters in the marginals, Appl. Math. Comput. 217
(2010), 3069-3087.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. K. Aouf, and R. M. El-Ashwah, Some
inclusion relationships associated with a certain class of
integral operators, Asian-European J. Math. 3
(2010), 667-684.
- Ž. Tomovski, R. Hilfer, and H. M. Srivastava, Fractional
and operational calculus with generalized fractional
derivative operators and Mittag-Leffler type functions,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 21 (2010), 797-814.
- H. Ozden, Y. Simsek, and H. M. Srivastava, A unified
presentation of the generating functions of the generalized
Bernoulli, Euler and Genocchi polynomials, Comput.
Math. Appl. 60 (2010), 2779-2787.
- S.-D. Lin and H. M. Srivastava, Some miscellaneous
properties and applications of certain operators of
fractional calculus, Taiwanese J. Math. 14
(2010), 2469-2495.
- B.-N. Guo, F. Qi, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
uniqueness results for the non-trivially complete
monotonicity of a class of functions involving the polygamma
and related functions, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 21 (2010), 849-858.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Mishra, and P. Gochhayat, Certain
subclasses of analytic and bi-univalent functions,
Appl. Math. Lett. 23 (2010), 1188-1192.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. A. Özarslan, and C. Kaanoglu, Some
families of generating functions for a certain class of
three-variable polynomials, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 21 (2010), 885-896.
- N. E. Cho, I. H. Kim, and H. M. Srivastava, Sandwich-type
theorems for multivalent functions associated with the
Srivastava-Attiya operator, Appl. Math. Comput. 217
(2010), 918-928.
- Y.-D. Wu, V. Lokesha, and H. M. Srivastava, Another
refinement of the Pólya-Szegö inequality, Comput.
Math. Appl. 60 (2010), 761-770.
- M. A. Mourou and H. M. Srivastava, Generalized
Sonine-type integral transforms on the real line,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 21 (2010), 713-724.
- R. C. Gupta, S. N. U. A. Kirmani, and H. M. Srivastava, Local
dependence functions for some families of bivariate
distributions and total positivity, Appl. Math.
Comput. 216 (2010), 1267-1279.
- A. R. Miller and H. M. Srivastava, Karlsson-Minton
summation theorems for the generalized hypergeometric series
of unit argument, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 21
(2010), 603-612.
- N. E. Cho, O. S. Kwon, and H. M. Srivastava, Strong
differential subordination and superordination for
multivalently meromorphic functions involving the
Liu-Srivastava operator, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 21 (2010), 589-601.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. Garg, and S. Choudhary, A new
generalization of the Bernoulli and related polynomials,
Russian J. Math. Phys. 17 (2010), 251-261.
- C.-P. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, A class of two-sided
inequalities involving the psi and polygamma functions,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 21 (2010), 523-528.
- T.-C. Wu, C.-H. Chang, and H. M. Srivastava, A
unified presentation of identities involving
Weierstrass-type functions, Appl. Math. Lett. 23
(2010), 864-870.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. Y. Lashin, Subordination
properties of certain classes of multivalently analytic
functions, Math. Comput. Model. 52 (2010),
- Y. Simsek and H. M. Srivastava, A family of p-adic
twisted interpolation functions associated with the modified
Bernoulli numbers, Appl. Math. Comput. 216
(2010), 2976-2987.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Integral
representations for the Euler-Mascheroni constant gamma,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 21 (2010), 675-690.
- Z.-G. Xiao, H. M. Srivastava, and Z.-H. Zhang, Further
refinements of the Jensen inequalities based upon samples
with repetitions, Math. Comput. Model. 51
(2010), 592-600.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Mathieu series and
associated sums involving the Zeta function, Comput.
Math. Appl. 59 (2010), 861-867.
- M. Masjed-Jamei, F. Qi, and H. M. Srivastava, Generalizations
of some classical inequalities via a special functional
property, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 21
(2010), 327-336.
- H. M. Srivastava, Q.-H. Xu, and G.-P. Wu, Coefficient
estimates for certain subclasses of spiral-like functions of
complex order, Appl. Math. Lett. 23 (2010),
- N. E. Cho, J. Nishiwaki, S. Owa,
and H. M. Srivastava, Subordination
and superordination for multivalent functions associated
with a class of fractional differintegral operators,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 21 (2010), 243-258.
- M. Masjed-Jamei and H. M. Srivastava, Application of
a new integral expansion for solving a class of functional
equations, Appl. Math. Lett. 23 (2010),
- C.-P. Chen, F. Qi, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
properties of functions related to the gamma and psi
functions, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 21
(2010), 153-164.
- H. M. Srivastava, E. Deniz, and H. Orhan, Some
general univalence criteria for a family of integral
operators, Appl. Math. Comput. 215 (2010),
- H. M. Srivastava, K.-L. Tseng, S.-J. Tseng, and J.-C. Lo, Some
weighted Opial-type inequalities on time scales,
Taiwanese J. Math. 14 (2010), 107-122.
- M. S. Moslehian and H. M. Srivastava, Jensen's
functional equation in multi-normed spaces, Taiwanese
J. Math. 14 (2010), 453-462.
- J. Choi, Y. J. Cho, and H. M. Srivastava, Log-sine
integrals involving series associated with the Zeta function
and Polylogarithms, Math. Scand. 105 (2009),
- D. Cvijović and H. M. Srivastava, Evaluations of some
classes of the trigonometric moment integrals, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 351 (2009), 244-256.
- S. B. Opps, N. Saad, and H. M. Srivastava, Recursion
formulas for Appell's hypergeometric function F2
with some applications to radiation field problems,
Appl. Math. Comput. 207 (2009), 545-558.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Some applications of
the Gamma and polygamma functions involving convolutions of
the Rayleigh functions, multiple Euler sums
and log-sine integrals, Math. Nachr. 282
(2009), 1709-1723.
- H. M. Srivastava and G.-D. Liu, Some identities and
congruences involving a certain family of numbers,
Russian J. Math. Phys. 16 (2009), 536-542.
- J. Dziok and H. M. Srivastava, A unified class of
analytic functions with varying argument of coefficients,
European J. Pure Appl. Math. 2 (2009), 302-324.
- A. Petojević and H. M. Srivastava, Computation of
Euler's type sums of the products of Bernoulli numbers,
Appl. Math. Lett. 22 (2009), 796-801.
- H. M. Srivastava and C.-H. Zhang, A certain class of
identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type, Pan Amer.
Math. J. 19 (2009), 89-102.
- H. M. Srivastava, S.-H. Li, and H. Tang, Certain
classes of k-uniformly close-to-convex functions and other
related functions defined by using the Dziok-Srivastava
operator, Bull. Math. Anal. Appl. 1 (3)
(2009), 49-63 (electronic).
- F. Qi, P. Cerone, S. S. Dragomir, and H. M. Srivastava, Alternative
proofs for monotonic and logarithmically convex properties
of one-parameter mean values, Appl. Math. Comput. 208
(2009), 129-133.
- D. Cvijović and H. M. Srivastava, Asymptotics of the
Landau constants and their relationship with hypergeometric
functions, Taiwanese J. Math. 13 (2009),
- K.-T. Chiang, K. Y. Kung, and H. M. Srivastava, Analytic
transient solutions of a cylindrical heat equation with a
heat source, Appl. Math. Comput. 215 (2009),
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Integral
representations for the Gamma function, the
Beta function, and the double Gamma function,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 20 (2009), 859-869.
- H. M. Srivastava and Ž. Tomovski, Fractional calculus
with an integral operator containing a generalized
Mittag-Leffler function in the kernel, Appl. Math.
Comput. 211 (2009), 198-210.
- D. Breaz, N. Breaz, and H. M. Srivastava, An
extension of the univalent condition for a family of
integral operators, Appl. Math. Lett. 22
(2009), 41-44.
- S.-D. Lin, L.-F. Chang, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of series identities and associated fractional
differintegral formulas, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 20 (2009), 737-749.
- M. Masjed-Jamei, S. S. Dragomir, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
generalizations of the Cauchy-Schwarz and the
Cauchy-Bunyakovsky inequalities involving four parameters
and their applications, Math. Comput. Model. 49
(2009), 1960-1968.
- H. M. Srivastava, D.-G. Yang, and N-E. Xu, Subordinations
for multivalent analytic functions associated with the
Dziok-Srivastava operator, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 20 (2009), 581-606.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. S. Eker, and B. Seker, A certain
convolution approach for subclasses of analytic functions
with negative coefficients, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 20 (2009), 687-699.
- C. Ramachandran, S. Sivasubramanian, H. M. Srivastava, and
A. Swaminathan, Coefficient inequalities for certain
subclasses of analytic functions and their applications
involving the Owa-Srivastava operator of fractional calculus,
Math. Inequal. Appl. 12 (2009), 351-363.
- D. Cvijović and H. M. Srivastava, Some discrete
Fourier transform pairs associated with the Lipschitz-Lerch
Zeta function, Appl. Math. Lett. 22 (2009),
- H. M. Srivastava, S. S. Eker, and B. Seker, Inclusion
and neighborhood properties for certain classes of
multivalently analytic functions of complex order associated
with the convolution structure, Appl. Math. Comput. 212
(2009), 66-71.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. I. Qureshi, R. Singh, and A. Arora, A
family of hypergeometric integrals associated with
Ramanujan's integral formula, Adv. Stud. Contemp.
Math. 18 (2009), 113-125.
- A. Sofo and H. M. Srivastava, A family of sums
containing factorials, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 20 (2009), 393-399.
- J. Choi, P. J. Anderson, and H. M. Srivastava, Carlitz's
q-Bernoulli and q-Euler numbers and polynomials and a class
of q-Hurwitz zeta functions, Appl. Math. Comput. 215
(2009), 1185-1208.
- S.-D. Lin, L.-F. Chang, and H. M. Srivastava, A
certain class of incomplete elliptic integrals and
associated definite integrals, Appl. Math. Comput. 215
(2009), 1176-1184.
- E. Özergin, M. A. Özarslan,
and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of generating functions for a class of bivariate
polynomials, Math. Comput. Model. 50 (2009),
- J.-L. Liu and H. M. Srivastava, A class of
multivalently analytic functions associated with the
Dziok-Srivastava operator, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 20 (2009), 401-417.
- T. K. Pogány and H. M. Srivastava, Some
Mathieu-type series associated with the Fox-Wright function,
Comput. Math. Appl. 57 (2009), 127-140.
- Z.-H. Zhang, Z.-G. Xiao, and H. M. Srivastava, A
general family of weighted elementary symmetric functions,
Appl. Math. Lett. 22 (2009), 24-30.
- S. Guo and H. M. Srivastava, A certain function class
related to the class of logarithmically completely monotonic
functions, Math. Comput. Model. 49 (2009),
- M. Masjed-Jamei and H. M. Srivastava, An integral
expansion for analytic functions based upon the remainder
values of the Taylor series expansions, Appl. Math.
Lett. 22 (2009), 406-411.
- Z.-G. Wang, Y.-P. Jiang, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
subclasses of meromorphically multivalent functions
associated with the generalized hypergeometric function,
Comput. Math. Appl. 57 (2009), 571-586.
- A. Petojević and H. M. Srivastava, Computation of the
Mordell-Tornheim zeta values, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
136 (2008), 2719-2728.
- S.-M. Yuan, Z.-M. Liu, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
inclusion relationships and integral-preserving properties
of certain subclasses of meromorphic functions associated
with a family of integral operators, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 337 (2008), 505-515.
- D. Cvijović and H. M. Srivastava, Closed-form
evaluations of certain definite integrals by employing the
Cauchy integral theorem, Numer. Algor. 49
(2008), 129-141.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. Y. Kung, and K.-J. Wang, Analytic
solutions of a two-dimensional rectangular heat equation
with a heat source, Russian J. Math. Phys. 15
(2008), 542-547.
- N. Elezović, H. M. Srivastava,
and Ž. Tomovski, Integral
representations and integral transforms of some families of
Mathieu series, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 19
(2008), 481-495.
- O. Altintaş, H. Irmak, and H. M. Srivastava, Neighborhoods
for certain subclasses of multivalently analytic functions
defined by using a differential operator, Comput.
Math. Appl. 55 (2008), 331-338.
- H. M. Srivastava, An elementary and introductory
approach to fractional calculus and its applications,
Makedon. Akad. Nauk. Umet. Oddel. Mat.-Tehn. Nauk. Prilozi 29
(2008), 7-35.
- Z.-H. Zhang, Y.-D. Wu, and H. M. Srivastava, Generalized
Vandermonde determinants and mean values, Appl. Math.
Comput. 202 (2008), 300-310.
- H. M. Srivastava, F. Taşdelen, and B. Şekeroǧglu,
Some families of generating functions for the q-Konhauser
polynomials, Taiwanese J. Math. 12 (2008),
- K. Y. Kung and H. M. Srivastava, Analytic transient
solutions of a cylindrical heat equation with oscillating
heat flux, Appl. Math. Comput. 195 (2008),
- H. M. Srivastava and S. S. Eker, Some applications of
a subordination theorem for a class of analytic functions,
Appl. Math. Lett. 21 (2008), 394-399.
- Y. C. Kim and H. M. Srivastava, Some subordination
properties for spirallike functions, Appl. Math.
Comput. 203 (2008), 838-842.
- S. Guo and H. M. Srivastava, A class of
logarithmically completely monotonic functions, Appl.
Math. Lett. 21 (2008), 1134-1141.
- C.-H. Chang, H. M. Srivastava, and T.-C. Wu, Some
families of Weierstrass-type functions and their
applications, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 19
(2008), 621-632.
- M.-S. Liu, Y.-C. Zhu, and H. M. Srivastava, Properties
and characteristics of certain subclasses of starlike
functions of order Beta, Math. Comput. Model. 48
(2008), 402-419.
- S.-H. Wu, H. M. Srivastava, and L. Debnath, Some
refined families of Jordan-type inequalities and their
applications, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 19
(2008), 183-193.
- H. M. Srivastava, D.-G. Yang, and N-E. Xu, Some
subclasses of meromorphically multivalent functions
associated with a linear operator, Appl. Math.
Comput. 195 (2008), 11-23.
- S.-H. Wu and H. M. Srivastava, A further refinement
of a Jordan type inequality and its application,
Appl. Math. Comput. 197 (2008), 914-923.
- M. A. Özarslan, O. Duman,
and H. M. Srivastava, Statistical
approximation results for Kantorovich-type operators
involving some special polynomials, Math. Comput.
Model. 48 (2008), 388-401.
- M. I. Qureshi, K. A. Quraishi, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
hypergeometric summation formulas and series identities
associated with exponential and trigonometric functions,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 19 (2008), 267-276.
- N. Dernek, H. M. Srivastava, and O. Yürekli, Some
Parseval-Goldstein type identities involving the
the FC,2-transform
and the P4-transform
and their applications, Appl. Math. Comput. 202
(2008), 327-337.
- G. Dattoli and H. M. Srivastava, A note on harmonic
numbers, umbral calculus and generating
functions, Appl. Math. Lett. 21 (2008),
- M. K. Aouf, H. Silverman, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of linear operators associated with certain
subclasses of multivalent functions, Comput. Math.
Appl. 55 (2008), 535-549.
- J. Choi, P. J. Anderson, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
q-extensions of the Apostol-Bernoulli and the Apostol-Euler
polynomials of order n, and the multiple
Hurwitz zeta function, Appl. Math. Comput. 199
(2008), 723-737.
- M. Masjed-Jamei, M. Dehghan, and H. M. Srivastava, A
functional expansion for analytic functions and its
subclasses, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 19
(2008), 913-922.
- S. Guo, F. Qi, and H. M. Srivastava, Supplements to a
class of logarithmically completely monotonic functions
associated with the gamma function, Appl. Math.
Comput. 197 (2008), 768-774.
- Z.-G. Wang, Y.-P. Jiang, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
subclasses of multivalent analytic functions involving the
Dziok-Srivastava operator, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 19 (2008), 129-146.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, A note on a
multiplication formula for the multiple Gamma function Gn,
Italian J. Pure Appl. Math. 23 (2008), 179-188.
- P. L. Gupta, R. C. Gupta, S.-H. Ong, and H. M. Srivastava, A
class of Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta distributions and their
applications in reliability, Appl. Math. Comput. 196
(2008), 521-531.
- B. Shrutha Keerthi, A. Gangadharan, and H. M. Srivastava, Neighborhoods
of certain subclasses of analytic functions of complex order
with negative coefficients, Math. Comput. Model. 47
(2008), 271-277.
- P.-Y. Wang, S.-D. Lin, and H. M. Srivastava, Explicit
solutions of Jacobi and Gauss differential equations by
means of operators of fractional calculus, Appl.
Math. Comput. 199 (2008), 760-769.
- J. Choi, D. S. Jang, and H. M. Srivastava, A
generalization of the Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 19 (2008), 65-79.
- S.-H. Wu and H. M. Srivastava, A further refinement
of Wilker's inequality, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 19 (2008), 757-765.
- J. Nishiwaki, S. Owa, and H. M. Srivastava, Convolutions
and Hölder-type inequalities for a certain class of
analytic functions, Math. Inequal. Appl. 11
(2008), 717-727.
- C. Ramachandran, H. M. Srivastava, and A. Swaminathan, A
unified class of k-uniformly convex functions defined by the
Sǎlǎgean derivative operator, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis.
Modena Reggio Emilia 55 (2007), 47-59.
- K.-Y. Chen, S.-J. Liu, and H. M. Srivastava, Some new
results for the Lagrange polynomials in several variables,
ANZIAM J. 49 (2007), 243-258.
- D. Cvijović and H. M. Srivastava, Closed-form
summation of the Dowker and related sums, J. Math.
Phys. 48 (2007), 043507: 1-12.
- D. Raducanu and H. M. Srivastava, A new class of
analytic functions defined by means of a convolution
operator involving the Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 18 (2007), 933-943.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some bounding inequalities for the
Jacobi and related functions, Banach J. Math. Anal. 1
(2007), 131-138.
- N. E. Cho, O. S. Kwon, S. Owa, and H. M. Srivastava, A
class of integral operators preserving subordination and
superordination for meromorphic functions, Appl.
Math. Comput. 193 (2007), 463-474.
- G. Dattoli, H. M. Srivastava, and K. Zhukovsky, Operational
methods and differential equations with applications to
initial-value problems, Appl. Math. Comput. 184
(2007), 979-1001.
- T. Hayami, S. Owa, and H. M. Srivastava, Coefficient
inequalities for certain classes of analytic and univalent
functions, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 8 (4:
Article 95) (2007), 1-10 (electronic).
- S. Guo, F. Qi, and H. M. Srivastava, Necessary and
sufficient conditions for two classes of functions to be
logarithmically completely monotonic, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 18 (2007), 819-826.
- O. Altintaş, H. Irmak, S. Owa, and H. M. Srivastava, Coefficient
bounds for some families of starlike and convex functions of
complex order, Appl. Math. Lett. 20 (2007),
- H. M. Srivastava, S.-D. Lin, Y.-T. Chao, and P.-Y. Wang, Explicit
solutions of a certain class of differential equations by
means of fractional calculus, Russian J. Math. Phys.
14 (2007), 357-365.
- S. Nadarajah, H. M. Srivastava, and A. K. Gupta, Skewed
Bessel function distributions with application to rainfall
data, Statistics 41 (2007), 333-344.
- M. K. Aouf, H. Silverman, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
subclasses of multivalent functions involving a certain
linear operator, Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 14
(2007), 215-232.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. Y. Kung, and K.-J. Wang, Analytic
solutions of a two-dimensional rectangular heat equation,
Russian J. Math. Phys. 14 (2007), 115-119.
- J. K. Prajapat, R. K. Raina, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
inclusion properties for certain subclasses of strongly
starlike and strongly convex functions involving a family of
fractional integral operators, Integral Transforms
Spec. Funct. 18 (2007), 639-651.
- D. Cvijović and H. M. Srivastava, Closed-form
evaluations of certain cosecant integrals and associated
series involving the Riemann zeta function, Adv.
Stud. Contemp. Math. 15 (2007), 1-12.
- S.-H. Wu and H. M. Srivastava, Some improvements and
generalizations of Steffensen's integral inequality,
Appl. Math. Comput. 192 (2007), 422-428.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. A. Attiya, Some applications
of differential subordination, Appl. Math. Lett. 20
(2007), 1142-1147.
- K. Kuroki, S. Owa, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
subordination criteria for analytic functions, Bull.
Soc. Sci. Lett. Lodz Recherch. Deform. 52 (2007),
- S.-D. Lin, K. Nishimoto, T. Miyakoda, and H. M. Srivastava,
Some differintegral formulas for power, composite and
rational functions, J. Fract. Calc. 32
(2007), 87-98.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. G. Bin-Saad, and M. A. Pathan, A
new theorem on multidimensional generating relations and its
applications, Proc. Jangjeon Math. Soc. 10
(2007), 7-22.
- S.-H. Wu and H. M. Srivastava, A weighted and
exponential generalization of Wilker's inequality and its
applications, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 18
(2007), 529-535.
- H. M. Srivastava and H. Orhan, Coefficient
inequalities and inclusion relations for some families of
analytic and multivalent functions, Appl. Math. Lett.
20 (2007), 686-691.
- T. K. Pogá1ny and H. M. Srivastava, Some two-sided
bounding inequalities for the Butzer-Flocke-Hauss Omega
function, Math. Inequal. Appl. 10 (2007),
- J. Patel, A. K. Mishra, and H. M. Srivastava, Classes
of multivalent analytic functions involving the
Dziok-Srivastava operator, Comput. Math. Appl. 54
(2007), 599-616.
- C.-H. Chang and H. M. Srivastava, A note on Bernoulli
identities associated with the Weierstrass P-function,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 18 (2007), 245-253.
- C. Ramachandran, T. N. Shanmugam, H. M. Srivastava, and A.
Swaminathan, A unified class of k-uniformly convex
functions defined by the Dziok-Srivastava linear operator,
Appl. Math. Comput. 190 (2007), 1627-1636.
- H. M. Srivastava and T. K. Pogány, Inequalities for
a unified family of Voigt functions in several variables,
Russian J. Math. Phys. 14 (2007), 194-200.
- H. M. Srivastava, N-E. Xu, and D.-G. Yang, Inclusion
relations and convolution properties of a certain class of
analytic functions associated with the Ruscheweyh
derivatives, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 331 (2007),
- G. Dattoli, M. Migliorati, and H. M. Srivastava, Sheffer
polynomials, monomiality principle, algebraic methods and
the theory of classical polynomials, Math. Comput.
Model. 45 (2007), 1033-1041.
- H. M. Srivastava, T. N. Shanmugam, C. Ramachandran, and S.
Sivasubramanian, A new subclass of k-uniformly convex
functions with negative coefficients, J. Inequal.
Pure Appl. Math. 8 (2: Article 43) (2007), 1-14
- T. K. Pogány and H. M. Srivastava, Some
improvements over Love's inequality for the Laguerre
function, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 18
(2007), 351-358.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. A. Attiya, An integral
operator associated with the Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function and
differential subordination, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 18 (2007), 207-216.
- A. I. Prieto, S. Salinas de Romero, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
fractional-calculus results involving the generalized
Lommel-Wright and related functions, Appl. Math.
Lett. 20 (2007), 17-22.
- H. M. Srivastava, Z. Finta, and V. Gupta, Direct
results for a certain family of summation-integral type
operators, Appl. Math. Comput. 190 (2007),
- N. Dernek, H. M. Srivastava,
and O. Yürekli, Parseval-Goldstein
type identities involving the L4-transform
and the P4-transform and their
applications, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 18
(2007), 397-408.
- A. Hasanov and H. M. Srivastava, Decomposition
formulas associated with the Lauricella multivariable
hypergeometric functions, Comput. Math. Appl. 53
(2007), 1119-1128.
- H. M. Srivastava, G. Murugusundaramoorthy, and S.
Sivasubramanian, Hypergeometric functions in the
parabolic starlike and uniformly convex domains,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 18 (2007), 511-520.
- D. Cvijović and H. M. Srivastava, Summation of a
family of finite secant sums, Appl. Math. Comput. 190
(2007), 590-598.
- N. E. Cho and H. M. Srivastava, A class of nonlinear
integral operators preserving subordination and
superordination, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 18
(2007), 95-107.
- J. K. Prajapat, R. K. Raina, and H. M. Srivastava, Inclusion
and neighborhood properties for certain classes of
multivalently analytic functions associated with the
convolution structure, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 8
(1: Article 7) (2007), 1-8 (electronic).
- H. M. Srivastava, Some Fox-Wright generalized
hypergeometric functions and associated families of
convolution operators, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 1
(1) (2007), 56-71.
- H. M. Srivastava, Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) and
the computational aspects of some Zeta-function series,
J. Korean Math. Soc. 44 (2007), 1063-1184.
- H. M. Srivastava, Generalized hypergeometric
functions and associated families of k-uniformly convex and
k-starlike functions, General Math. 15 (2007),
- J. E. Pecarić, M. Rodić Lipanović,
and H. M. Srivastava, Some mean-value theorems
of the Cauchy type, Fract. Calc.
Appl. Anal. 9 (2006), 143-158.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. Suchithra, B. A. Stephen, and S.
Sivasubramanian, Inclusion and neighborhood properties
of certain subclasses of analytic and multivalent functions
of complex order, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 7
(5: Article 191) (2006), 1-8 (electronic).
- H. Alzer, D. Karayannakis, and H. M. Srivastava, Series
representations for some mathematical constants, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 320 (2006), 145-162.
- T. N. Shanmugam, S. Sivasubramanian, and H. M. Srivastava,
sandwich theorems for certain subclasses of analytic
functions involving multiplier transformations,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 17 (2006), 889-899.
- Y. J. Cho, M. Jung, J. Choi, and H. M. Srivastava, Closed-form
evaluations of definite integrals and associated infinite
series involving the Riemann zeta function, Internat.
J. Comput. Math. 83 (2006), 461-472.
- P. L. Butzer, T. K. Pogány, and H. M. Srivastava, A
linear ODE for the Omega function associated with the Euler
function E
and the Bernoulli function B
(z), Appl. Math.
Lett. 19 (2006), 1073-1077.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. Nadarajah, and S. Kotz, Some
generalizations of the Laplace distribution, Appl.
Math. Comput. 182 (2006), 223-231.
- Y. C. Kim and H. M. Srivastava, The Hardy space of a
certain subclass of Bazilevič functions, Appl. Math.
Comput. 183 (2006), 1201-1207.
- B. Sekeroglu, H. M. Srivastava, and F. Tasdelen, Some
properties of q-biorthogonal polynomials, J. Math.
Anal. Appl. 326 (2006), 896-907.
- E. Erkuş and H. M. Srivastava, A unified presentation
of some families of multivariable polynomials,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 17 (2006), 267-273.
- M. Garg, K. Jain, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
relationships between the generalized Apostol-Bernoulli
polynomials and Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta functions,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 17 (2006), 803-815.
- E. Erkuş, O. Duman, and H. M. Srivastava, Statistical
approximation of certain positive linear operators
constructed by means of the Chan-Chyan-Srivastava
polynomials, Appl. Math. Comput. 182 (2006),
- A. Hasanov, H. M. Srivastava, and M. Turaev, Decomposition
formulas for some triple hypergeometric functions, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 324 (2006), 955-969.
- S.-D. Lin, H. M. Srivastava, and P.-Y. Wang, Some
expansion formulas for a class of generalized Hurwitz-Lerch
Zeta functions, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 17
(2006), 817-822.
- K.-Y. Chen, S.-J. Liu, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
double-series identities and associated generating-function
relationships, Appl. Math. Lett. 19 (2006),
- H. M. Srivastava and S. Nadarajah, Some families of
Bessel distributions and their applications, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 17 (2006), 65-73.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Tu, H. M. Srivastava, and P.-Y. Wang, Some
families of multiple infinite sums and associated fractional
differintegral formulas for power and composite functions,
J. Fract. Calc. 30 (2006), 45-58.
- Y. C. Kim and H. M. Srivastava, Geometric properties
of certain non-linear integral operators, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 17 (2006), 723-732.
- A. Hasanov and H. M. Srivastava, Some decomposition
formulas associated with the Lauricella function FA(
r) and other multiple hypergeometric
functions, Appl. Math. Lett. 19 (2006),
- H. M. Srivastava, S.-D. Lin, and P.-Y. Wang, Some
fractional-calculus results for the H-function
associated with a class of Feynman integrals, Russian
J. Math. Phys. 13 (2006), 94-100.
- M. K. Aouf and H. M. Srivastava, A linear operator
and associated families of meromorphically multivalent
functions of order
Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 13 (2006), 27-56.
- A. I. Prieto, J. Matera, and H. M. Srivastava, Use of
the generalized Lommel-Wright function in a unified
presentation of the Gamma-type functions occurring in
diffraction theory and associated probability distributions,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 17 (2006), 365-378.
- G.-D. Liu and H. M. Srivastava, Explicit formulas
for the N\F6rlund polynomials Bn(x)
and bn(x), Comput.
Math. Appl. 51 (2006), 1377-1384.
- H. M. Srivastava and J. Patel, Certain subclasses of
meromorphically multivalent functions involving a family of
linear operators, Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 30
(2006), 123-140.
- T. K. Pogány, H. M. Srivastava, and Ž. Tomovski,
Some families of Mathieu a-series and alternating
Mathieu a-series, Appl. Math. Comput. 173
(2006), 69-108.
- Q.-M. Luo and H. M. Srivastava, Some relationships
between the Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials,
Comput. Math. Appl. 51 (2006), 631-642.
- S. Owa, K. Ochiai, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
coefficient inequalities and distortion bounds associated
with certain new subclasses of analytic functions,
Math. Inequal. Appl. 9 (2006), 125-135.
- R. K. Raina and H. M. Srivastava, Inclusion and
neighborhood properties of some analytic and multivalent
functions, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 7 (1:
Article 5) (2006), 1-6 (electronic).
- S.-D. Lin, Y.-S. Tsai, H. M. Srivastava,
and P.-Y. Wang, Fractional-calculus
derivations of the explicit solutions of the confluent
hypergeometric and associated Laguerre equations, J.
Fract. Calc. 29 (2006), 75-86.
- G. Dattoli, H. M. Srivastava, and K. Zhukovsky, A new
family of integral transforms and their applications,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 17 (2006), 31-37.
- P.-Y. Wang, S.-D. Lin, and H. M. Srivastava, Remarks
on a simple fractional-calculus approach to the solutions of
the Bessel Differential equation of general order and some
of its applications, Comput. Math. Appl. 51
(2006), 105-114.
- B. B. Jaimini, H. Nagar, and H. M. Srivastava, Certain
classes of generating relations associated with single and
multiple hypergeometric functions, Adv. Stud.
Contemp. Math. 12 (2006), 131-142.
- G. B. Djordjević and H. M. Srivastava, Some
generalizations of certain sequences associated with the
Fibonacci numbers, J. Indonesian Math. Soc. 12
(2006), 99-112.
- J. Patel, N. E. Cho, and H. M. Srivastava, Certain
subclasses of multivalent functions associated with a family
of linear operators, Math. Comput. Model. 43
(2006), 320-338.
- R. K. Raina and H. M. Srivastava, A new class of
meromorphically multivalent functions with applications to
generalized hypergeometric functions, Math. Comput.
Model. 43 (2006), 350-356.
- S.-D. Lin, H. M. Srivastava, and P.-Y. Wang, Some
families of multilateral generating functions for the
Gegenbauer (or ultraspherical) polynomials
and associated hypergeometric polynomials, Rev. Acad.
Canaria Cienc. 17 (2005), 37-58.
- D. M. Timus, H. M. Srivastava, and F. F. Scarlat, Plane
rectangular tritium target response to excitation by uniform
distributed normal accelerated deuteron beam, Appl.
Radiat. Isotopes 63 (2005), 823-839.
- Q.-M. Luo and H. M. Srivastava, Some generalizations
of the Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 308 (2005), 290-302.
- G. B. Djordjević and H. M. Srivastava, Incomplete
generalized Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas numbers,
Math. Comput. Model. 42 (2005), 1049-1056.
- N. E. Cho, O. S. Kwon, and H. M. Srivastava, Inclusion
relationships for certain subclasses of meromorphic
functions associated with a family of multiplier
transformations, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 16
(2005), 647-658.
- H. M. Srivastava, Generating relations involving
certain classes of multivariable biorthogonal polynomials,
Nonlinear Funct. Anal. Appl. 10 (2005), 777-790.
- S.-D. Lin, H. M. Srivastava, and P.-Y. Wang, Some
mixed multilateral generating relations involving
hypergeometric functions, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 16 (2005), 609-614.
- H. M. Srivastava and R. K. Saxena, Some Volterra-type
fractional integro-differential equations with a
multivariable confluent hypergeometric function as their
kernel, J. Integral Equations Appl. 17
(2005), 199-217.
- K.-Y. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, A new result for
hypergeometric polynomials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133
(2005), 3295-3302.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Explicit evaluation of
Euler and related sums, Ramanujan J. 10
(2005), 51-70.
- H. M. Srivastava, T. Kim, and Y. Simsek, q-Bernoulli
numbers and polynomials associated with multiple q-Zeta
functions and basic L-series, Russian J. Math. Phys.
12 (2005), 241-268.
- S.-D. Lin, W.-C. Ling, K. Nishimoto, and H. M. Srivastava, A
simple fractional-calculus approach to the solutions of the
Bessel differential equation of general order and some of
its applications, Comput. Math. Appl. 49
(2005), 1487-1498.
- K.-Y. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, Series identities
and associated families of generating functions, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 311 (2005), 582-599.
- H. M. Srivastava and V. Gupta, Rate of convergence
for the Bézier variant of the Bleimann-Butzer-Hahn
operators, Appl. Math. Lett. 18 (2005),
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Certain families of
series associated with the Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function,
Appl. Math. Comput. 170 (2005), 399-409.
- S.-D. Lin, H. M. Srivastava, and P.-Y. Wang, Some
multiple infinite sums and combinatorial identities derived
by means of fractional calculus, J. Fract. Calc. 28
(2005), 75-86.
- H. M. Srivastava and J. Patel, Some subclasses of
multivalent functions involving a certain linear operator,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 310 (2005), 209-228.
- C.-Y. Gao, S.-M. Yuan, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
functional inequalities and inclusion relationships
associated with certain families of integral operators,
Comput. Math. Appl. 49 (2005), 1787-1795.
- G. Dattoli, H. M. Srivastava, and K. Zhukovsky, Orthogonality
properties of the Hermite and related polynomials, J.
Comput. Appl. Math. 182 (2005), 165-172.
- S. B. Opps, N. Saad, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
reduction and transformation formulas for the Appell
hypergeometric function F2, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 302 (2005), 180-195.
- S.-D. Lin and H. M. Srivastava, Some closed-form
evaluations of multiple hypergeometric and q-hypergeometric
series, Acta Appl. Math. 86 (2005), 309-327.
- H. M. Srivastava and J. Patel, Applications of
differential subordination to certain subclasses of
meromprphically multivalent functions, J. Inequal.
Pure Appl. Math. 6 (3: Article 88) (2005), 1-15
- G. Dattoli, H. M. Srivastava, and S. Khan, Operational
versus Lie-algebraic methods and the theory of
multi-variable Hermite polynomials, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 16 (2005), 81-91.
- G. B. Djordjević and H. M. Srivastava, Some
generalizations of the incomplete Fibonacci and the
incomplete Lucas polynomials, Adv. Stud. Contemp.
Math. 11 (2005), 11-32.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, A family of log-gamma
integrals and associated results, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 303 (2005), 436-449.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. Y. Lashin, Some applications
of the Briot-Bouquet differential subordination, J.
Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 6 (2: Article 41) (2005),
1-7 (electronic).
- S.-D. Lin, H. M. Srivastava, and S.-T. Tu, Basic
(or q-) extensions of some multiple
infinite sums derived by means of fractional calculus,
J. Fract. Calc. 27 (2005), 43-57.
- H. M. Srivastava, R. K. Saxena, and C. Ram, A unified
presentation of the Gamma-type functions occurring in
diffration theory and associated probability distributions,
Appl. Math. Comput. 162 (2005), 931-947.
- J. E. Pecarić, I. Perić, and H. M. Srivastava, A
family of the Cauchy type mean-value theorems, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 306 (2005), 730-739.
- K.-Y. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, A limit relationship
between Laguerre and Hermite polynomials, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 16 (2005), 75-80.
- G. Dattoli, M. Migliorati, and H. M. Srivastava, Bessel
summation formulae and operational methods, J.
Comput. Appl. Math. 173 (2005), 149-154.
- S.-D. Lin, Y.-S. Chao, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
expansions of the exponential integral in series of the
incomplete Gamma function, Appl. Math. Lett. 18
(2005), 513-520.
- H. M. Srivastava, J. Patel, and G. P. Mohapatra, A
certain class of p-valently analytic functions, Math.
Comput. Model. 41 (2005), 321-334.
- D. M. Timus, H. M. Srivastava, S. L. Kalla, and M. I. Abbas,
Analytical characterization of radiation fields
generated by certain witch-type distributed axi-symmetrical
ion beams, Arab J. Nuclear Sci. Appl. 38
(Part I) (2005), 253-264.
- H. M. Srivastava and H. A. Mavromatis, A new
spherical Bessel function result related to quantum
mechanical scattering theory, Internat. J. Theoret.
Phys. 43 (2004), 497-504.
- H. M. Srivastava and G. Gangopadhyay, The absorption
bandshape function of a molecule from a thermocoherent state
and some associated multilinear generating-function
relationships for Laguerre polynomials, Russian J.
Math. Phys. 11 (2004), 359-367.
- S. Kanemitsu, H. Kumagai, H. M. Srivastava, and M.
Yoshimoto, Some integral and asymptotic formulas
associated with the Hurwitz Zeta function, Appl.
Math. Comput. 154 (2004), 641-664.
- M. A. Chaudhry, A. Qadir, H. M. Srivastava, and R. B. Paris,
Extended hypergeometric and confluent hypergeometric
functions, Appl. Math. Comput. 159 (2004),
- W.-C. C. Chan, K.-Y. Chen, C.-J. Chyan, and H. M.
Srivastava, Some multiple hypergeoemetric
transformations and associated reduction formulas, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 294 (2004), 418-437.
- S. Owa, H. M. Srivastava, and N. Saito, Partial sums
of certain classes of analytic functions, Internat.
J. Comput. Math. 81 (2004), 1239-1256.
- J.-L. Liu and H. M. Srivastava, Certain properties of
the Dziok-Srivastava operator, Appl. Math. Comput. 159
(2004), 485-493.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. A. Attiya, Some subordination
results associated with certain subclasses of analytic
functions, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 5 (4:
Article 82) (2004), 1-6 (electronic).
- G. Dattoli, M. Migliorati, and H. M. Srivastava, A
class of Bessel summation formulas and associated
operational methods, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. 7
(2004), 169-176.
- J. Choi, Y. J. Cho, and H. M. Srivastava, Series
involving the Zeta function and multiple Gamma functions,
Appl. Math. Comput. 159 (2004), 509-537.
- O. Altintaş, Ö. Özkan,
and H. M. Srivastava, Neighborhoods
of a certain family of multivalent functions with negative
coefficients, Comput. Math. Appl. 47 (2004),
- Y. C. Kim and H. M. Srivastava, Inequalities
involving certain families of integral and convolution
operators, Math. Inequal. Appl. 7 (2004),
- H. M. Srivastava and X.-M. Zeng, Approximation by
means of the Száz-Bézier integral operators,
Internat. J. Pure Appl. Math. 14 (2004), 283-294.
- M. Kamali and H. M. Srivastava, A sufficient
condition for starlikeness of analytic functions of Koebe
type, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 5 (3:
Article 57) (2004), 1-8 (electronic).
- N. E. Cho, O. S. Kwon, and H. M. Srivastava, Inclusion
and argument properties of certain subclasses of meromorphic
functions associated with a family of multiplier
transformations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 300
(2004), 505-520.
- S. Owa, H. Saitoh, H. M. Srivastava, and R. Yamakawa, Geometric
properties of solutions of a class of differential equations,
Comput. Math. Appl. 47 (2004), 1689-1696.
- S. Yang and H. M. Srivastava, Some generalizations of
the Hadamard expansion for the modified Bessel function,
Appl. Math. Lett. 17 (2004), 591-596.
- G. Dattoli, M. Migliorati, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of generating functions for the Bessel and related
functions, Georgian Math. J. 11 (2004),
- S. Owa and H. M. Srivastava, Some subordination
theorems involving a certain family of integral operators,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 15 (2004), 445-454.
- S.-D. Lin and H. M. Srivastava, Some families of the
Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta functions and associated fractional
derivative and other integral representations, Appl.
Math. Comput. 154 (2004), 725-733.
- H. M. Srivastava and Ž. Tomovski, Some problems and
solutions involving Mathieu's series and its generalizations,
J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 5 (2: Article 45) (2004),
1-13 (electronic).
- J. Dziok, R. K. Raina, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
classes of analytic functions associated with operators on
Hilbert space involving Wright's generalized hypergeometric
function, Proc. Jangjeon Math. Soc. 7 (2004),
- S.-D. Lin, Y.-S. Chao, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of hypergeometric polynomials and associated
integral representations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 294
(2004), 399-411.
- G. Murugusundaramoorthy and H. M. Srivastava, Neighborhoods
of certain classes of analytic functions of complex order,
J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 5 (2: Article 24) (2004),
1-8 (electronic).
- J.-L. Li and H. M. Srivastava, Starlikeness of
functions in the range of a class of integral operators,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 15 (2004), 129-136.
- H. M. Srivastava and Á. Pintér, Remarks on some
relationships between the Bernoulli and Euler polynomials,
Appl. Math. Lett. 17 (2004), 375-380.
- J.-L. Liu and H. M. Srivastava, Classes of
meromorphically multivalent functions associated with the
generalized hypergeometric function, Math. Comput.
Model. 39 (2003), 21-34.
- N. E. Cho, O. S. Kwon, and H. M. Srivastava, Inclusion
relationships and argument properties for certain subclasses
of multivalent functions associated with a family of linear
operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 292 (2004),
- S.-D. Lin, J.-C. Shyu, K. Nishimoto, and H. M. Srivastava, Explicit
solutions of some general families of ordinary and partial
differential equations associated with the Bessel equation
by means of fractional calculus, J. Fract. Calc. 25
(2004), 33-45.
- J.-L. Liu and H. M. Srivastava, Subclasses of
meromorphically multivalent functions associated with a
certain linear operator, Math. Comput. Model. 39
(2004), 35-44.
- B. S. Popov and H. M. Srivastava, Linearization of a
product of two polynomials of different orthogonal systems,
Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform. 18 (2003), 1-8.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Mishra, and M. K. Das, A
class of parabolic starlike functions defined by means of a
certain fractional derivative operator, Fract. Calc.
Appl. Anal. 6 (2003), 281-298.
- H. M. Srivastava, Remarks on some series expansions
associated with certain products of the incomplete Gamma
functions, Comput. Math. Appl. 46 (2003),
- V. Ravichandran, N. Seenivasagan, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
inequalities associated with a linear operator defined for a
class of multivalent functions, J. Inequal. Pure
Appl. Math. 4 (4: Article 70) (2003), 1-12
- H. M. Srivastava and A. K. Mishra, A fractional
differintegral operator and its applications to a nested
class of multivalent functions with negative coefficients,
Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 7 (2003), 203-214.
- G. Dattoli, H. M. Srivastava, and D. Sacchetti, The
Hermite polynomials and the Bessel functions from an
operational point of view, Internat. J. Math. and
Math. Sci. 2003 (2003), 3633-3642.
- T.-M. Hsieh, S.-D. Lin, amd H. M. Srivastava, Some
relationships between certain families of ordinary and
fractional differential equations, Comput. Math.
Appl. 46 (2003), 1483-1492.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. W. Niukkanen, Some
Clebsch-Gordan type linearization relations and associated
families of Dirichlet integrals, Math. Comput. Model.
37 (2003), 245-250.
- H. M. Srivastava and S. Turbatu, Exact analytical
solutions of some unsteady hydromagnetic boundary-layer
problems in a rotating medium with suction or injection,
J. Concrete Appl. Anal. 1 (2003), 75-86.
- J. Choi, J. Lee, and H. M. Srivastava, A
generlization of Wilf's formula, Kodai Math. J. 26
(2003), 44-48.
- D. Cvijović, J. Klinowski, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
polynomials associated with Williams' limit formula for
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Cambridge Philos. Soc. 135 (2003), 199-209.
- G. Dattoli, P. E. Ricci, and H. M. Srivastava, Two-index
multidimensional Gegenbauer polynomials and their integral
representations, Math. Comput. Model. 37
(2003), 283-291.
- C.-Y. Lee, H. M. Srivastava, and W.-C. Yueh, Explicit
solutions of some linear ordinary and partial fractional
differintegral equations, Appl. Math. Comput. 144
(2003), 11-25.
- L. N. Djordjević, D. M. Milosević,
G. V. Milovanović, and H.
M. Srivastava, Some finite summation formulas involving
multivariable hypergeometric polynomials, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 14 (2003), 349-361.
- W.-C. C. Chan, K.-Y. Chen, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of hypergeometric generating functions associated
with multiple series transformations, Appl. Math.
Comput. 144 (2003), 27-59.
- H. M. Srivastava, H. A. Mavromatis, and R. S. Alassar, Remarks
on some associated Laguerre integral results, Appl.
Math. Lett. 16 (2003), 1131-1136.
- H. M. Srivastava and H. Tsumura, Inductive
construction of rapidly convergent series representations
Internat. J. Comput. Math. 80 (2003), 1161-1173.
- W.-C. Chu and H. M. Srivastava, Ordinary and basic
bivariate hypergeometric transformations associated with the
Appell and Kampé de Fériet functions, J. Comput.
Appl. Math. 156 (2003), 355-370.
- J. M. Jahangiri, Y. C. Kim, and H. M. Srivastava, Construction
of a certain class of harmonic close-to-convex functions
associated with the Alexander integral transform,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 14 (2003), 237-242.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Tu, and H. M. Srivastava, A unified
presentation of certain families of non-Fuchsian
differential equations via fractional calculus operators,
Comput. Math. Appl. 45 (2003), 1861-1870.
- H. M. Srivastava and V. Gupta, A certain family of
summation-integral type operators, Math. Comput.
Model. 37 (2003), 1307-1315.
- K.-Y. Chen, C.-J. Chyan, and H. M. Srivastava, Certain
classes of polynomial expansions and multiplication formulas,
Math. Comput. Model. 37 (2003), 135-154.
- H. M. Srivastava and Y. Ben Cheikh, Orthogonality of
some polynomial sets via quasi-monomiality, Appl.
Math. Comput. 141 (2003), 415-425.
- J. Dziok and H. M. Srivastava, Certain subclasses of
analytic functions associated with the generalized
hypergeometric function, Integral Transforms Spec.
Funct. 14 (2003), 7-18.
- N. E. Cho and H. M. Srivastava, Argument estimates of
certain analytic functions defined by a class of multiplier
transformations, Math. Comput. Model. 37
(2003), 39-49.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. A. Pathan, and M. G. Bin-Saad, A
certain class of generating functions involving bilateral
series, ANZIAM J. 44 (2003), 475-483.
- S.-D. Lin, I-C. Chen, and H. M. Srivastava, Certain
classes of finite-series relationships and generating
functions involving the generalized Bessel polynomials,
Appl. Math. Comput. 137 (2003), 261-275.
- H. M. Srivastava, Fractional calculus and its
applications, Cubo Mat. Ed. 5 (2003), 33-48.
- J. Choi, H. M. Srivastava, and V. S. Adamchik, Multiple
Gamma and related functions, Appl. Math. Comput. 134
(2003), 515-533.
- J.-L. Liu and H. M. Srivastava, Some convolution
conditions for starlikeness and convexity of meomorphically
multivalent functions, Appl. Math. Lett. 16
(2003), 13-16.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Tu, T.-M. Hsieh, and H. M. Srivastava,
Some finite and infinite sums associated with the digamma
and related functions, J. Fract. Calc. 22 (2002),
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, A certain family of
series associated with the Zeta and related functions,
Hiroshima Math. J. 32 (2002), 417-429.
- H. M. Srivastava and E. A. Miller, A recurrence
relation for the Bernoulli numbers, Internat. J.
Math. Sci. 1 (2002), 73-77.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some families of multivariable
biorthogonal polynomials and associated generating functions,
Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. 5 (2002), 479-490.
- W.-C. C. Chan, K.-Y. Chen, and H. M. Srivastava, Certain
classes of generating functions for the Jacobi and related
hypergeometric polynomials, Comput. Math. Appl. 44
(2002), 1539-1556.
- J. H. Choi, M. Saigo, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
inclusion properties of a certain family of integral
operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 276 (2002),
- S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Tu, H. M. Srivastava, and P.-Y. Wang, Certain
operators of fractional calculus and their applications to
differential equations, Comput. Math. Appl. 44
(2002), 1557-1565.
- A. Gangadharan, T. N. Shanmugam,
and H. M. Srivastava, Generalized
hypergeometric functions associated with k-uniformly convex functions,
Comput. Math. Appl. 44 (2002), 1515-1526.
- K.-Y. Chen, C.-J. Chyan, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
polynomial systems associated with a certain family of
differential operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 268
(2002), 344-377.
- S. Owa, M. Nunokawa, H. Saitoh, and H. M. Srivastava, Close-to-convexity,
starlikeness, and convexity of certain
analytic functions, Appl. Math. Lett. 15(1)
(2002), 63-69.
- L. Verde-Star and H. M. Srivastava, Some binomial
formulas of the generalized Appell form, J. Math.
Anal. Appl. 274 (2002), 755-771.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Tu, and H. M. Srivastava, Certain
classes of infinite sums evaluated by means of fractional
calculus operators, Taiwanese J. Math. 6
(2002), 475-498.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some integral representations for
the Jacobi and related hypergeometric polynomials,
Rev. Acad. Canaria Cienc. 14 (2002), 25-34.
- H. Bor and H. M. Srivastava, Almost increasing
sequences and their applications, Internat. J. Pure
Appl. Math. 3 (2002), 29-35.
- S.-D. Lin, H. M. Srivastava, and P.-Y. Wang, Some
families of hypergeometric transformations and generating
relations, Math. Comput. Model. 36 (2002),
- Th. M. Rassias and H. M. Srivastava, Some classes of
infinite series associated with the Riemann Zeta and
Polygamma functions and generalized harmonic numbers,
Appl. Math. Comput. 131 (2002), 593-605.
- K. Takano and H. M. Srivastava, Remarks on some
families of trigonometric sums, Internat. J. Comput.
Numer. Anal. Appl. 2 (2002), 387-399.
- H. M. Srivastava, Remarks on a sum containing
factorials, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 142
(2002), 441-444.
- S.-D. Lin, H. M. Srivastava, S.-T. Tu, and P.-Y. Wang, Some
families of linear ordinary and partial differential
equations solvable by means of fractional calculus,
Internat. J. Differential Equations Appl. 4 (2002),
- T. Sekine, K. Tsurumi, S. Owa, and H. M. Srivastava, Integral
means inequalities for fractional derivatives of some
general subclasses of analytic functions, J. Inequal.
Pure Appl. Math. 3 (5: Article 66) (2002), 1-7
- H. M. Srivastava, Some integral representations for
the Jacobi and related hypergeometric polynomials,
Rev. Acad. Canaria Cienc. 14 (2002), 25-34.
- Th. M. Rassias and H. M. Srivastava, A certain class
of biorthogonal polynomials associated with the Laguerre
polynomials, Appl. Math. Comput. 128 (2002),
- S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Tu, and H. M. Srivastava, Certain
classes of ordinary and partial differential equations
solvable by means of fractional calculus, Appl. Math.
Comput. 131 (2002), 223-233.
- S. Owa and H. M. Srivastava, Some generalized
convolution properties associated with certain subclasses of
analytic functions, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 3
(3: Article 42) (2002), 1-13 (electronic).
- J. Dziok and H. M. Srivastava, Some subclasses of
analytic functions with fixed argument of coefficients
associated with the generalized hypergeometric function,
Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 5 (2002), 115-125.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Tu, and H. M. Srivastava, Explicit
solutions of some classes of non-Fuchsian differential
equations by means of fractional calculus, J. Fract.
Calc. 21 (2002), 49-60.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Tu, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
generating functions involving the Stirling numbers of the
second kind, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino 59
(2001), 199-224.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some families of series
transformations related to the Euler-Knopp transformation,
Internat. J. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 2 (2001),
- A. R. Miller and H. M. Srivastava, An alternative
derivation of closed-form representations for
multidimensional lattice sums of generalized hypergeometric
functions, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001),
- K.-J. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, A generalization of
two q-identities of Andrews, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A
95 (2001), 381-386.
- B. González, J. Matera, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
q-generating functions and associated families of
generalized hypergeometric polynomials, Math. Comput.
Model. 34(1-2) (2001), 133-175.
- H. M. Srivastava, Yi Ling, and Gejun Bao, Some
distortion inequalities associated with the fractional
derivatives of analytic and univalent functions, J.
Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 2(2: Article 23) (2001), 1-6
- H. M. Srivastava, J. Patel, and P. Sahoo, Some
families of analytic functions with negative coefficients,
Math. Slovaca 51 (2001), 421-439.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Tu, and H. M. Srivastava, New
generating functions for a class of generalized Hermite
polynomials, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 261 (2001),
- T. Sekine, K. Tsurumi, and H. M. Srivastava, Integral
means for generalized subclasses of analytic functions,
Sci. Math. Japon. 54 (2001), 489-501.
- G. Dattoli, H. M. Srivastava, and C. Cesarano, The
Laguerre and Legendre polynomials from an operational point
of view, Appl. Math. Comput. 124 (2001),
- S. Turbatu and H. M. Srivastava, Some boundary-layer
growth problems associated with a flat plate with suction or
injection, Appl. Math. Comput. 122 (2001),
- J.-L. Liu and H. M. Srivastava, A linear operator and
associated families of meromorphically multivalent functions,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 259 (2001), 566-581.
- H. M. Srivastava and R. K. Saxena, Operators of
fractional integration and their applications, Appl.
Math. Comput. 118 (2001), 1-52.
- W.-C. C. Chan, C.-J. Chyan, and H. M. Srivastava, The
Lagrange polynomials in several variables, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 12 (2001), 139-148.
- S. Salinas de Romero and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of infinite sums derived by means of fractional
calculus, East Asian Math. J. 17 (2001),
- P.-A. Lee, S.-H. Ong, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
integrals of the products of Laguerre polynomials,
Internat. J. Comput. Math. 78 (2001), 303-321.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Mishra, and M. K. Das, The
Fekete-Szegö problem for a subclass of close-to-convex
functions, Complex Variables Theory Appl. 44
(2001), 145-163.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, A certain class of
series associated with the Zeta function, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 12 (2001), 237-250.
- S.-D. Lin, S.-T. Tu, and H. M. Srivastava, Explicit
solutions of certain ordinary differential equations by
means of fractional calculus, J. Fract. Calc. 20
(2001), 35-43.
- O. Altintaş and H. M. Srivastava, Some majorization
problems associated with p-valently starlike and convex
functions of complex order, East Asian Math. J. 17
(2001), 175-183.
- B. B. Jaimini, N. Shrivastava, and H. M. Srivastava, The
integral analogue of the Leibniz rule for fractional
calculus and its applications involving functions of several
variables, Comput. Math. Appl. 41 (1-2)
(2001), 149-155.
- J. Carvalho e Silva and H. M. Srivastava, Asymptotic
representations for a class of multiple hypergeometric
functions with a dominant variable, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 11 (2001), 137-150.
- S.-T. Tu, S.-D. Lin, Y.-T. Huang, and H. M. Srivastava, Solutions
of a certain class of fractional differintegral equations,
Appl. Math. Lett. 14 (2) (2001), 223-229.
- H. M. Srivastava, J. Patel, and G. P. Mohapatra, Some
applications of differential subordination to a general
class of multivalent functions, Adv. Stud. Contemp.
Math. 2 (2001), 1-15.
- O. Altintaş, Ö. Özkan,
and H. M. Srivastava, Majorization
by starlike functions of complex order, Complex
Variables Theory Appl. 46 (2001), 207-218.
- H. M. Srivastava and H. Tsumura, Certain classes of
rapidly convergent series representations for L(2n,
) and L(2n+1,
), Acta Arith. 100 (2001),
- S.-T. Tu, D.-K. Chyan, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of ordinary and partial fractional differintegral
equations, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 11
(2001), 291-302.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some generalizations of the
Euler-Knopp transformation and associated families of
generating functions, Internat. J. Appl. Math. 6
(2001), 391-401.
- R. K. Raina, H. M. Srivastava, A. A. Kilbas, and M. Saigo,
Solvability of some Abel-type integral equations involving the Gauss
hypergeometric function as kernels in the spaces of summable
functions, ANZIAM J. 43 (2001), 291-320.
- D. M. Timus, D. A. Bradley, B. D. Timus, S. L. Kalla, E. G.
Finantu, and E. N. Mateescu, On the low order
approximation of radiation fields generated by some
hollow-cylindrical ion beams accelerated to produce exoergic
nuclear reactions, Appl. Radiat. Isotopes 53
(2000), 953-961.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some simple algorithms for the
evaluations and representations of the Riemann Zeta function
at positive integer arguments, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 246
(2000), 331-351.
- H. M. Srivastava, Vu Kim Tuan, and S. B. Yakubovich, The
Cherry transform and its relationship with a singular
Sturm-Liouville problem, Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser.
(2) 51 (2000), 371-383.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Evaluation of
higher-order derivatives of the Gamma function, Univ.
Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. 11 (2000),
- G. Dattoli, H. M. Srivastava, and C. Cesarano, On a
new family of Laguerre polynomials, Atti Accad. Sci.
Torino Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 134 (2000), 223-230.
- P.-A. Lee, S.-H. Ong, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
generating functions for the Laguerre and related
polynomials, Appl. Math. Comput. 108 (2000),
- H. M. Srivastava, Some families of generating
functions associated with the Stirling numbers of the second
kind, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 251 (2000),
- H. M. Srivastava, M. L. Glasser, and V. S. Adamchik,
Some definite integrals associated with the Riemann Zeta
function, Z. Anal. Anwendungen 19 (2000),
- K.-Y. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, Some infinite series
and functional relations that arose in the context of
fractional calculus, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 252
(2000), 376-388.
- P. W. Karlsson, E. D. Krupnikov, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
hypergeometric transformation and reduction formulas
involving Kampé de Fériet functions, Internat. J.
Math. Statist. Sci. 9 (2000), 211-226.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some formulas for the Bernoulli and
Euler polynomials at rational arguments, Math. Proc.
Cambridge Philos. Soc. 129 (2000), 77-84.
- H. S. Cohl, J. E. Tohline, A. R. P. Rau, and H. M.
Srivastava, Developments in determining the
gravitational potential using toroidal functions,
Astronom. Nachr. 321 (2000), 1-10.
- T.-C. Wu, S.-T. Tu, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
combinatorial series identities associated with the Digamma
function and harmonic numbers, Appl. Math. Lett. 13
(3) (2000), 101-106.
- S. Kanas and H. M. Srivastava, Linear operators
associated with k-uniformly convex functions,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 9 (2000), 121-132.
- H. M. Srivastava and H. Tsumura, A certain class of
rapidly convergent series representations for
(2n+1), J. Comput.
Appl. Math. 118 (2000), 323-335.
- S.-T. Tu, S.-D. Lin, and H. M. Srivastava, Solutions
of a class of ordinary and partial differential equations
via fractional calculus, J. Fract. Calc. 18
(2000), 103-110.
- M. K. Aouf, H. M. Hossen, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of multivalent functions, Comput. Math.
Appl. 39 (7-8) (2000), 39-48.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some families of rapidly
convergent series representations for the Zeta functions,
Taiwanese J. Math. 4 (2000), 569-598.
- H. M. Srivastava and A. K. Mishra, Applications of
fractional calculus to parabolic starlike and uniformly
convex functions, Comput. Math. Appl. 39
(3-4) (2000), 57-69.
- G. Pittaluga, L. Sacripante, and H. M. Srivastava,
Some generating functions of the Laguerre and modified
Laguerre polynomials, Appl. Math. Comput. 113
(2000), 141-160.
- S.-T. Tu, Y.-T. Huang, I-C. Chen, and H. M. Srivastava, A
certain family of fractional differintegral equations,
Taiwanese J. Math. 4 (2000), 417-426.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Certain classes of
series associated with the Zeta function and multiple Gamma
functions, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 118 (2000),
- O. Altintaş, Ö. Özkan,
and H. M. Srivastava, Neighborhoods
of a class of analytic functions with negative coefficients,
Appl. Math. Lett. 13 (3) (2000), 63-67.
- H. M. Srivastava and H. Tsumura, New rapidly
convergent series representations for
L(2n, χ)
and L(2n+1,
χ), Math. Sci. Res. Hot-Line 4
(7) (2000), 17-24.
- S.-T. Tu, T.-C. Wu, and H. M. Srivastava, Commutativity
of the Leibniz rules in fractional calculus, Comput.
Math. Appl. 40 (2-3) (2000), 303-312.
- I. Podlubny and H. M. Srivastava, Some properties of
finite Fourier transformations and their application to the
summation of a class of trigonometric series,
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 8 (1999), 261-274.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Mishra, and M. K. Das, A
unified operator in fractional calculus and its applications
to a nested class of analytic functions with negative
coefficients, Complex Variables Theory Appl. 40
(1999), 119-132.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some rapidly converging series for
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999), 385-396.
- P. W. Karlsson and H. M. Srivastava, Transformations
of multiple q-series with quasi-arbitrary terms, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 231 (1999), 241-254.
- G. Dattoli, S. Lorenzutta, H. M. Srivastava, and A. Torre, Some
families of mixed generating functions and generalized polynomials,
Matematiche (Catania) 54 (1999), 147-157.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Certain classes of
infinite series, Monatsh. Math. 127 (1999),
- H. M. Srivastava, A note on the closed-form summation
of some trigonometric series, Kobe J. Math. 16
(1999), 177-182.
- G. Pittaluga, L. Sacripante, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of generating functions for the Jacobi and related
orthogonal polynomials, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 238
(1999), 385-417.
- I. B. Jung, Y. C. Kim, and H. M. Srivastava, Operator-valued
typically real functions induced by a contraction, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 233 (1999), 162-192.
- A. A. Kilbas, R. K. Raina, M. Saigo, and H. M. Srivastava, Solution
of multidimensional hypergeometric integral equations of the
Abel type, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Belarus. 43 (2)
(1999), 23-26 (in Russian).
- H. M. Srivastava, H. M. Hossen, and M.K. Aouf, A
unified presentation of some classes of meromorphically
multivalent functions, Comput. Math. Appl. 38
(11-12) (1999), 63-70.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, An application of the
theory of the double Gamma function, Kyushu J. Math.
53 (1999), 209-222.
- G. Dattoli, H. M. Srivastava, and D. Sacchetti,
Mixed and higher-order generating functions: An
extension to new families, Internat. J. Math.
Statist. Sci. 8 (1999), 79-87.
- R. K. Raina and H. M. Srivastava, A unified
presentation of certain subclasses of prestarlike functions
with negative coefficients, Comput. Math. Appl. 38
(11-12) (1999), 71-78.
- P.-A. Lee, S.-H. Ong, and H. M. Srivastava, Probabilistic
derivation of some generating functions for the Laguerre
polynomials, Comput. Math. Appl. 38 (7-8)
(1999), 21-29.
- Y. C. Kim and H. M. Srivastava, Some applications of
a differential subordination, Internat. J. Math. and
Math. Sci. 22 (1999), 649-654.
- R. N. Kalia and H. M. Srivastava, Fractional calculus
and its applications involving functions of several
variables, Appl. Math. Lett. 12 (5) (1999),
- S. Kanas and H. M. Srivastava, Some criteria for
univalence related to Ruscheweyh and Sǎlǎgean
Complex Variables Theory Appl. 38 (1999), 263-275.
- T.-C. Wu, S.-H. Leu, S.-T. Tu, and H. M. Srivastava,
A certain class of infinite sums associated with Digamma
functions, Appl. Math. Comput. 105 (1999),
- J.-L. Li and H. M. Srivastava, Some inclusion
properties of the class
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 8 (1999), 57-64.
- P. A. Padmanabham and H. M. Srivastava, Summation
formulas associated with the Lauricella function
Appl. Math. Lett. 13 (1) (1999), 65-70.
- N. E. Cho, Y. C. Kim, and H. M. Srivastava, Argument
estimates for a cerain class of analytic functions,
Complex Variables Theory Appl. 38 (1999), 277-287.
- S. B. Joshi and H. M. Srivastava, A certain family of
meromorphically multivalent functions, Comput. Math.
Appl. 38 (3-4) (1999), 201-211.
- J.-L. Li, H. M. Srivastava, and Y.-L. Zhang, A
certain class of analytic functions defined by means of the
Ruscheweyh derivatives, Complex Variables Theory
Appl. 38 (1999), 85-93.
- J. Dziok and H. M. Srivastava, Classes of analytic
functions associated with the generalized hypergeometric
function, Appl. Math. Comput. 103 (1999),
- S. R. Kulkarni, U. H. Naik, and H. M. Srivastava, An
application of fractional calculus to a new class of
multivalent functions with negative coefficients,
Comput. Math. Appl. 38 (5-6) (1999), 169-182.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Certain classes of
series involving the Zeta function, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 231 (1999), 91-117.
- R. K. Raina and H. M. Srivastava, Some subclasses of
analytic functions associated with fractional calculus
operators, Comput. Math. Appl. 37 (9) (1999),
- Seiichi Fukui, Ji A Kim, and H. M. Srivastava, On
certain subclass of univalent functions by some integral
operators, Math. Japon. 50 (1999), 359-370.
- J. Choi, H. M. Srivastava, T. Y. Seo, and A. K. Rathie, Some
families of infinite series, Soochow J. Math. 25
(1999), 211-222.
- J.-L. Li, H. M. Srivastava, and Y.-L. Zhang, Inequalities
for some coefficients of univalent functions, Math.
Inequal. Appl. 2 (1999), 207-221.
- Á. Pintér, and H. M. Srivastava, Some remarks on
generalized elliptic-type integrals, Integral
Transforms Spec. Funct. 7 (1998), 167-170.
- H. M. Srivastava, Yu. V. Vasil'ev, and S. B. Yakubovich, A
class of index transforms with Whittaker's function as the
kernel, Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2) 49
(1998), 375-394.
- V. S. Adamchik and H. M. Srivastava, Some series for
the Zeta and related functions, Analysis 18
(1998), 131-144.
- H. M. Srivastava, Further series representations for
(2n+1), Appl. Math.
Comput. 97 (1998), 1-15.
- S. Salinas de Romero and H. M. Srivastava, Some
applications of fractional calculus involving summation of
infinite series, Appl. Math. Comput. 90
(1998), 129-142.
- M.-P. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, Some families of
series representations for the Riemann
(3), Resultate Math. 33
(1998), 179-197.
- J.-L. Li and H. M. Srivastava, Some questions and
conjectures in the theory of univalent functions,
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 28 (1998), 1035-1041.
- H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Mishra, and M. K. Das, A
nested class of analytic functions defined by fractional
calculus, Comm. Appl. Anal. 2 (1998),
- J. Choi, H. M. Srivastava, and N.-Y. Zhang, Integrals
involving a function associated with the Euler-Maclaurin
summation formula, Appl. Math. Comput. 93
(1998), 101-116.
- S. Owa and H. M. Srivastava, Distortion inequalities
for Ruscheweyh derivatives, Math. Inequal. Appl. 1
(1998), 239-246.
- S. R. Kulkarni, U. H. Naik, and H. M. Srivastava, A
certain class of meromorphically p-valent quasi-convex
functions, Pan Amer. Math. J. 8 (1) (1998),
- A. R. Miller and H. M. Srivastava, On the Mellin
transform of a product of hypergeometric functions,
J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. B 40 (1998), 222-237.
- V. S. Kiryakova, M. Saigo, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
criteria for univalence of analytic functions involving
generalized fractional calculus operators, Fract.
Calc. Appl. Anal. 1 (1998), 79-102.
- M.-P. Chen, H. M. Srivastava, and C.-S. Yu, Some
operators of fractional calculus and their applications
involving a novel class of analytic functions, Appl.
Math. Comput. 91 (1998), 285-296.
- H. M. Srivastava, M. A. Pathan, and M. Kamarujjama, Some
unified presentations of the generalized Voigt functions,
Comm. Appl. Anal. 2 (1998), 49-64.
- R. Gorenflo, Yu. F. Luchko, and H. M. Srivastava, Operational
method for solving integral equations with Gauss's
hypergeometric function as a kernel, Internat. J.
Math. Statist. Sci. 6 (1997), 179-200.
- M.-P. Chen, H. Irmak, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
families of multivalently analytic functions with negative
coefficients, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 214
(1997), 674-690.
- Y. C. Kim and H. M. Srivastava, Fractional integral
and other linear operators associated with the Gaussian
hypergeometric function, Complex Variables Theory
Appl. 34 (1997), 293-312.
- M. Nikic and H. M. Srivastava, Certain classes of
analytic functions and some inequalities
in the algebras C(T),
Comm. Appl. Anal. 1 (1997), 405-416.
- H. W. Gould and H. M. Srivastava, Some combinatorial
identities associated with the Vandermonde convolution,
Appl. Math. Comput. 84 (1997), 97-102.
- M.-P. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, Fractional calculus
operators and their applications involving power functions
and summation of series, Appl. Math. Comput. 81
(1997), 287-304.
- D. M. Timus and H. M. Srivastava, An alternative
approach to the Epstein-Hubbell integral for the energy
beahaviour study of a class of nuclear reaction products,
Radiation Phys. Chem. 49 (1997), 319-326.
- S. Yang and H. M. Srivastava, Some families of
generating functions for the Bessel polynomials, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 211 (1997), 314-325.
- R. K. Raina and H. M. Srivastava, A class of numbers
associated with the Lucas numbers, Math. Comput.
Model. 25 (7) (1997), 15-22.
- Y. C. Kim and H.M Srivastava, The Hardy space of
-convex functions associated
with a certain integral operator, Complex Variables
Theory Appl. 32 (1997), 345-353.
- J. Choi and H. M. Srivastava, Sums associated with
the Zeta function, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 206
(1977), 103-120.
- J. J. Betancor, L. Rodriguez-Mesa, and H. M. Srivastava, New
classes of univalent analytic functions with negative
coefficients, Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform. 11
(1996), 17-27.
- C. Krattenthaler and H. M. Srivastava, Summations for
basic hypergeometric series involving a q-analogue of the
Digamma function, Comput. Math. Appl. 32 (3)
(1996), 73-91.
- Y. C. Kim, K. S. Lee, and H. M. Srivastava, Some
applications of fractional integral operators and Ruscheweyh
derivatives, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 197 (1996),
- J.-L. Li and H. M. Srivastava, Starlikeness of
certain integral operators, C.R. Math. Rep. Acad.
Sci. Canada 18 (1996), 93-98.
- H. M. Srivastava and R. N. Siddiqi, A unified
presentation of certain families of elliptic-type integrals
related to radiation field problems, Radiation Phys.
Chem. 46 (1995), 303-315.
- V. K. Jain and H. M. Srivastava, Some families of
multilinear q-generating functions and combinatorial
q-series identities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 192
(1995), 413-438.
- H. M. Srivastava and Vu Kim Tuan, A new convolution
theorem for the Stieltjes transform and its application to a
class of singular integral equations, Arch. Math.
(Basel) 64 (1995), 144-149.
- M.-P. Chen and H. M. Srivastava, Orthoganality
relations and generating functions for Jacobi polynomials
and related hypergeometric functions, Appl. Math.
Comput. 68 (1995), 153-188.
- S. B. Joshi, S. R. Kulkarni, and H. M. Srivastava, Certain
classes of meromorphic functions with positive and missing
coefficients, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 193
(1995), 1-14.
For all of the refereed articles in international scientific research
journals that were published ever since the early 1960s, one may look into
MathSciNet (U.S.A), Zentralblatt für Mathematik (Germany), and
other review and reference periodicals.
II. Books, Monographs and Edited Volumes
- Harendra Singh and H. M. Srivastava (Editors),
Mathematical Methods in Medical and Biological
Sciences (x + 312 pp), Elsevier Science BV
(Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.),
San Diego, California, U.S.A.; London, Cambridge and Oxford, U.K.,
2025 [ISBN 978-0443-28814-2 (Print: Paperback); ISBN 978-0-443-28815-9 (eBook)].
- Harendra Singh and H. M. Srivastava,
Introduction to the Basics of Real Analysis
(xvi + 326 pp),
World Scientific Publishing Company, New Jersey, London,
Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Chennai and
Tokyo, 2024
[ISBN 978-981-127-821-1 (Hardcover);
ISBN 978-981-127-822-8 (eBook for institutions);
ISBN 978-981-127-823-5 (eBook for individuals)];
DOI: 10.1142/13467#t=suppl.
- Pradip Debnath, Hari Mohan Srivastava, Kalyan Chakraborty,
and Poom Kumam (Editors),
Advances in Number Theory and Applied
Analysis (xvi + 446 pp),
World Scientific Publishing Company, New Jersey, London,
Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Chennai and
Tokyo, 2023
[ISBN 978-981-127-259-2 (Print: Hardcover);
ISBN 978-981-127-260-8 (eBook for institutions);
ISBN 978-981-127-261-5 (eBook for individuals)];
DOI: 10.1142/9789811272608.
- Harendra Singh, H. M. Srivastava, and R. K. Pandey (Editors),
Special Functions in Fractional Calculus and
Engineering (xiv + 300 pp),
Series on Mathematics and Its Applications: Modelling, Engineering,
and Social Sciences,
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press (Taylor and Francis), Baton Roca,
Florida, U.S.A., 2023 [ISBN 978-1-032-43500-8 (Print: Hardcover);
ISBN 978-1-032-43602-9 (Print: Paperback);
ISBN 978-1-003-36806-9 (eBook)]; DOI:
- Bipan Hazarika, Santanu Acharjee, and H. M. Srivastava (Editors),
Advances in Mathematical Analysis and Its
Applications (xx + 337 pp),
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press (Taylor and Francis), Baton Roca,
Florida, U.S.A., 2023 [ISBN 978-1-032-35804-8 (Print: Hardcover);
ISBN 978-1-032-36227-4 (Print: Paperback);
ISBN 978-1-003-33086-8 (eBook)]; DOI:
- Hari Mohan Srivastava (Editor),
Integral Transformation,
Operational Calculus and Their Applications
(x + 187 pp.), Printed Edition of the Special
Issue Integral Transformation,
Operational Calculus and Their Applications,
Published in Symmetry, MDPI Publishers,
Basel (and Beijing, Wuhan, Barcelona, Belgrade, Manchester, Tokyo,
Cluj and Tianjin), 2022 [ISBN 978-3-0365-5481-5 (Hbk);
ISBN 978-3-0365-5482-2 (PDF)].
- Hari Mohan Srivastava, Gautam Srivastava, and
Vijay Mago (Editors), Recent Advances in Social Data
and Artificial Intelligence 2019
(xii + 484 pp.), Printed Edition of the Special
Issue Recent Advances in Social Data
and Artificial Intelligence 2019,
Published in Symmetry, MDPI Publishers,
Basel (and Beijing, Wuhan, Barcelona, Belgrade, Manchester, Tokyo,
Cluj and Tianjin), 2022 [ISBN 978-3-0365-4021-4 (Hbk);
ISBN 978-3-0365-4022-1 (PDF)].
- Harendra Singh, H. M. Srivastava, and Dumitru Baleanu (Editors),
Methods of Mathematical Modeling:
Infectious Desease (xiv + 221 pp),
Academic Press (Elsevier Science BV), San Diego, California, U.S.A.;
London, Cambridge and Oxford, U.K., 2022
[ISBN 978-0-323-99888-8 (Print: Paperback)].
- Pradip Debnath, H. M. Srivastava,
Poom Kumam, and Bipan Hazarika (Editors),
Fixed Point Theory and Fractional Calculus:
Recent Advances and Applications (xi + 351 pp.),
Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Springer Nature
Singapore Private Limited, Singapore, 2022
[ISBN 978-981-19-0667-1 (Print);
ISBN 978-981-19-0668-8 (eBook)];
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-0668-8.
- H. M. Srivastava (Editor),
Novel Research Aspects in Mathematical and
Computer Science, Vol. 2 (156 pp.).
Book Publisher International, Hooghly, West Bengal, India,
2022 [ISBN 978-93-5547-576-3 (Print);
ISBN 978-93-5547-584-8 (eBook)];
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/nramcs/v2.
- Harendra Singh, H. M. Srivastava, and Juan J. Nieto (Editors),
Handbook of Fractional Calculus for Engineering
and Science (xv + 307 pp),
Series on Advances in Applied Mathematics,
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press (Taylor and Francis), Baton Roca,
Florida, U.S.A., 2022 [ISBN 978-1-032-04779-9 (Print: Hardcover);
ISBN 978-1-032-20430-7 (Print: Paperback);
ISBN 978-1-003-26351-7 (eBook)]; DOI:
- H. M. Srivastava (Editor), Recent Advances in Mathematical
Research and Computer Science, Vol. 7
(117 pp.), Book Publisher International, Hooghly, West Bengal, India,
2022 [ISBN 978-93-5547-066-9 (Print); ISBN 978-93-5547-074-4 (eBook)];
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/ramrcs/v7.
- H. M. Srivastava (Editor), Recent Advances in Mathematical
Research and Computer Science, Vol. 3
(164 pp.), Book Publisher International, Hooghly, West Bengal, India,
2021 [ISBN 978-93-5547-212-0 (Print); ISBN 978-93-5547-213-7 (eBook)];
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/ramrcs/v3.
- H. M. Srivastava (Editor), Current Topics on Mathematics
and Computer Science, Vol. 8
(164 pp.), Book Publisher International, Hooghly, West Bengal, India,
2021 [ISBN 978-93-91595-40-1 (Print); ISBN 978-93-91595-48-7 (eBook)];
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/ctmcs/v8.
- H. M. Srivastava (Editor), Current Topics on Mathematics
and Computer Science, Vol. 3
(156 pp.), Book Publisher International, Hooghly, West Bengal, India,
2021 [ISBN 978-93-91312-37-4 (Print); ISBN 978-93-91312-38-1 (eBook)];
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/ctmcs/v3.
- H. M. Srivastava (Editor), Theory and Practice of Mathematics
and Computer Science, Vol. 6
(180 pp.), Book Publisher International, Hooghly, West Bengal, India,
2021 [ISBN 978-93-90516-98-8 (Print); ISBN 978-93-90516-01-8 (eBook)];
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/tpmcs/v6.
- H. M. Srivastava (Editor), Fractional-Order Integral and
Derivatives and Their Applications
(viii + 334 pp.), Printed Edition of the Special Issue Fractional-Order
Integral and Derivatives and Their Applications, Published in
Mathematics, MDPI Publishers,
Basel (and Beijing, Wuhan, Barcelona, Belgrade, Manchester, Tokyo,
Cluj and Tianjin), 2020 [ISBN 978-3-03936-650-7 (Hbk);
ISBN 978-3-03936-651-4 (PDF)].
- H. M. Srivastava (Editor), Mathematical Analysis and
Applications II
(viii + 215 pp.), Printed Edition of the Special Issue Mathematical Analysis and
Applications II, Published in Axioms, MDPI Publishers,
Basel, 2020 [ISBN 978-3-03928-384-2 (Pbk); ISBN 978-3-03928-385-9 (PDF)].
- M. Z. Sarikaya, H. Dutta, A. O. Akdemir, and H. M. Srivastava (Editors),
Mathematical Methods and Modelling in Applied Sciences
(viii + 259 pp.), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 123,
Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Swizerland, 2020
[ISBN 978-3-030-43001-6 (Hard Cover); ISBN 978-3-030-43002-3 (eBook)].
- H. M. Srivastava (Editor), Advances in Mathematics
and Computer Science, Vol. 2
(162 pp.), Book Publisher International, Hooghly, West Bengal, India,
2019 [ISBN 978-93-89562-00-2 (Print); ISBN 978-93-89562-01-9 (eBook)].
- H. M. Srivastava (Editor), Integral Transforms and
Operational Calculus (xii + 495 pp.), Printed Edition of
the Special Issue Integral Transforms and Operational Calculus,
Published in Symmetry, MDPI
Publishers, Basel, 2019 [ISBN: 978-3-03921-618-5 (Pbk); ISBN:
978-3-03921-619-2 (PDF)].
- Hemen Dutta, Ljubiša D. R. Kočinac, and Hari M.
Srivastava (Editors), Current Trends in Mathematical
Analysis and Its Interdisciplinary Applications (xv + 909 pp.),
Birkhäuser (Springer Nature Switzerland AG), Cham, Switzerland, 2019
[ISBN 978-3-030-15241-3 (Hard Cover); ISBN 978-3-030-15242-0 (eBook)].
- Hari Mohan Srivastava (Editor), Mathematical
Analysis and Applications (viii + 209 pp.), Printed
Edition of the Special Issue Mathematical Analysis and
Applications, Published in Axioms, MDPI
Publishers, Basel, 2019 [ISBN: 978-3-03897-400-0 (Pbk); ISBN:
978-3-03897-401-7 (PDF)].
- Hari Mohan Srivastava (Editor), Operators of Fractional
Calculus and Their Applications (viii + 125 pp.), Printed
Edition of the Special Issue Operators of Fractional
Calculus and Their Applications,
Published in Mathematics, MDPI
Publishers, Basel (and Beijing, Wuhan, Barcelona and Belgrade), 2019 [ISBN: 978-3-03897-340-9 (Pbk); ISBN:
978-3-03897-341-6 (PDF)].
- Adem Kilicman, Hari Mohan Srivastava, Mohammad Mursaleen, and
Chaudry Masood Khalique (Editors), Proceedings of
the Second International Conference and Workshop on
Mathematical Analysis (ICWOMA 2016: University
of Putra Malaysia, Langkawi, Malaysia; 2-4 August 2016), AIP
Conference Proceedings (American Institute of Physics), Vol. 1795
(1), 2017 (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1461-7).
- Jim M. Cushing, M. Saleem, H. M. Srivastava, Mumtaz Ahmad
Khan, and M. Merajuddin (Editors), Applied Analysis
in Biological and Physical Sciences (xvii + 438
pp.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.
186, Springer Nature [Springer (India) Private
Limited], New Delhi, 2016 (ISBN: 878-81-322-3638-2;
- Vinai K. Singh, H. M. Srivastava, Ezio Venturino, Michael
Resch, and Vijay Gupta (Editors), Modern
Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing in
Science and Technology (xxi + 308 pp.),
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 171,
Springer Science and Business Media Singapore Private Limited,
Singapore, 2016 (ISBN: 978-981-10-1453-6; 978-981-10-1454-3).
- Adem Kilicman, Hari M. Srivastava, M. Mursaleen, and
Zanariah Abdul Majid (Editors), Recent Advances in
Mathematical Sciences (viii + 109 pp.),
Springer Science and Business Media Singapore Private Limited,
Singapore, 2016 (ISBN: 978-981-10-0517-6; 978-981-10-0519-0).
- Xiao-Jun Yang, Dumitru Baleanu, and H. M. Srivastava, Local
Fractional Integral Transforms and Their Applications
(xii + 249 pp.), Academic Press (Elsevier Science Publishers),
Amsterdam, Heidelberg, London and New York, 2016 (ISBN:
- Carlo Cattani, H. M. Srivastava, and Xiao-Jun Yang
(Editors), Fractional Dynamics (xii + 380
pp.), Emerging Science Publishers (De Gruyter Open), Berlin
and Warsaw, 2015 (ISBN: 978-3-11-047209-7; 978-3-11-047071-0;
- P. N. Agrawal, R. N. Mohapatra, U. Singh, and H. M.
Srivastava (Editors), Mathematical Analysis and Its
Applications (xxiv + 764 pp.), Springer
Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Springer, New
Delhi, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht and London, 2015 (ISBN:
978-81-322-2484-6; 978-81-322-2485-3).
- H. M. Srivastava and Junesang Choi, Zeta and
q-Zeta Functions and Associated Series and Integrals
(xvi + 657 pp.), Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam,
London and New York, 2012 (ISBN: 978-0-12-385218-2).
- Panos M. Pardalos, Pando G. Georgiev, and Hari M. Srivastava
(Editors), Nonlinear Analysis: Stability,
Approximation, and Inequalities
(In honor of Themistocles M. Rassias on the occasion of his
60th birthday) (xxix + 893 pp.), Springer Series on
Optimization and Its Applications, Vol. 68, Springer,
Berlin, Heidelberg and New York, 2012 (ISBN:
- Alberto Cialdea, Giuseppe Dattoli, Matthew Xisheng He, and
Hari Mohan Srivastava (Editors), Advanced Special
Functions and Solutions of PDEs (Proceedings of
the Fourth Workshop on Advanced Special Functions and
Solutions of PDEs on the Occasion of Paolo Emilio Ricci's
Retirement; Sabaudia, Italy, May 24-28, 2009) (iv + 201 pp.),
Lecture Notes of Seminario Interdisciplinare di
Matematica (Dipartemento di Matematica e Informatica
di Universita degli Studi della Basilicata), Vol. 9,
- A. A. Kilbas, H. M. Srivastava, and J. J. Trujillo, Theory
and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations
(xvi + 523 pp.), North-Holland Mathematical Studies, Vol. 204,
Elsevier (North-Holland) Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 2006
(ISBN-10: 0-444-51832-0).
- Hari M. Srivastava, Giuseppe Dattoli, and Paolo Emilio Ricci
(Editors), Advanced Special Functions and Related
Topics in Differential Equations (Proceedings
of the Third Melfi Workshop on Advanced Topics in Mathematics
and Physics; Melfi, Italy, June 24-29, 2001) (230 pp.), Applied
Mathematics and Computation (Special Issue),
Vol. 141, Issue 1, Elsevier Science Publishers,
Amsterdam, London and New York, 2003).
- H. M. Srivastava and Junesang Choi, Series
Associated with the Zeta and Related Functions
(x + 388 pp.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston,
and London, 2001 (ISBN: 0-7923-7054-6).
- Giuseppe Dattoli, Hari M. Srivastava, and Clemente Cesarano
(Editors), Advanced Special Functions and
Integration Methods (Proceedings of the Second
Melfi School on Advanced Topics in Mathematics and Physics;
Melfi, Italy, June 18-23, 2000) (376 pp.), Aracne Editrice,
Rome, 2001 (ISBN: 88-7999-298-8).
- K. S. Lakshmi, R. Parvatham, and H. M. Srivastava (Editors),
Analysis and Its Applications
(Proceedings of the International Conference on Analysis and
Its Applications; Chennai, India, December 6-9, 2000) (xxiv +
281 pp.), Allied Publishers Limited, New Delhi, Mumbai,
Calcutta, and Chennai, 2001 (ISBN: 81-764-179-4).
- Decio Cocolicchio, Giuseppe Dattoli, and Hari M. Srivastava
(Editors), Advanced Special Functions and
Applications (Proceedings of the First Melfi
School on Advanced Topics in Mathematics and Physics; Melfi,
Italy, May 9-12, 1999) (336 pp.), Aracne Editrice, Rome, 2000
(ISBN: 88-7999-265-X).
- Themistocles M. Rassias and Hari M. Srivastava (Editors),
Analytic and Geometric Inequalities and Applications
(viii + 378 pp.), Kluwer Series on Mathematics and Its
Applications, Vol. 478, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, Boston, and London, 1999 (ISBN: 0-7923-5690-X).
- H. M. Srivastava and Themistocles M. Rassias (Editors), Analysis,
Geometry and Groups: A Riemann Legacy Volume (Part
I) (viii + 336 pp.). Hadronic Press, Palm
Harbor, Florida, 1993 (ISBN: 0-911767-59-2 and
- H. M. Srivastava and Themistocles M. Rassias (Editors), Analysis,
Geometry and Groups: A Riemann Legacy Volume (Part
II) (viii + 376 pp.). Hadronic Press, Palm
Harbor, Florida, 1993 (ISBN: 0-911767-59-2 and
- Themistocles M. Rassias, H. M. Srivastava, and A.
Yanushauskas (Editors), Topics in Polynomials of One
and Several Variables and Their Applications: A Legacy of
P. L. Chebyshev (x + 638 pp.). World Scientific
Publishing Company, Singapore, New Jersey, London, and Hong
Kong, 1993 (ISBN: 981-02-0614-3).
- H. M. Srivastava and Shigeyoshi Owa (Editors), Current
Topics in Analytic Function Theory (xiv + 456
pp.). World Scientific Publishing Company , Singapore, New
Jersey, London, and Hong Kong, 1992 (ISBN: 981-02-0932-9).
- H. M. Srivastava and R. G. Buschman, Theory and
Applications of Convolution Integral Equations
(xx + 240 pp.), Kluwer Series on Mathematics and Its
Applications, Vol. 79, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, Boston, and London, 1992 (ISBN: 0-7923-1891-9).
- H. M. Srivastava and Shigeyoshi Owa (Editors), Univalent
Functions, Fractional Calculus, and Their Applications
(404 pp.). A Halsted Press Book (Ellis Horwood Limited,
Chichester), John Wiley and Sons, New York, Chichester,
Brisbane, and Toronto, 1989 (ISBN: 0-470-21630-1 and
- H. M. Srivastava and P. W. Karlsson, Multiple
Gaussian Hypergeometric Series (425 pp.). A
Halsted Press Book (Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester), John
Wiley and Sons, New York, Chichester, Brisbane, and Toronto,
1985 (ISBN: 0-470-20100-2 and 0-85312-602-X).
- H. M. Srivastava and H. L. Manocha, A Treatise on
Generating Functions (569 pp.). A Halsted Press
Book (Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester), John Wiley and Sons,
New York, Chichester, Brisbane, and Toronto, 1984 (ISBN:
0-470-20010-3 and 0-85312-508-2).
- H. M. Srivastava, K. C. Gupta, and S. P. Goyal, The
H-Functions of One and Two Variables with Applications
(x + 306 pp.). South Asian Publishers, New Delhi and Madras,
- H. M. Srivastava and B. R. K. Kashyap, Special
Functions in Queuing Theory and Related Stochastic
Processes (x + 308 pp.). Academic Press, New
York and London, 1982 (ISBN: 0-12-660650-1).
- H. M. Srivastava and R. G. Buschman, Convolution
Integral Equations with Special Function Kernels
(164 pp.). A Halsted Press Book (Wiley Eastern Limited, New
Delhi), John Wiley and Sons, New York, London, Sydney, and
Toronto, 1977 (ISBN: 0-470-99050-3 and 0-85226-834-3).
III. Book Chapters
- H. M. Srivastava, An Introductory Overview of Special
Functions and Their Associated Operators of Fractional Calculus,
Handbook of Fractional Calculus for Engineering
and Science (H. Singh, H. M. Srivastava,
and R. K. Pandey, Editors), Series on Mathematics and Its Applications:
Modelling, Engineering, and Social Sciences,
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press (Taylor and Francis), Baton Roca,
Florida, U.S.A., 2023, pp. 1-36.
- H. M. Srivastava, K. M. Saad, M. M. Khader, and H. Singh,
Spectral Collocation Method Based Upon Special Functions for
Fractional Partial Differential Equations,
Handbook of Fractional Calculus for Engineering
and Science (H. Singh, H. M. Srivastava,
and J. J. Nieto, Editors), Series on Advances in Applied Mathematics,
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press (Taylor and Francis), Baton Roca,
Florida, U.S.A., 2022, pp. 79-101.
- X.-J. Yang, D. Baleanu, and H. M. Srivastava, Advanced
Analysis of Local Fractional Calculus Applied to the Rice Theory in
Fractal Fracture Mechanics, Methods of
Mathematical Modelling and Computation for Complex
Systems (J. Singh, H. Dutta, D. Kumar, D. Baleanu,
and J. Hristov, Editors), Springer Book Series on
Studies in Systems, Decision and
Control, Vol. 373, Springer Nature Switzerland
AG, Cham, Switzerland, 2022, pp. 105-133.
- K. M. Saad, H. M. Srivastava, and D. Kumar,
A Reliable Analytical Algorithm for Cubic Isothermal Auto-Catalytic
Chemical System, Mathematical Modelling,
Applied Analysis and Computation (ICMMAAC 2018:
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India; July 6-8, 2018) (J. Singh, D. Kumar,
H. Dutta, D. Baleanu, and S. D. Purohit, Editors),
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 272,
Springer Nature Singapore Private Limited, Singapore, 2019, pp. 243-260.
- H. M. Srivastava and K. V. Zhukovsky, Solutions of
Some Types of Differential Equations and of Their Associated
Physical Problems by Means of Inverse Differential Operators,
in Mathematical Analysis, Approximation
Theory and Their Applications (Themistocles M.
Rassias and Vijay Gupta, Editors), Springer Series on
Optimization and Its Applications, Vol. 111, Springer,
Berlin, Heidelberg and New York, 2016, pp. 573-629.
- H. M. Srivastava, J. A. Tenreiro Machado,
and X.-J. Yang, Approximate
Methods for Local Fractional Differential Equations,
in Fractional Dynamics (C. Cattani, H. M.
Srivastava, and X.-J. Yang, Editors), Emerging Science
Publishers (De Gruyter Open), Berlin and Warsaw, 2015, pp.
- H. M. Srivastava, Riemann, Hurwitz and
Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta Functions and Associated Series and
Integrals, in Essays in Mathematics and Its
Applications (In Honor of Stephen Smale's 80th
Birthday) (viii + 504 pp.) (Panos M. Pardalos and Themistocles
M. Rassias, Editors), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg and
New York, 2012, pp. 431-461.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some Inequalities and Other Results
Associated with Certain Subclasses of Univalent and
Bi-Univalent Analytic Functions, in Nonlinear
Analysis: Stability, Approximation,
and Inequalities (In Honor of Themistocles
M. Rassias on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday) (xxix + 893
pp.) (Panos M. Pardalos, Pando G. Georgiev, and Hari M.
Srivastava, Editors), Springer Series on Optimization and Its
Applications, Vol. 68, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelberg and New York, 2012, pp. 607-630.
- H. M. Srivastava, Bounds for the Classical Orthogonal
Polynomials and Related Special Functions,
in Advanced
Special Functions and Solutions of PDEs
(Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Advanced Special
Functions and Solutions of PDEs on the Occasion of Paolo
Emilio Ricci's Retirement; Sabaudia, Italy, May 24-28, 2009)
(iv + 201 pp.) (Alberto Cialdea, Giuseppe Dattoli, Matthew
Xisheng He, and Hari Mohan Srivastava, Editors), Lecture
Notes of Seminario Interdisciplinare di Matematica
(Dipartemento di Matematica e Informatica di Universita degli
Studi della Basilicata), 9 (2010), pp. 57-78.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some Old and New Trigonometric
Inequalities and Their Applications, in Modern
Methods in Analysis and Its Applications (M. Mursaleen,
Editor), Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, 2010, pp. 318-326
(ISBN: 978-81-89927-30-1).
- H. M. Srivastava, Eulerian and Other Integral
Representations for Some Families of Hypergeometric
Polynomials, in Special Volume Dedicated to the
Tricentennial Birthday Anniversary of Leonhard Euler
(1707-1783) (John M. Rassias, Editor), published in Internat.
J. Appl. Math. Statist. 11 (2007), pp.
- H. M. Srivastava, Two-Sided Inequalities Involving
Certain Families of Orthogonal Polynomials and Special
Functions, in Theory of Polynomials and
Applications: Recent Advances [Dedicated to the
Memory of Mohammed Abdul Malik (1939-2001)] (K. K.
Dewan, Editor), Deep and Deep Publications Private Limited,
New Delhi, 2007, pp. 179-196.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some Fractional Differintegral
Operators and Their Applications to Differential Equations,
in Contemporary Differential Equations and Applications
(Yeol Je Cho, Jong Kyu Kim, and Ki Sik Ha, Editors), Nova
Science Publishers, Hauppage, New York, 2004, pp. 67-79.
- H. M. Srivastava, Certain Classes of Series
Associated with the Zeta and Related Functions, in Third
Melfi School on Advanced Special Functions and Related
Topics in Differential Equations (Proceedings of the
Third Melfi School on Advanced Topics in Mathematics and
Physics; Melfi, Italy, June 24-29, 2001) (Hari M. Srivastava,
Giuseppe Dattoli, and Paolo Emilio Ricci, Guest Editors); Appl.
Math. Comput. (Special Issue) 141 (2003), pp.
- H. M. Srivastava, Distortion Inequalities for
Analytic and Univalent Functions Associated with Certain
Fractional Calculus and Other Linear Operators , in
Analytic and Geometric Inequalities and Applications
(Themistocles M. Rassias and H. M. Srivastava, Editors),
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, and London,
1999, pp. 349-374.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some Families of Generating
Functions and Polynomial Expansions Involving Systems in One
and More Complex Variables, in Complex Analysis
in Several Variables (Themistocles M. Rassias, Editor),
Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida, 1999, pp. 149-183.
- H. M. Srivastava, Certain Operational Techniques and
Their Applications in Analytic and Univalent Function Theory,
in Mathematical Analysis and Applications
(Themistocles M. Rassias, Editor), Hadronic Press, Palm
Harbor, Florida, 1999, pp. 251-270.
- Th. M. Rassias and H. M. Srivastava, Some Classes of
Multilinear and Multilateral Generating Functions, in
Nonlinear Mathematical Analysis and Applications
(Themistocles M. Rassias, Editor), Hadronic Press, Palm
Harbor, Florida, 1998, pp. 193-221.
- Th. M. Rassias and H. M. Srivastava, Some Bounds for
Orthogonal Polynomials and Other Families of Special
Functions, in Approximation Theory and
Applications (Themistocles M. Rassias, Editor), Hadronic
Press, Palm Harbor, Florida, 1998, pp. 177-193.
- W. Bühring and H. M. Srivastava, Analytic
Continuation of the Generalized Hypergeometric Series Near
Unit Argument with Emphasis on the Zero-Balanced Series,
in Approximation Theory and Applications (Th. M.
Rassias, Editor), Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida, 1998,
pp. 17-35.
- H. M. Srivastava, Certain Conjectures and Theorems
Involving Fractional Derivatives of Analytic and Univalent
Functions, in Analysis and Topology (Cabiria
Andreian Cazacu, Olli E. Lehto, and Themistocles M. Rassias,
Editors), World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, New
Jersey, London, and Hong Kong, 1998, pp. 653-676.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some Families of Elliptic Integrals
Arising in Radiation Field and Other Problems, in New
Frontiers in Algebra, Groups and Geometries. Part III: New
Frontiers in Functional Analysis (Grigorios T. Tsagas,
Editor), Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida, 1996, pp.
- Y. C. Kim and H. M. Srivastava, The Hardy Space of a
Certain Series and Its Applications, in The
Mathematical Legacy of Hanno Rund (1925-1993) (J.
Vladimir Kadeisvili, Editor), Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor,
Florida, 1993, pp. 37-52.
- V. S. Kiryakova and H. M. Srivastava, Generalized
Multiple Riemann-Liouville Fractional Differintegrals and
Their Applications in Univalent Function Theory, in Analysis,
Geometry and Groups: A Riemann Legacy Volume (H. M.
Srivastava and Themistocles M. Rassias, Editors), Hadronic
Press, Palm Harbor, Florida, 1993, pp. 191-226.
- H. M. Srivastava, A Certain Family of Generating
Functions for Classical Orthogonal Polynomials, in Topics
in Polynomials of One and Several Variables and Their
Applications: A Legacy of P. L. Chebyshev (Themistocles
M. Rassias, H. M. Srivastava, and A. Yanushauskas, Editors),
World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, New Jersey,
London, and Hong Kong, 1993, pp. 535-561.
- Th. M. Rassias and H. M. Srivastava, Some Recent
Advances in the Theory of the Zeros and Critical Points of a
Polynomial, in Topics in Polynomials of One and
Several Variables and Their Applications: A Legacy of P. L.
Chebyshev (Themistocles M. Rassias, H. M. Srivastava,
and A. Yanushauskas, Editors), World Scientific Publishing
Company, Singapore, New Jersey, London, and Hong Kong, 1993,
pp. 463-481.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some Applications of Fractional
Calculus Involving the Gamma and Related Functions,
in Recent Advances in Fractional Calculus (R. N.
Kalia, Editor), Global Publishing Company, Sauk Rapids,
Minnesota, 1993, pp. 179-202.
- H. M. Srivastava, S. B. Yakubovich, and Yu. F. Luchko, New
Families of Leibniz Type Rules for Fractional Calculus and
Their Integral Analogues, in Recent Advances in
Fractional Calculus (R. N. Kalia, Editor), Global
Publishing Company, Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, 1993, pp. 248-291.
- H. M. Srivastava, Some Lauricella Multiple
Hypergeometric Series Associated with the Product of Several
Bessel Functions, in Constantin Carathéodory:
An International Tribute (Themistocles M. Rassias,
Editor), Vol. II, World Scientific Publishing Company,
Singapore, New Jersey, London, and Hong Kong, 1991, pp.
IV. Encyclopedia Chapters
- Queueing Theory. In Encyclopedia
of Physical Science and Technology, Volume 13,
Academic Press, New York, 1992, pp. 793-807.
Revised and updated version in Encyclopedia of
Physical Science and Technology, Third Edition,
Volume 13, Academic Press, New York, 2003, pp.
- Catalan Constant. In Encyclopedia
of Mathematics, Supplement III, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, and London, 2002, pp.
- Special Functions. In Encyclopedia
of Thermal Stresses, Volume 8 (R. B.
Hetnarski, Editor), Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York
and London, 2014, pp. 4519-4529.
V. Papers in Conference Proceedings
- S. Arjika, K. Ullah, H. M. Srivastava, A, Rafiq, and M. Arif,
A study of sharp coefficient bounds for
a new subfamily of starlike functions, in Nonlinear
Analysis, Geometry and Applications
(Proceedings of the Second NLAGA-BIRS Symposium,
Cap Skirring, Senegal; January 25-30, 2022) (D. Seck,
K. Kangni, P. Nang and M. S. Sambou, Editors), Birkhäuser Series
on Trends in Mathematics, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham,
Switzerland, 2022, pp. 375-398 [ISBN 978-3-031-04615-5;
ISBN 978-3-031-04616-2 (eBook); DOI:].
- Some families of univalent and bi-univalent analytic
functions and associated univalence criteria involving
integral operators, in Proceedings of the Twelfth
International Symposium on Geometric Function Theory and
Applications (GFTA 2016; Alba Iulia, Romania; August
25-28, 2016) [Dedicated to the Memory of Academician Petru
T. Mocanu (1931-2016)] (Daniel Valer Breaz, Nicoleta
Breaz and Ioan-Lucian Popa, Editors), Aeternitas Publishing
House, Alba Iulia, Romania, 2017, pp. 11-27 [ISBN
- Operators of fractional calculus and associated
Mittag-Leffler type functions, in Proceedings of
the Sixth International Conference on Analytic Methods of
Analysis and Differential Equations (AMADE 2011;
Minsk, Belarus; September 12-17, 2011) [Dedicated to the
Memory of Anatoly Alexandrovich Kilbas (20 July 1948 - 28
June 2010)] (Segei V. Rogosin, Editor), Publishing
Center of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus,
2012, pp. 207-228 [ISBN 978-985-476-993-6].
- Some generalizations and basic (or q-)
extensions of the Bernoulli, Euler and Genocchi polynomials,
in Proceedings of the International Conference on
Mathematical Sciences (ICMS/Turkey 2010)
Dedicated to Professor Hari M. Srivastava on his Seventieth
Birth Anniversary (Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu,
Turkey; November 23-27, 2010); Applied Mathematics and
Information Sciences 5 (2011), pp. 390-444.
- Contributions to the theory of certain subclasses of
univalent and bi-univalent analytic functions, Geometric
Function Theory and Applications 2010, Proceedings
of the International Symposium on Geometric Function Theory
and Applications (Sofia, Bulgaria; August 27-31,
2010) (Virginia Kiryakova and Shigeyoshi Owa, Editors),
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010, pp. 71-86.
- Linearization relations for the Laguerre polynomials and
the associated families of Dirichlet integrals, Sixteenth
International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional
Complex Analysis and Applications held at Gyeongju,
Republic of Korea, July 28 - August 1, 2008; in Proceedings
of the Sixteenth International Conference on Finite or
Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications
(Junesang Choi, So Young Choi, Dae Ho Jin, Seong-A Kim, and
Jong Moon Shin, Editors), Daeyang Printing, Gyeongju, Republic
of Korea, 2009, pp. 1-11.
- (with J. Nishiwaki and S. Owa) Convolutions and Hölder
inequality for certain analytic functions, International
RIMS (Kyoto University) Study on
Geometric Univalent Function Theory held at Kyoto,
Japan, May 16-18, 2007; in Study on Geometric Univalent
Function Theory (S. Owa, Editor), Surikaisekikenkyusho
Kokyuroku No. 1579, Research Institute for
Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2008,
pp. 88-97.
- Generalized hypergeometric functions and associated
families of k-uniformly convex and k-starlike
functions, International Symposium on Complex
Analysis held at the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu
in Sibiu, Romania, August 26-29, 2007; published in a Special
Issue of General Mathematics 15 (2-3)
(2007), pp. 201-226.
- Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) and the computational aspects
of some Zeta-function series, Global KMS Day
International Conference celebrating the 60th
Anniversary of the Korean Mathematical Society held at Seoul
National University in Seoul, Republic of Korea, October
27-29, 2006; published in a Special Issue of J.
Korean Math. Soc. 44 (5) (2007), pp. 1063-1184.
- Some Fox-Wright generalized hypergeometric functions and
associated families of convolution operators, International
Conference on Topics in Mathematical Analysis and Graph
Theory held at the University of Belgrade in Belgrade,
Republic of Serbia, September 1-4, 2007; published in a Special
Issue of Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 1
(1) (2007), pp. 56-71.
- Some families of analytic functions of complex order,
International RIMS (Kyoto University)
Short Joint Workshop on the Study on Calculus Operators in
Univalent Function Theory held at Kyoto, Japan, May
17-19, 2006; in Study on Calculus Operators in Univalent
Function Theory (S. Owa, Editor), Surikaisekikenkyusho
Kokyuroku No. 1538, Research Institute for
Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2007,
pp. 82-97.
- Certain classes of multivariable biorthogonal polynomials
and associated families of generating-function
relationships, Proceedings of the Eighteenth
Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics (Honoring the
Seventieth Birthday of Professor Rugerro M. Santilli)
held at the University of Karlstad, Karlstad, Sweden, June
20-22, 2005 (Valeri Dvoeglazov, Tepper L. Gill, Peter Rowland,
Erik Trell, and Horst E. Wilhelm, Editors), International
Academic Publishers, Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S.A., 2006,
pp. 793-818.
- (with D. M. Timus, S. L. Kalla, and M. I. Abbas) Analytical
characterization of radiation fields generated by certain
witch-type distributed axi-symmetrical ion beams, Seventh
Radiation Physics and Protection Conference held at
Ismailia, Egypt, November 27-30, 2004; published in Arab
J. Nuclear Sci. Appl. 38 (Part I) (2005), pp.
- Some coefficient inequalities and neighborhood properties
associated with analytic functions of complex order,
RIMS (Kyoto University) Short Joint
Workshop on Coefficient Inequalities in Univalent Function
Theory and Related Topics held at Kyoto, Japan, June
9-11, 2004; in Coefficient Inequalities in Univalent
Function Theory and Related Topics (S. Owa, Editor),
Kokyuroku No. 1414, Research Institute for
Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2005,
pp. 97-116.
- (with S. Owa and K. Ochiai) Some coefficient
inequalities and distortion bounds associated with certain
new subclasses of analytic functions, International
RIMS (Kyoto University) Short Joint
Workshop on Coefficient Inequalities in Univalent Function
Theory and Related Topics held at Kyoto, Japan, June
9-11, 2004; in Coefficient Inequalities in Univalent
Function Theory and Related Topics (S. Owa, Editor),
Kokyuroku No. 1414, Research Institute for
Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2005,
pp. 46-58.
- Some families of series associated with the Zeta and
related functions, Plenary lecture at the International
Symposium of Mathematical Sciences 2004 (In Honor
of the Seventieth Birthday of Dr. Neng-Che Yeh [President,
Aletheia University, Tamsui, Taiwan, Republic of China]) held
at Tamsui, Taiwan, Republic of China, August 23, 2004; in
of the International Symposium of Mathematical Sciences
2004 (In Honor of the Seventieth Birthday of Dr. Neng-Che
Yeh [President, Aletheia University, Tamsui, Taiwan,
Republic of China]), Aletheia University, Tamsui, Taiwan,
Republic of China, 2004, pp. 11-34.
- Some convolution operators on Hilbert space based upon
the Fox-Wright generalized hypergeometric function,
International Conference on Real and Complex Analysis
held at Gyongsan, Republic of Korea, August 8-11, 2004;
in Proceedings
of the 2004 International Conference on Real and
Complex Analysis (Y. C. Kim and J. H. Choi, Editors),
Yeungnam University, Gyongsan, Republic of Korea, 2004, pp.
- Some families of series associated with the Zeta and
related functions (Abstract), Fifteenth
International Conference of the Jangjeon Mathematical
Society held at Hapcheon [Kyungshang], Republic of
Korea, August 5-7, 2004; in Proceedings of the Fifteenth
International Conference of the Jangjeon Mathematical
Society (S. H. Rim, L. C. Jang, T. Kim, and H. K. Pak,
Editors), Jangjeon Mathematical Society, Hapcheon
[Kyungshang], Republic of Korea, 2004, pp. 25-25.
- (with S. Owa, H. Saitoh, and R. Yamakawa) Geometric
properties of solutions of a class of differential
equations, International RIMS (Kyoto
University) Symposium on Applications for
Fractional Calculus Operators in Univalent Function Theory
held at Kyoto, Japan, September 3-5, 2003; in Study on
Applications for Fractional Calculus Operators in Univalent
Function Theory (S. Owa, Editor), Surikaisekikenkyusho
Kokyuroku No. 1363, Research Institute for
Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2004,
pp. 75-84.
- Certain families of series associated with the Zeta and
related functions, International Conference on
Research and Education in Mathematics: Towards
Enhancing Cooperation in the Promotion of Research and
Education in Mathematics held at the Equatorial Hotel
in Bangi (Selangor), Malaysia, April 2-4, 2003; in Proceedings
of the International Conference on Research and Education in
Mathematics (A. Kilicman, B. Ural, K. A. M. Atan, and
M. R. M. Said, Editors), Universiti Putra Malaysia Press,
Serdang (Selangor), Malaysia, 2004, pp. 1-17.
- (with S. Owa and N. Saito) Partial sums of certain
analytic functions, International RIMS (Kyoto
University) Symposium on Applications for
Fractional Calculus Operators in Univalent Function Theory
held at Kyoto, Japan, September 3-5, 2003; in Study on
Applications for Fractional Calculus Operators in Univalent
Function Theory (S. Owa, Editor), Surikaisekikenkyusho
Kokyuroku No. 1363, Research Institute for
Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2004,
pp. 96-114.
- Some families of series associated with the Zeta and
related functions, Plenary [Abani Bhusan Dutta
(1895-1936) Memorial Endowment] lecture at the International
Symposium on Pure and Applied Mathematics [Dedicated
to Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) on the Occasion of his
200th Birth Centenary] held in Kolkata (Calcutta),
India, December 14-16, 2002; in Rev. Bull. Calcutta Math.
Soc. 11 (2003), pp. 5-20.
- (with A. A. Kilbas and J. J. Trujillo) Fractional
differential equations: An emergent field in applied and
mathematical sciences, International Conference on
Factorization, Singular Operators and Related
Problems (Dedicated to Professor Georgii S. Litvinchuk
on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday) held at Funchal,
Madeira Island, Portugal, January 28 - February 1, 2002;
in Factorization,
Singular Operators and Related Problems (Stefan
Samko, Amarino Lebre, and Ant\F3nio F. dos Santos, Editors),
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, and London,
2003, pp. 151-173.
- An introductory overview of fractional calculus and its
applications, Tenth International Conference on
Finite and Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and
Applications held at Silla University, Busan, Republic
of Korea, July 29 - August 2, 2002; in Proceedings of the
Tenth International Conference on Finite and Infinite
Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (J.
Kajiwara, K. W. Kim, and K. H. Shon, Editors), Silla
University, Busan, Republic of Korea, 2002, pp. 158-167.
- Some families of fractional derivatives and other linear
operators associated with analytic, univalent, and
multivalent functions, International Conference on
Analysis and Its Applications held at Chennai, India,
December 6-9, 2000; in Analysis and Its Applications
(K. S. Lakshmi, R. Parvatham, and H. M. Srivastava, Editors),
Allied Publishers Limited, New Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, and
Chennai, 2001, pp. 209-243.
- Some recent developments on the evaluations and
representations of the Zeta functions, International
Congress on Constantin Carathédory (1873-1950)
in His ... Origins held at Vissa - Orestiada, Greece,
September 1-4, 2000; in Constantin Carathéodory in His
... Origins (T. Vougiouklis, Editor), Hadronic Press,
Palm Harbor, Florida, 2001, pp. 37-59.
- The Euler-Knopp transformation and associated families of
generating functions, International Workshop on
Advanced Special Functions and Integration Methods held
at Melfi, Italy, June 18-23, 2000; in Advanced Special
Functions and Integration Methods (G. Dattoli, H. M.
Srivastava, and C. Cesarano, Editors), Aracne Editrice, Rome,
2001, pp. 15-44.
- (with T. Sekine and K. Tsurumi) Integral means for
generalized subclasses of analytic functions, International
RIMS (Kyoto University) Symposium on
Inverse Problems in Univalent Function Theory held at
Kyoto, Japan, May 17-19, 2000; in Study on Inverse
Problems in Univalent Function Theory (S. Owa, Editor),
Surikaisekikenkyusho Kokyuroku No. 1192,
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto
University, Kyoto, Japan, 2001, pp. 140-152.
- Fractional and other derivatives in univalent function
theory, International RIMS (Kyoto
University ) Symposium on Inverse Problems in
Univalent Function Theory held at Kyoto, Japan, May
17-19, 2000; in Study on Inverse Problems in Univalent
Function Theory (S. Owa, Editor), Surikaisekikenkyusho
Kokyuroku No. 1192, Research Institute for
Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2001,
pp. 153-171.
- Some families of fractional differential equations,
International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications
in the New Millennium held at the Renaissance Palm
Garden Hotel in Serdang (Selangor), Malaysia, July 18-19,
2000; in Proceedings of the International Conference on
Mathematics and Its Applications in the New Millennium,
Department of Mathematics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang
(Selangor), Malaysia, 2001, pp. 1-20.
- A unified theory of mixed generating functions and other
related results, International Workshop on
Advanced Special Functions and Applications held at
Melfi, Italy, May 9-12, 1999; in Advanced Special
Functions and Applications (D. Cocolicchio, G. Dattoli,
and H. M. Srivastava, Editors), Aracne Editrice, Rome, 2000,
pp. 15-48.
- (with S.-T. Tu, Y.-T. Huang, and I-C. Chen) A certain
family of fractional differential equations, International
Mathematics Conference Commemorating the Seventieth
Anniversary of Fu Jen Catholic University held at Fu
Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China,
December 10-12, 1999; in Proceedings of the
International Mathematics Conference at Fu Jen Catholic
University (C.-T. Shieh, K. C. Jea, and T.-J. Ho,
Editors), Department of Mathematics, Fu Jen Catholic
University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 2000, pp.
- Some recent developments in the theory and applications
of a class of finite Fourier transformations, International
Conference on Fourier Analysis and Applications held at
Kuwait University, Safat, State of Kuwait, May 3-6, 1998;
in Proceedings
of the International Conference on Fourier Analysis and
Applications (F. Al-Musallam, A. Boettcher, P. Butzer,
G. Heinig, and Vu Kim Tuan, Guest Editors), published in a Special
Volume of Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 21
(2000), pp. 295-306.
- The Riemann-Liouville and Weyl operators of fractional
calculus and a certain class of expansions involving
generalized hypergeometric functions, International
Workshop on Fundamental Open Problems in Mathematics,
Physics and Other Sciences held at Beijing, People's
Republic of China, August 28, 1997; in Fundamental Open
Problems in Science at the End of the Millennium
(Tepper L. Gill, Kexi Liu, and Erik Trell, Editors), Volume II,
Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida, 1999, pp. 423-454.
- (with R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi) Special functions in
fractional relaxation-oscillation and fractional
diffusion-wave phenomena, Eighth International
Colloquium on Differential Equations held at Plovdiv,
Bulgaria, August 18-23, 1997; in Proceedings of the
Eighth International Colloquium on Differential Equations
(D. Bainov, Editor), VSP Publishers, Utrecht and Tokyo, 1998,
pp. 195-202.
- A unified theory of some families of elliptic integrals
arising in radiation field and other problems, Eighth
International Colloquium on Differential Equations held
at Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 18-23, 1997; in Proceedings
of the Eighth International Colloquium on Differential
Equations (D. Bainov, Editor), VSP Publishers, Utrecht
and Tokyo, 1998, pp. 399-407.
- Some operational techniques in the theory of special
functions, Second International Workshop on
Transform Methods and Special Functions held at Varna,
Bulgaria, August 24-29, 1996; in Transform Methods and
Special Functions: Varna'96 (P. Rusev, I. Dimovski, and
V. Kiryakova, Editors), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
(Institute of Mathematics and Informatics), Sofia, 1998, pp.
- Some characteristics and theorems associated with
analytic and univalent functions, International
Conference [Dedicated to the Memory of Professor
Dragoslav S. Mitrinović (1908-1995)] held at Nis,
Serbia, Yugoslavia, June 20-22, 1996; in Advances in
Mathematical Analysis (Volume 2 of the three-volume
Conference Proceedings) (G. V. Milovanovi?, Editor), published
in a Special Volume of Facta Univ. Ser. Math.
Inform. 12 (1997), pp. 33-57.
- (with A. A. Kilbas, R. K. Raina, and M. Saigo) Solution
of Abel-type hypergeometric integral equation, International
Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Complex Analysis
held at Vilnius, Lithuania, June 3-4, 1997; in Mathematical
Modelling and Complex Analysis (R. Ciegis, Editor),
Technika, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1997, pp. 92-104.
- Boundary behaviors of some families of special functions,
Seventh International Colloquium on Differential
Equations held at Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 18-23,
1996; in Proceedings of the Seventh International
Colloquium on Differential Equations (D. Bainov,
Editor), VSP Publishers, Utrecht and Tokyo, 1997, pp. 395-403.
- Bilateral analytic expansions associated with some
families of special functions, International
Conference on Fourier Analysis, Approximation Theory and
Their Applications held at Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India, September 6-9, 1993; in Fourier
Analysis, Approximation Theory and Applications (Z. U.
Ahmad, N. K. Govil, and P. K. Jain, Editors), New Age
International Publishers, New Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai, and
Mumbai, 1997, pp. 313-337.
- Some polynomial expansions and generating functions
associated with the Jacobi polynomials, International
Conference on Boundary Value Problems, Special Functions and
Fractional Calculus [Dedicated to the Ninetieth
Birthday of Academician F. D. Gakhov (1906-1980)] held
at Minsk, Belarus, February 16-20, 1996; in Boundary
Value Problems, Special Functions and Fractional Calculus
(I. V. Gaishun, A. A. Kilbas, and S. V. Rogozin, Editors),
Belarusian State University, Minsk, 1996, pp. 363-372.
- Univalent and starlike integral operators and certain
associated families of linear operators, International
Conference on Complex Analysis held [in conjunction
with the Special Academic Year 1991-1992 on
Complex Analysis] at the Nankai Institute of
Mathematics, Tianjin, People's Republic of China, June 19-23,
1992; in Proceedings of the Conference on Complex
Analysis (Zhong Li, Fuyao Ren, Lo Yang, and Shunyan
Zhang, Editors), Conference Proceedings and Lecture Notes in
Analysis, Vol. I, International Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1994, pp. 188-207.
- (with Y.C. Kim) Some families of generalized
hypergeometric functions associated with the Hardy space of
analytic functions, International Seminar on
Complex Analysis and Applications held at Yeungnam
University, Gyongsan, Republic of Korea, July 7-9, 1993;
in Proceedings
of the International Seminar on Complex Analysis and
Applications (Y. C. Kim, Editor), Yeungnam University,
Gyongsan, Republic of Korea, 1993, pp. 1-13.
- (with M. Saigo) A theorem on the asymptotic behavior of
Lauricella's first hypergeometric series
near the boundary of its convergence region,
Fifth International Conference on Complex Analysis and
Applications with Symposium on Generalized Functions
held at Varna, Bulgaria, September 15-21, 1991; in Complex
Analysis and Generalized Functions (I. Dimovski and V.
Hristov, Editors), Institute of Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences, Sofia, 1993, pp. 258-267.
- Applications of certain linear operators in the theory of
analytic functions, Tenth International
Conference on Analytic Functions held at Szczrk,
Poland, April 22-27, 1990; in Annales Polonici
Mathematici, Vol. 55, 1991, pp. 325-330.
VI. Forewords to Books and Journals (including Preface,
Editorial, et cetera)
- Foreword to "Index Transforms" (by S.
B. Yakubovich), World Scientific Publishing Company,
Singapore, New Jersey, London, and Hong Kong, 1996, pp. v-x.
- Foreword to The International Journal of Mathematical
and Statistical Sciences (Special Issue on
Generalized Hypergeometric Functions and Their Applications)
(H. M. Srivastava, Guest Editor), Vol. 5 (1996), No.
1, pp. 5-6.
- Foreword to The Journal of Computational and Applied
Mathematics (Special Issue on Higher
Transcendental Functions and Their Applications) (H. M.
Srivastava, Guest Editor), Vol. 118 (2000), Nos. 1-2,
pp. ix-x.
- Preface to Applied Mathematics and Computation
(Special Issue on Advanced Special Functions and Related
Topics in Differential Equations ) (Proceedings of the
Third Melfi School on Advanced Topics in Mathematics and
Physics; Melfi, Italy; June 24-29, 2001) (H. M. Srivastava, G.
Dattoli, and P. E. Ricci, Guest Editors), Vol. 141
(2003), No. 1, pp. 1-2.
- Foreword to "A Text Book on Groups:
With Solved Examples" (by A. N. Srivastava),
Campus Books International, New Delhi, 2003, pp. iii-v.
- Preface to Applied Mathematics and Computation
(Special Issue on Analytic Function Theory, Fractional
Calculus and Their Applications) (Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Analytic Function Theory,
Fractional Calculus and Their Applications in Honour of
Professor H. M. Srivastava on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth
Birth Anniversary; Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; August
22-27, 2005) (H. M. Srivastava, Shigeyoshi Owa, and Tadayuki
Sekine, Guest Editors), Vol. 187 (2007), No. 1, pp.
- Foreword to "Abstract Booklet" (Proceedings of
the International Congress in Honour of Professor H. M.
Srivastava on his 70th Birth Anniversary)
(Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey; 18-21 August 2010).
- Preface to Advanced Special Functions and
Solutions of PDEs (Proceedings of the Fourth
Workshop on Advanced Special Functions and Solutions of PDEs
on the Occasion of Paolo Emilio Ricci's Retirement; Sabaudia,
Italy, May 24-28, 2009) (iv + 201 pp.) (Alberto Cialdea,
Giuseppe Dattoli, Matthew Xisheng He, and Hari Mohan
Srivastava, Editors), Lecture Notes of Seminario
Interdisciplinare di Matematica (Dipartemento di
Matematica e Informatica di Universita degli Studi della
Basilicata), Vol. 9 (2010), pp. vii-ix.
- Foreword to Applied Mathematics and Computation
(Special Issue in Honour of Professor Hari M. Srivastava on
his 70th Birth Anniversary) (Proceedings of the
International Congress in Honour of Professor H. M. Srivastava
on his 70th Birth Anniversary; Uludag University, Bursa,
Turkey; 18-21 August 2010) (509 pp.) (Hari M. Srivastava,
Ismail Naci Cangul, Nak Eun Cho, and Junesang Choi, Guest
Editors), Vol. 218 (2011), No. 3, pp. 651-652.
- Preface to Applied Mathematics and Computation
(Special Issue in Honour of Professor Hari M. Srivastava on
his 70th Birth Anniversary) (Proceedings of the
International Congress in Honour of Professor H. M. Srivastava
on his 70th Birth Anniversary; Uludag University, Bursa,
Turkey; 18-21 August 2010) (509 pp.) (Hari M. Srivastava,
Ismail Naci Cangul, Nak Eun Cho, and Junesang Choi, Guest
Editors), Vol. 218 (2011), No. 3, pp. 653-654.
- Foreword to the Special Issue: q-Series and
Related Topics in Special Functions and Analytic Number
Theory (Hari M. Srivastava, Guest Editor),
Vol. 2 (2013), pp. 435-436.
- Foreword to the Special Issue: Proceedings of the
International Congress in Honour of Professor Hari M.
Srivastava (Uludag University, Gorukle Campus,
Bursa, Turkey; 23-26 August 2012) (Ismail Naci Cangul and
Djurdje Cvijović, Guest Editors), Advances in
Difference Equations (Springer Open-Access Journal),
Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 366, pp. 1-2.
- Foreword to the Special Issue: Proceedings of the
International Congress in Honour of Professor Hari M.
Srivastava (Uludag University, Gorukle Campus,
Bursa, Turkey; 23-26 August 2012) (Ismail Naci Cangul,
Junesang Choi, and Djurdje Cvijović, Guest Editors),
Value Problems (Springer Open-Access Journal), Vol. 2013
(2013), Article ID 273, pp. 1-2.
- Foreword to the Special Issue: Proceedings of the
International Congress in Honour of Professor Hari M.
Srivastava (Uludag University, Gorukle Campus,
Bursa, Turkey; 23-26 August 2012) (Ismail Naci Cangul,
Junesang Choi, and Sushil K. Sharma, Guest Editors), Fixed
Point Theory and Applications (Springer Open-Access
Journal), Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 339, pp. 1-2.
- Foreword to the Special Issue: Proceedings of the
International Congress in Honour of Professor Hari M.
Srivastava (Uludag University, Gorukle Campus,
Bursa, Turkey; 23-26 August 2012) (Ismail Naci Cangul, Nak Eun
Cho, and Dragan S. Djordjević, Guest Editors), Journal
of Inequalities and Applications (Springer
Open-Access Journal), Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID
584, pp. 1-2.
- Editorial for the Special Issue: Advanced Topics
in Fractional Dynamics (Dumitru Baleanu, H. M.
Srivastava, Varsha Daftardar-Gejji, Changpin Li, and J. A.
Tenreiro Machado, Guest Editors), Advances in
Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2013 (2013),
Article ID 723496, pp. 1-1.
- Editorial for the Special Issue: Advances in
Integrodifferential Equations and Transforms
(H. M. Srivastava, Xiao-Jun Yang, Dumitru Baleanu, Juan J.
Nieto, and Jordan Hristov, Guest Editors), Abstract and
Applied Analysis, Vol. 2015 (2015), Article
ID 462905, pp. 1-2.
- Editorial for the Special Issue: Recent Trends in
Special Numbers and Special Functions and Polynomials
(S. Araci, M. Acikgöz, C. Özel, H. M. Srivastava, and T.
Diagana, Guest Editors), International Journal of
Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2015
(2015), Article ID 573893, pp. 1-1.
- Preface to the Special Issue: Problems of Applied
Analysis and Information (Mahmoud Abdel-Aty,
Hari M. Srivastava, and Theodore E. Simos, Guest Editors), Applied
and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 14
(2015), No. 3, pp. 237-237.
- Preface to the Special Focus Issue: Recent
Advances in Fractional Dynamics (Hari M.
Srivastava, Dumitru Baleanu, and Chang-Pin Li, Guest Editors),
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of
Nonlinear Science, Vol. 26 (2016), No. 8,
Article ID 084101, pp. 1-2.
- Editorial: An Editorial Overview of the Current
Issue of Fluid
Mechanics: Open Access
(Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016), Fluid Mechanics:
Open Access, Vol. 3 (2016), No. 1,
Article ID e101, pp. 1-1.
- Preface to the Special Issue: Proceedings of the
22nd International Conference on Finite or Infinite
Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications
(22ICDCAA2014: Dongguk University, Gyeongju, Republic of
Korea; 8-11 August 2014) (Hari M. Srivastava, Guest Editor),
Vol. 30 (2016), No. 7, pp. 1-2.
- Editorial: Rheology for the
Twenty-First Century
(by F. Delplace and H. M. Srivastava), Rheology:
Open Access, Vol. 1 (2017), No. 1,
Article ID e101, pp. 1-2.
- Preface to the Special Issue: Proceedings of the
23rd International Conference on Finite or Infinite
Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications
(23ICDCAA2015: Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan; 24-28
August 2015) (Hari M. Srivastava, Guest Editor), Filomat,
Vol. 31 (2017), No. 1, pp. 1-2.
- Preface to the Proceedings of the Second International
Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Analysis (ICWOMA
2016: University of Putra Malaysia, Langkawi, Malaysia; 02-04
August 2016) (Adem Kilicman, Hari Mohan Srivastava, Mohammad
Mursaleen and Chaudry Masood Khalique, Editors), AIP
Conference Proceedings (Ameican Institute of
Physics), Vol. 1795 (1) (2017), pp. 010001-010001.
- Special Issue: Fractional Calculus and
Applications (Lead Editor: Hari M. Srivastava;
Guest Editors: Jocelyn Sabatier, Roberto Garrappa, Mohsen
Zayernouri, Richard L. Magin and J. A. Tenreiro Machado), Tbilisi
Mathematical Journal, Vol. 10, Issue 1,
January 2017, pp. 1-324.
- Editorial to the Special Issue: Operators of
Fractional Calculus and Their Applications
(Guest Editor: Hari Mohan Srivastava), Mathematics,
Vol. 4 (2018), Article ID 157, pp. 1-2.
- Preface to the Special Issue: Proceedings of the
Third International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data
Mining (FSDM 2017: National Dong Hwa
University [NDHU] in Shoufeng [Hualien], Taiwan, Republic of
China; 24-27 November 2017) (Hari M. Srivastava, Guest
Editor), Filomat, Vol. 32 (2018), No. 5,
pp. 1-3.
- Editorial to the Special Issue: Mathematical Analysis and
(Guest Editor: Hari Mohan Srivastava), Axioms,
Vol. 7 (2018), Article ID 82, pp. 1-2.
- Preface to the Special Issues: Proceedings of the
Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data
Mining (FSDM 2018: Tawana Bangkok Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand;
16-19 November 2018) (Gautam Srivastava, Hari Mohan Srivastava
and Jen-Chih Yao, Guest Editors), Journal of Nonlinear and
Convex Analysis, Vol. 20 (2019), Nos. 5, 6 and 7,
pp. 1-3.
- Preface to the Special Issue: Integral Transforms and Operational
Calculus (Guest Editor: H. M. Srivastava),
2019, pp. xi-xi.
- Editorial to the Special Issue: Mathematical Analysis and
Applications II (Guest Editor: H. M. Srivastava),
2020, pp. 1-3.
- Editorial to the Special Issue: Fractional-Order Integral and Derivative
Operators and Their Applications
(Guest Editor: H. M. Srivastava), Mathematics,
Vol. 8 (2020), No. 6, Article ID 1016, pp. 1-4.
- Preface to the Special Issues: Proceedings of the
Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data
Mining (FSDM 2019: Kitakyushu International
Conference Center, Kitakyushu City (Fukuoka), Japan;
18-21 October 2019) (Gautam Srivastava, Hari Mohan Srivastava
and Jen-Chih Yao, Guest Editors), Journal of Nonlinear and
Convex Analysis, Vol. 21 (2020), Nos. 7 and 8,
pp. 1-3.
- Foreword to the Special Issue: Dedicated to
Professor Hari M. Srivastava on the Occasion of his
80th Birthday, European Journal of Pure
and Appled Mathematics, Vol. 13 (2020), No. 5,
- Preface to the Special Issues: Big Data and
Data Mining Strategies (Gautam Srivastava, Hari Mohan
Srivastava and Jen-Chih Yao, Guest Editors), Journal of
Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 22 (2021),
Nos. 9 and 10, pp. 1-1.
- Preface to the Special Issues: Machine Learning
and Intelligent Systems (Gautam Srivastava, Hari Mohan
Srivastava and Jen-Chih Yao, Guest Editors), Journal of
Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 23 (2022),
Nos. 9 and 10, pp. 1-1.
- Foreword to Wavelet Transforms:
Kith and Kin, by Firdous A. Shah and Azhar Y. Tantary,
Series on Textbooks in Mathematics, CRC Press (Taylor and Francis),
Boca Raton, London and New York, 2023, pp. 12-12.
- Editorial to the Special Issue: Higher Transcendental
Functions and Their Multi-Disciplinary Applications
(Guest Editor: H. M. Srivastava), Mathematics,
Vol. 10 (2022), No. 24, Article ID 4740, pp. 1-3.
- Editorial Foreword to the Special Issue: Recent Trends
on Pure and Applied Mathematics Involving Nonlinear Analysis,
Global Analysis, Approximation Theory,
Functional Analysis, Functional Equations,
and Inequalities and Their Applications
(Dedicated to Professor Themistocles M. Rassias on the occasion of his
70th Birthday) (Guest Editors: Hari M. Srivastava, Gradimir V.
Milovanović and Yilmaz Simsek), Montes Taurus J. Pure
Appl. Math., Vol. 4 (2022), No. 3, pp. i-vi.
- Editorial on the Special Issue: Operators of Fractional
Calculus and Their Multidisciplinary Applications
(Guest Editor: H. M. Srivastava), Fractal and Fractional,
Vol. 7 (2023), Article ID 415, pp. 1-4.
- Preface to the Special Issues: Fuzzy Systems and Data
Mining (Guest Editors: Gautam Srivastava, Hari Mohan
Srivastava and Jen-Chih Yao), Journal of
Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 24 (2023),
Nos. 6, 7 and 8, pp. 1-1.
- Preface to the Special Issues: Machine Learning and
Intelligent Systems (Guest Editors: Gautam Srivastava, Hari Mohan
Srivastava and Jen-Chih Yao), Journal of
Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 25 (2024),
Nos. 4, 5 and 6, pp. 1-1.
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