A Heritage Policy for British Columbia
Draft proposed by John Lutz, March 2005
A provincial heritage policy would acknowledge the role of historic resources as central to the culture, education system and economy in British Columbia and to the ongoing process of settling title issues with First Nations.
It would;
- develop a comprehensive Heritage Strategy which would include the specifics mentioned below
- develop a historic landscapes strategy to protect sacred and otherwise significant historic landscapes
- expand the existing provincial heritage properties as cultural, educational and tourism centres
- restore the ability of the provincial Parks Branch and Archaeology Branch to conduct historic research and interpretation
- Restore the British Columbia Heritage Trust repealed by legislation in 2001M
- Ensure that all students in Middle and High Schools in British Columbia learned enough about the history of the province to situate current events in their historical context.
Using the British Columbia Trust, and funded a dedicated source of revenue (for example lottery funds, land title registration fees, hotel room taxes) a sound heritage policy would:
- Adequately Fund the Crown Corporations and Non-governmental Agencies which now manage the Royal BC Museum the BC Archives, the Land Title and Survey Authority, and the province's heritage properties to ensure that all the records in their custody are kept in facilities secure from natural and other disasters, that they are adequately catalogued and preserved, and are readily accessible to British Columbians
- Fund research programs including oral history collections that create new historical knowledge
- Fund museum exhibits, book, film and multi-media projects that heighten British Columbians awareness of their past
- Restore scholarships for graduate studies in history, historic preservation, anthropology, archaeology
- Assist First Nations communities in recording, preserving and displaying their past
- Fund the conservation of historic structures
- Erect historic markers, identify historic transportation routes, create historic trails