Lesson Outline January 17, 1998

Table of Contents

  1. [Introduction]
  2. [Assignments]
  3. [Discussion of Readings]
  4. [Materials and Ideas]
  5. [Activity 1]
  6. [Activity 2]
  7. [Activity 3]
  8. [Activity 4]
  9. [Important links]



  1. Preparation for the water presentations; involve hands-on, actual materials;
  2. Use of materials from the labs downstairs
  3. I will do the lead off demonstration
  4. INTRINSIC vs EXTRINSIC Motivation



Assignment 1: Read Chapter 2-3 (School and Curriculum); send your comments and reaction to email list.
Assignment 2: Bring glue, card board, straws, scissors etc.
Assignment 3: Seek further background to curriculum.





Discussion: Readings (video) (Group session)

  1. Video: Teachers discussing what they have seen in an "Engineering for Children" lesson
  2. Open responses from students
  3. Issues
    1. School, students, teachers


    1. INTENDED versus ENACTED curriculum
    2. Design Activities and Teaching techniques


  1. Teacher learning
      (Teaching as context for learning about teaching




Materials and Ideas:

  1. Grade 7 open design: [Request for proposals 2]
  2. Scaffolding sense making: [Glossary Form]
  3. Scaffolding learning: [Reflection Form]
  4. Scaffolding learning about pulleys: [Pulley Summary]







Activity 1: Guided whole-class inquiry: block and tackle; discussion; modeling.

  1. Do pulley lesson with students
    (Simple machines, what are they for?)
    (How can we assess that they decrease effort?)
    (Pulley is a simple machine. Does it decrease effort in all cases?)
  2. [Basic Pulley Configurations 1 and 2].
  3. Explain what has happened.
  4. EXPLAIN, JUSTIFY, and ELABORATE using the whiteboard
  5. Record predictions on transparency.
    • ------------
  6. Reflection
    (What did you think as you were in the experience?)
    (Why [not] would you use the sequence to introduce pulleys in this way?)
    (What are the problems with this type of activity?)
    (Problems with whole-class guided activities?)





Activity 2: Block and tackle (video)

  1. Overview ([Pulleys Curriculum Concept Map])
  2. Observe video from Grade 6-7 featuring whole class discussion
  3. Relate your observation
  4. What do you think went well?
  5. What did not work? Why?





Activity 3: Constructing ??? (Using your tools and materials)

  1. We will conduct this activity the next time






Activity 4: Concept mapping: the curriculum.
(Example: [Pulleys Curriculum Concept Map])
([IRPs Water Grade 4])

  1. Complete concept mapping in groups of three
  2. Scan a map, project it, and discuss concept map solutions
  3. Design activities for whole class interactions
    (I will model one water activity--whole-class interaction--next lesson)









Important links:

[IRPs Science K-7]
[Science Education Associations]
[ AltaVista: Advanced Query] (Searching the net)

