01  E:   * yea, leave it there ((G sets velocity))

02  G:   okay, let us not go it too fast

03        ()

04  R:   no thatÕs direction ((G has cursor on Òrun buttonÓ)) make it go

05        ((G clicks run))

06        * o::h, my

07  E:   a little higher

08        ((quack from software))

09  G:   quack

10  R:   * you must reset you canÕt change it while you are in there

11        ((G clicks on the ÒOKÓ button))

12  R:   just see whatÕll happen () when it () run

13  R:   * () oh::

14  G:   OOHH

15  R:   ((object bounces back from left)) it comes back

16  G:   oh, baby



People Action

Software Action


Available to Software

Available to People


01  E:  * yea, leave it there

02  G:  okay, let us not go it too fast

03   ()

04  R:  no thatÕs direction ((G has cursor on Òrun buttonÓ)) okay, go

((G sets velocity arrow))








((hits run button))










((moving object))

((sets parameters consistent with position and length of arrows))






((executes movement according to parameters))

05        * o::h, my

06  E:  a little higher


08  G:  quack




((quack from software))

 ((velocity too large; stops motion; quack noise and panel with info to users))


10  R:  * you must reset you canÕt change it while you are in there


12  R:  just see whatÕll happen () when it () run






((G clicks on the ÒOKÓ button))

((you must reset its initial conditions before making changes))





((running simulation))







((continues same simulation))

13  R:  * () oh::

14  G:  OOHH

15  R:  it comes back

16  G:  oh, baby




((object bounces back from left))