PE 352: Warm-up Teaching Assignment

Focus/Topic: Track & Field Jumping Events                          Brian, Chris, Hugh and Clayton

              “Four Corners”

Activity Instructions:


The object of the game is for the students who have lined up, to accumulate as many points as possible by running from their start line, across the game quadrant and to the line opposite them.  A point is awarded if this occurs without the student being tagged.

The tagger also accumulate points for the number of people they are able to tag.  For each 2 people tagged, the tagger will receive one point.  

If a student is tagged by one of the pinnied students, he or she must go to the station that matches the colour of the Tagger’s pinnie.  At the station, the student performs one of the posted sets of exercises and then returns to the running game of tag.  Student also receive a point for completing an exercise station.


Organization of Gymnasium Space and Equipment:


1.Section the gymnasium into a large quadrant that spans the borders of the gym walls.

2.At each corner of the quadrant, use pylons to create another smaller quadrant that will be large enough to accommodate the students doing the circuit activities. 

3.Assign each of the four small quadrants a colour.


Teaching Style: Command and Inclusion

Progression Stages: 1.Without scoring.  2. With scoring

Warm-up Formats: Minor Games, General Fitness


Organization of Students:


Eight random students will receive pinnies and become the ‘Taggers’ in a tag-style game.  These pinnies will be of four different colours that correspond to the colours assigned to the corner quadrants in the gym set up.  Two pinnies of each colour will be used.  The remaining students will be divided into two even groups and placed along two opposite outside lines of the large game quadrant (see above) that are adjacent. 


Teaching Instructions:


1.Show class the boundaries of the quadrant  4.Get students to go into pair and number themselves one or two

2.Show location of every station and explain  5.Have one’ s line up on one line and two’s on the other

to students about cue cards                               6.Explain the object of the game and the point system

3.Give out pinnies                                                




Learning Domain Objectives








Students learn and practice spacial awareness


Students practice their form for the skills in station activities


Use numbers with point system


Friendly, personal competition




Taggers work together


All inclusive


Fitness – running


Quick direction changes


Jumping and fast twitch muscles


General activity


PE 352: Warm-up Teaching Assignment

Focus/Topic: Wrestling or any sport which later movement is performed

       “Side Step Tag”

Hugh, Clayton, Brian, Chris

Activity Instructions:


The object of the game is for the students to accumulate as many points as they can by moving laterally around an imaginary wall between two cones.  One point is awarded for every successful tag, which occurs when a player reaches around the cones and makes contact with their partner.

Players will switch rolls from defence to offence and vice versa after a set time period (approximately 2 min).  After each player has played on the offensive, partners will adjust cones accordingly if there was a lop sided score (more than 2 point difference).  The cones are adjusted to create an even playing field among everyone, and can be moved farther apart so there is more time for a player to avoid being tagged.  Game play will repeat.


Organization of Gymnasium Space Students and Equipment:


1.Students get into pairs and number themselves one or two. 

2.Each pair of students will get two cones and proceed to a one quarter section of the badminton court. 

3.Cones should be placed approximately 3-5 feet apart from each other. 

4.Students must face each other at the middle point between the cones.


Teaching Style: Command Style (through verbal instruction), Guided Discovery (through questioning the students on how to play the game better), and Inclusion (by adjusting cones to create an even playing field among everyone).

Progression Stages: 1.Knee slap game  2.Add boundary and lateral movement just mirroring partner movements  3.Add tagging 4. Add point system

Warm-up Formats: Minor Games, Partner, Fitness blast



Teaching Instructions:


1.Get students to go into pair and number themselves one or two

2.Have students being knee slap game                                                      

3.Have students set up cones by your example

4.Demo the lateral movement

5.Ask for teaching points from students and include yours

6.Explain the object of the game and the point system

7.Explain how adjustments can be made




Learning Domain Objectives








Students learn to keep low when moving


Students learn to fake out opponent


Students apply lateral movement skill of wrestling to a game


Can be adjusted to accommodate different levels of skill




All inclusive


Fitness – lateral movement


Fast feet


Fast changes of direction


General activity