





Activity and instruction ­ Part 1 ­ Tag Progression


Activity 1 ­ Tag vs partner



Activity 2 ­ Tag ­ Partners vs partners



Activity 3 ­ Tag ­ Monster tag or sticky popcorn



Modifications… if it seems as though the line becomes too big, when a certain number are linked ex: at 6 the line can split again into two groups of 3 and there can be multiple lines being “it” at the same time


Organization and utilization of space



               Tag vs Parter                                 Tag ­ Partners vs Partners             Monster Tag/Sticky Popcorn                          









x = People                                                       xx = Partners                                   x = People in game

x = People who are it                            xx = People who are it                   xx or xxx etc. = People who are it

Arrows = Running Pattern                   Arrows = Running Pattern                         Arrows = Running Pattern







Management of groups and equipment



Cues and safety…


·         Keep your head up watching out for others

·         Pivot and move quickly on your feet

·         Communicate with your partner

·         Quick movements


Objectives and Learning Domains



All of the above activities give the learner opportunities for advancing cognitive, physical and social skills


Teaching style


Command with some opportunities for perhaps discovery



Activity and instruction ­ Part 2 ­ Tag Progression


Activity 1 ­ Balance dual



Activity 2 ­ Tag ­ Quick feet



Note: students are encouraged to tap the foot of another not to stomp on it


Activity 3 ­ Tag ­ Star Wars or Total Annihilation



Organization and utilization of space





                                                                                                                         x                                              S         



S                                                                                  x

                    S              x             x




       x                 x               x















▲ Cones (Dylithium Crystals)

S = People who are it (Storm Troopers)

x = Players in the game

Arrows = Running Pattern

Square in middle (Safe Zone)


Management of groups and equipment



Cues and safety…


·         Keep your head try to fake out your opponent

·         Anticipate your partners movements

·         Stay low with your knees bent for fast movements and reaction time

·         In the final game work as a team


Objectives and Learning Domains



All of the above activities give the learner opportunities for advancing cognitive, physical and social skills


Teaching style


Command with some opportunities for practice and perhaps discovery, by nature of the activities inclusion style may also be implemented