Data Mining
CSC 503/SENG 474, Spring 2025
Lectures: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 11:30am - 12:20pm, BWC A104
Instructor: Nishant Mehta
Ali Mortazavi (<firstname>themorty@gmail),
Mohamed Mouhajir
Labs: Wednesdays and Thursdays in ELW B215
Nishant's office hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 4pm - 5pm
**Information about the Project**
What this course is about
This course is an introduction to Data Mining/Machine Learning, a sub-field of artificial intelligence that is all about how algorithms can use experience to improve their performance on tasks. This course will introduce you to many foundational machine learning methods and give you both a theoretical grounding as well as ample practical experience in implementing and using these methods on real data.
The objective of this course is to give students a foundation in machine learning, including important problems like classification, regression, clustering, and dimension reduction.
The emphasis will be on understanding the design of various machine learning methods, learning how to use them in practice, and learning principled ways to evaluate their performance.
The (optional) labs will complement the lecture topics by offering practical experience in experimenting with machine learning methods. The assignments will revolve around implementing machine learning algorithms and analyzing their results on data, with most of the emphasis on the analysis. Assignments might also involve some theoretical component (especially for graduate students).
In the schedule below, any information about future lectures is just a rough guide and might change.
Readings are required unless indicated as optional. The lectures supplement the readings, and to do well in this course (and learn machine learning) you should do the readings and attend the lectures. Some readings are marked as optional. In many cases, this is because they are more advanced; you are always welcome to ask the instructor questions about reading material, either via discussion forum (Ed Discussion; see Brightspace for the signup link) or office hours (or email if needed).