Data Mining

Group Project - Initial Proposal

When is it due? Friday, September 22nd at 11:59pm.

How many points is it worth? The initial proposal, together with forming a group the following week and deciding on what idea your group would like to pursue, will be worth 4% of your project grade (or 1% of your final grade).

The full instructions are approximately the same as the ones below and can be found in the Assignment on Brightspace.

Even though you all will be forming groups soon, each of you still needs to have your own, unique initial proposal prior to group formation.

The initial proposal should consist of a suitably informative title and either two or three sentences describing your project idea. This is like what you would tell someone if you wanted to get them excited about your project but only had 30 seconds to do so. Think about the whether your proposed idea is suitable as a group project for (approximately) five students, and try and also think about whether it is feasible to get the requisite data for your proposal (if you need to ask the government for data and if that might take 2 months, then it's probably not feasible).

I'll post your initial proposals on Brightspace (viewable by the whole class), along with your name, email address, and whether you are an undergrad or grad student. This will help you all to find good groups.