



Warm-up Activities


Activity # 1 ­ Bean Bag Tag


Sport: This game could be used for track and field, fitness and conditioning and any minor games unit.

Format: Minor games.

Teaching Style: Begins with command and then progresses to practice.

Purpose: To increase core temperature, reduce chances of injury, work on dodging, fleeing and anticipation skills.


Learning Objectives:

Cognitive: Requires the students to watch for designated taggers, anticipate where they are going to go and make appropriate decisions.

Affective: Inclusion (non-elimination), good interaction in small groups.

Psychomotor: warms up the cardiovascular system of the body for further activities that day.


Equipment ­ 8 bean bags

Space used ­ each group plays on one half of a volleyball court


Organization ­ during the instructions of the game, playing cards will be handed out to the students.  There will be 7-8 cards of each suit depending how many students are present that day.  The students will then go to the half of the court that corresponds with the suit of the card that they were given.  The people who draw the aces in each suit will then collect all of the cards in their suit and return them to the teacher. When the game starts the students who drew the aces will also begin being “it.”  The students who are given the two’s will go and get two beanbags.



- one person begins being “it”

- two people begin with bean bags

- the people who have the bean bags cannot be tagged by the person/people who are “it,”

- the people with the bean bags must pass the bean bags to a person who is about to be    tagged or in danger of being tagged

- once a student is tagged they also become “it”

- bean bags must be tossed underhand







- keep head up

- be aware of people around you, especially of the taggers

- push off of the outside foot to change direction

- stay low



- plus or minus number of bean bags

- increase/decrease number of people who are “it”

- change size of playing area



Activity # 2 ­ Frozen Tag


Sport: This game could be used for track and field, fitness and conditioning and any minor games unit.

Format: Minor Games

Teaching Style: Begins with command and then progresses to practice.

Purpose: To increase core temperature, reduce chances of injury, work on dodging, fleeing and anticipation skills as well as including individual tasks.


Learning Objectives: 

Cognitive:  Students must make appropriate decisions as to where they should move in space to avoid tagger’s.

Affective:  Inclusion, interaction with a larger group.

Psychomotor: warms up the cardiovascular system of the body for further activities that day.


Equipment ­ 4 bean bags

Space used ­ two halves of a basketball court


Organization ­ Groups of 7 or 8 will join with the suit that is the same colour as theirs (ie. clubs join spades and hearts join diamonds) to form groups of 15 or 16.  This will make two groups that will each play on one half of the basketball court.



- one person begins being “it”

- everyone can move freely within their half of the court

- two people begin with bean bags, these people cannot be tagged

- if a person is tagged they must stop and do some type of exercise on the spot (ie. jumping jacks, hopping on one foot, burpies, etc)

- the people with the bean bags must then move to the people who have been tagged and give them the bean bag.  The person who was tagged is then free and the person who gave them the bean bag can be tagged.

- bean bags must be tossed underhand



- keep head up

- be aware of people around you, especially of the taggers

- push off of the outside foot to change direction

- stay low




- increase/decrease size of playing area

- add more bean bags

- increase number of people who are “it”

- add points so that each person keeps track of how many times they free someone who had been tagged

- vary activity done when the students are tagged