Lesson Outline February 16, 1998

Table of Contents

  1. [Introduction]
  2. [Assignments]: Chapter 8
  3. [Materials and Ideas]: Dawn and Polly's acids;
  4. [Discussion of Readings]: Chapter 8
  5. [Activity 1]: Testing and discussing bridge
  6. [Activity 2]: Michael and Rosy's presentation
  7. [Activity 3]: Discussion of final assignment
  8. [Important links]



  1. Agreed order of presentations
    1. Feb 2: Alisha [Water Resources], Karin [Egg float]
    2. Feb 9: Dawn and Polly [Acids and bases]
    3. Feb 16: Michael, Rosy
    4. Feb 23: Sean, Tara
    5. Mar 2: Glen, Perry








Assignment 1: Read Chapter 8 (Networking humans and non-humans); send your comments and reaction to email list.







Materials and Ideas: (10 minutes)

  1. [Acids and bases]






Discussion: Readings (video) (Group session)

  1. Video: Grades 4-5 Andy, Simon, Tim.
    1. Designing the tower: teacher-students 931105VT2 8:58-9:03
    2. scan forward to see tower grow;
    3. stop in places
  2. Open responses from ED-E445 students to achievement
  3. Discussion assessment: impact of the human and non-human influences.
    1. Material basis for designing (tools, materials, current artifact, individuals, culture, teachers?
    2. Ontology of resources (p. 218ff)?
      1. Interpretive flexibility of materials and rules
      2. Inextricability of thinking and acting
    3. Problem solving (p. 233ff)? (AST VIDEO TAPE)
    4. Designing as context for learning?






Activity 1: Analysis of bridges. VIDEOTAPE

  1. Present your bridge. Test them with everyone present.
  2. What are common features to strong bridges? What are common features in weaker bridges? (10 min)
    • ------------
  3. Reflection
    1. (What did you think as you were in the experience?)
    2. (Why [not] would you use the sequence to introduce pulleys in this way?)
    3. (What are the problems with this type of activity?)
    4. (Problems with whole-class guided activities?)







Activity 2: Presentation of activities by Michael, Rosy. VIDEOTAPE.

  1. Open responses, critique, suggestions for improvement.
  2. Watch videotape of presentation.
  3. Responses, critique, suggestions for improvement.
  4. PRODUCTIVE QUESTIONING STEMS (with class, list more of them)
    1. What can you do to find out . . .?
    2. What happens if . . .?
    3. Are there other ways to . . . ?
  5. Design additional activities around the themes presented by students.













Activity 3:

  1. Discuss final assignment.
  2. Fix grade level, curriculum topic, etc.
  3. Evaluation















Important links:

[IRPs Science K-7]
[Science Education Associations]
[ AltaVista: Advanced Query] (Searching the net)

