Institutional Relations

Now, the study of this micro-physics presupposes that the power exercised on the body is conceived not as a property, but as a strategy, that its effects of domination are attributed not to "appropriation," but to dispositions, manoeuvres, tactics, techniques, functionings; that one should decipher in it a network of relations, constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess; that one should take as its model a perpetual battle rather than a contract regulating a transaction or the conquest of a territory. (Foucault, 1977, p. 26)

Fragment 1

Victoria, Lucy, Taylor, Kirsty, Prasadi, Indiana

01 V: ((questioning look)) okay (0.72) we TALkd about wHAT is enginEERing lAST week DIdnt we.

02 L: uh HM.

03 V: yE[A? ]

04 S:   [yea];

05    (0.67)

06 V: toh. (.) to refrESH the MEMry of those PEOple who were aWAY:. (1.22)) ´wHAT isn enginEERng; ´WHO are enginEERs.

07    (0.60)

08 T: <<p>wes>

09 V: ´what TYPe of <PEOple>. YES kirsty.

10 K: pi:PL who bUILd stuff and deSIGN stuff.

11    (0.42)

12 V: PI:pl who bUILd stuff and deSIGN stuff; ´BJU:tiful

13 T:    [yea] they=re incredibly good looking.
     [((grin, then facial expression gloss: "oh, here he goes again," gaze upward, slow lid closing ))

14    (0.20)

15 S: .hh <heh> ((others laugh, too))

16 V: <<p, grinning>we did mention they were incredibly good looking.>
  <<laughing> pra(h)sa(.h)di(hh[h)>]

17 P:                              [uh] they got um think of more efficient ways; to do something,

18 V: ooh i like it (0.22) prasadi said that the more efficient ways of doing something. (0.40) efficient meaning?

19    (1.16)

20 P: betta.

21 V: easia:: betta and? (0.43) quicka (0.20) yes: indiana

22 I: they are RICH: ((grimace))

23 V: they are RI[CH:

24 T:            [<<p>they are not that rich>]

25 V: we did [mention           ]
         [((someone laughs))]
  the topic of stereotyping engineers they are not all incredibly good looking and rich. yes ((points))



Foucault, M. (1977). Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. New York, NY: Pantheon.