Machine Learning Reading Group

The Machine Learning Reading Group is a biweekly reading group for discussing theory-oriented machine learning research papers and topics. Since it's a reading group and not a simply a talk, all attendees should read a session's material in advance so that we can critically discuss core ideas.

Interested in joining MLRG?

Spring 2022
date lead topic
Feb 18 Steve Sample compression schemes for VC classes
Jan 28 Ali Blackwell approachability and no-regret learning are equivalent

Past meetings

Joining MLRG

If you are interested in participating in MLRG, send an email to Ali Mortazavi (<firstname>themorty@gmail) with the subject: "Join MLRG your first name" and include a short academic description of yourself in the body. Once you join, you will be subscribed to the MLRG mailing list which announces the papers to be discussed in future meetings.