Warm-up #1                                          Brianne, Natasha, Kristina, Amanda

Beach Volleyball (movement patterns can be used for other activities)

Teaching Styles: Guided Discovery and Practice.


Knee Catch”:  In partners, in a badminton quadrant.  Partner A tosses ball up in the air, lets it bounce, and partner B must catch it in between their knees.   Once caught, B repeats for A to catch.

Modifications: Use hands to steady call in knees or on lap.

                      Use hands only in a bent knee position

Extensions: Catch ball without a bounce

Partner challenging partner – putting ball to space and making        partner move to receive ball.



                                                                  A gets ball and B finds quadrant

                                                                  If any groups of 3 - alternate

                                                                    tossing and catching


                                                                 Skill Cues: Bend Knees, balls of

feet,                                                             feet, get to position first,

                                                                    ready position.



Purpose: To introduce the body position and beginning movements for court play and forearm passing.  Therefore, progressions include tossing and catching while moving around the quadrant to emphasize movement off the ball.  Eventually when off-the-ball movements and on-the-ball tactics are evident in performance, progress to forearm passing.


Learning Domains:

Warm-up #2                                          Brianne, Natasha, Kristina, Amanda

Beach Volleyball Fitness Blast (can be modified for other net/wall games)

Teaching Style:  Command


          5 Point Volleyball Blast: Using a badminton quadrant and/or pylons if there are not enough quadrants for everyone.  Set up in a rectangle with everyone facing the same direction.  There are 5 points:


1.  “Left” is a forearm pass position               

    after smacking floor with both                  Block”                   “Hit”


2. “Right” is the same as #1 but

    opposite side.

3. “Block” 2 arms up jump and land

4.  “Hit”: Hitting motion                                                  Ready”

5.  Ready position in the middle


Skills Cues: face the net                      Left”                       “Right”

            low to the ground, balls of feet,

            head up

The teacher will call out a number and the student will go to that pylon, perform the skill while yelling the command or smacking their hands down, and return to the ready position.  When at the ready position the students will yell, “Ready” to signal that they are ready for the next skill.

Modifications: Decrease the number of skills/number of pylons

                     Slower pace

Extensions: Add more pylons/skills

                   Faster pace

                   More than one skill in a sequence (Left, Block, Ready)


Learning Domains